Chapter 21

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The Farmer's Milk Maid

Chapter 21


True to their word they each wrote faithfully. In fact the day Ruth sent off her first letter she received one. Adam must have written a few days after she left. He opened saying he hoped that she and the kids arrived home safely. He wanted her to write as soon as she could so his mind would be at ease. He told her that Amy had gladly taken on the task of exercising Bathsheba and she kept her groomed and fed as well. She would be in good condition when Ruth got back. He himself was preparing for the hard work ahead and wanted to get a letter off before he was swamped. He really missed her and was counting the days until he could see her again. He closed saying everyone sent their love to her and her family. He signed it; "Always Yours, Adam"

Adam watched the mail closely, eager for news from Ruth that all was well. He was worried because she should have gotten his letter by now but he hadn't heard a thing from her yet. It was ironic that her letter arrived the day he had to go to town for supplies. His mother had it waiting by his plate on the dinner table. Everyone watched as he picked it up and began to read it. As he was reading it many expressions crossed his face. First, one of relief, then, joy at finally hearing from her, finally to settle into a smile as he read what she had to say. While he was reading Amy kept hounding him wanting to know what she had to say and if she mentioned what Jacob and Jasmine were doing. He finally decided that if he was going to get the letter read he may as well read it out loud. It was a long letter telling him how the trip went and what she and her family were doing. In closing she asked about everyone and sent her love. Then she signed it; "Missing You, With Love, Ruth" She had added a post script sending a special hello to Amy from the twins and that they would be writing to her soon.

At first the letters came frequently. But soon Adam and Ruth were immersed in their work. Time seemed to fly by for the both of them. They were each busy because it was harvest time. Hay and silage needed to be put up as well as the daily routine that goes with any farm.

At the Worthington's everyone helped to can and put up the garden produce Ruth's parents had grown over the summer. All too soon the kids went back to school so that left Ruth and her father, who had come out of retirement, shorthanded because they couldn't afford help like Adam. She didn't mind though because it kept her from dwelling on him over much. Pretty much the same thing was taking place at the Arlington's.

In the beginning both Adam and Ruth were secure in the knowledge of their love for one another. However, Ruth started to worry because Amy had written to Jasmine that Delilah was managing to spend a lot of time there, especially in the evening when Adam was in from the fields. She always had something she needed to talk to him about and managed to drag him off to talk in private. Ruth hoped Adam realized what she was up to. Adam also became worried. Ruth mentioned her neighbor, Mr. Lassiter, several times in her letters. He seemed to be around to help her quite a bit. Normally Adam wouldn't think anything of it but he couldn't help but suspect his motive because he himself had to deal with Delilah. He wasn't ignorant as to what she was up to. Could Mr. Lassiter be up to the same thing with Ruth? Each one kept the words of 1 Corinthians 13:4 in their mind, "love is not jealous", in an effort to combat it but it was difficult since they were so far apart.

Finally the bulk of the work was finished. Winter was setting in and there wasn't a lot for Adam to do on the farm because the Holmbee family had proved to be excellent help. Delilah was making a pest of herself so he decided that he was going to go visit Ruth. He wanted to surprise her so he asked his mother to send a letter to Ruth's parents asking if it would be convenient for he and Amy to visit for a couple of weeks. Amy would have a couple of weeks' vacation coming up and wanted to come along. Natalie's reply came back quickly telling Beth that Adam and Amy would be more than welcome and that they would keep his secret. Natalie said she and Joshua were looking forward to seeing the two and asked when they could be expected.

At The Worthington's

The evening Adam and Amy arrived the two were disappointed that Ruth and the twins were not in yet. Natalie told them since it was exceptionally cold they were having trouble keeping the electric milkers from freezing up. She told them that they had a space heater but it just wasn't enough. Adam told Joshua that he wanted to go to the dairy barn and surprise her and asked if he would tell him how to get there.

As Adam made his way to the dairy barn he looked around. The Worthington farm was bigger than he expected and well maintained. The directions Joshua gave him were easy to follow and in no time he found himself outside the dairy barn. He didn't get a chance to go in however because he could hear Ruth's voice around the corner fussing at one of the cows because she wouldn't go in.

Ruth was saying; "Come on Hamburger, get in there! We're almost done and I'm freezing. Come on, get!!"

Adam had brought two of the pups, which he had trained, for Jacob and Jasmine. They were their particular favorites and had grown into beautiful dogs. On hearing Ruth's dilemma he set them free and signaled for them to go put the cow in. Ruth wasn't expecting the critters that came out of nowhere and being startled slid on the slippery surface and fell face down in the muck left by the cows. This was not the way Adam intended their reunion. Feeling sorry for her he walked over, reached down, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her up. To ease her embarrassment he asked; "What is this, a new facial or something?"

At the sight of the man who was holding her Ruth totally forgot her muck covered self and threw her arms around him with a squeal. "Adam!" She yelled, "When did you get here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Oh, I'm so glad to see you!" Then remembering her dirty appearance, she pulled away and wiping at him said; "It seems I make a habit of ending up this way when you are around. Now I've gone and ruined your coat."

Adam took her hands in his because all she was doing was making things worse and led her back into the barn. On entering any discussion was delayed because the twins, on seeing him, were just as excited by his surprise visit as Ruth was. He had to answer all their questions before the trio would settle down and finish their work. He didn't tell them about Amy though. While the twins finished the last two cows he pulled Ruth over to the sink and took a towel and some soap and proceeded to clean her face. When it was done to his satisfaction he pulled her into his arms and planted a big kiss on her lips. It was as if they had never been apart.

They finished cleaning up and got everything ready for the next morning.

As they were preparing to leave Adam told the twins; "I have a surprise for you and it's sitting outside the door."

The two looked at each other and in unison asked; "What is it?"

"Go out and see." Adam replied.

They rushed out eagerly and found Jake and Dolly sitting outside patiently waiting for them.

"It's Jake and Dolly, come look Ruth, he's brought Jake and Dolly."

"Don't I know it? That's how I ended up with this muck all over me. Adam let them loose to run Hamburger in and I wasn't expecting them. They startled me and I slipped in the muck." Ruth looked toward Adam and said; "I assume you asked my parents about the dogs and that they said yes. The twins are going to get to keep them?"

"Yes, of course they get to keep them. I asked your parents when I wrote to ask permission to make this visit. I wouldn't have brought them otherwise. I know how much they love them. I explained to them how Jacob and Jasmine got used to having the dogs to help bring the cows in and that I had a couple that they had worked with and wanted to bring them and give them to them. They said that was fine. If I have your dad figured correctly he probably has a place fixed for them already."

Jacob said; "So that's why Dad had us fix up that room at the end of the stables. I wondered what he was going to put in it."

Jacob and Jasmine thanked Adam and took off to the stables to show the dogs their new home. It was heated so that they would be comfortable and their water wouldn't freeze and a straw bed was in one corner. Adam and Ruth followed at a slower pace talking and catching up on things. Everything was right with their world.

After the dogs were settled they all walked up to the house. They entered through the mud room at the back so that they could shed their outer wear and wash up in the utility sink. Their parents came through the door off the kitchen as they were cleaning up and on seeing Ruth and Adam's disheveled appearance demanded to know what had happened. When they heard the story they couldn't help but laugh. Then they told Ruth and the twins to go on up to their rooms to change and then come down because they had fixed a light supper for everyone. Her dad would show Adam his room, which was at the back of the house on the lower floor. Then Natalie excused herself and went back into the kitchen closing the door behind her. Joshua told Adam that his things were already in his room and they followed the others out the other door which led to the main part of the house. He also showed Adam the bathroom as they passed it on the way to his room. Then he excused himself and said that they would all meet in the living room when everyone was done.

When everyone met in the living room they found trays, bowls, plates, silverware, and napkins ready for a light supper. They were ready to take their seats when Natalie came through from the kitchen with a tureen of soup. She set it on a trivet which was already on the table then she turned toward the kitchen and called out; "You can bring in the sandwiches now."

Ruth and the twins looked at one another puzzled about who their mother could be talking to. Everyone was already in the room. Then, to their surprise, Amy came walking through the door bearing a tray of sandwiches. Natalie quickly grabbed the sandwiches to keep them from hitting the floor as the twins rushed to her and engulfed her in a big bear hug. Ruth came up behind them much slower and added her welcome managing to give Amy a hug as well. Then she gently maneuvered them on into the room so that they could all sit down and eat. Ruth was thinking to herself, that her Adam was full of surprises. Life with him wouldn't be dull.

There was a lot of excited chatter between bites as the twins demanded to know why Amy didn't let them know that she was coming. Then they wanted to know about Ezra and everyone else back home and how she was doing in school, what were her teachers like, and what classes was she taking? Ruth was content to sit by Adam listening and eating. She was happy to have him there with her. She thought that she wouldn't see him for at least eight more months.

Before long it was time to clean up and go to bed. Everyone pitched in so it didn't take long. Jasmine and Amy were the first to go. Amy would be bunking with Jasmine but her things were in Adam's room so as not to spoil the surprise. Jacob offered to carry them for her so he went to get them and then after dropping them off went to his room. Adam and Ruth were loath to part but realized that they needed to. Ruth told Adam that milking came early so she had better go. He gave her a light kiss because her parents were watching, whispered: "I love you" and left to go to bed. Ruth walked dreamily up the stairs, a smile on her lips. Joshua and Natalie were the last to retire to their room. It wasn't that they didn't trust the young couple. However, they realized that Adam and Ruth's emotions were running high from their long separation and didn't want to leave anything to chance.


Author's Note: Well, our couple are back together. It seems like everything will be all right. Or will it? Happy reading, Tigger

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