The Farmer's Milk Maid
Chapter 1
It is 1960.
Meet Ruth Worthington. She has twin siblings, Jacob and Jasmine. She is twenty years old and the twins are seventeen. They live with their parents, Joshua and Natalie, on their family farm. Her mom and dad have a mortgage on it but because it's not paying for itself they may lose it. They aren't able to do hard work anymore so Ruth has been doing the bulk of the work and it is just too much for one person. The twins haven't been able to help out a lot because they are still in school and her mom and dad don't want them to drop out to work the farm or get jobs. They talked about it and since she is no longer in school they decided that she would be the logical one to look for a job to help pay it off. A neighbor has wanted to buy the farm for a long time but the family didn't want to sell it. He agreed to lease it. The Worthington family would get a very small percentage of what it brought in. That would help toward paying off the mortgage.
Ruth went to town to look for papers with job notices in the field of farming because that is all she knows. They have many large farms around their area and was hoping someone would need full time help. She found several adds and immediately sent a reply along with a resume to each one.
Meet Adam Arlington. His parents are Zachary and Bethany. There are four children in all. He's the oldest, and then comes Benjamin, Caleb and the youngest is their sister Amy who they call the baby, which she hates.
Adam's mom and dad want to retire from the farm but hate to leave him in the lurch because he has no help. Neither Benjamin nor Caleb wanted to be farmers after High School. Benjamin went to school and became a lawyer and Caleb opened his own barber shop. They both live in town. Caleb's shop has a room in the back that he lives in and Benjamin has an apartment over his office. Amy is still in School and has a couple of years left before she graduates so she doesn't have a lot of time to help him. He talked it over with his parents and they decided to advertise in the local paper for help. The ad read as written:
Wanted: Full time employee, able to milk cows and have general farming skills. Room and board included. Reply by letter to address below.
Adam received only one letter answering his ad. The letter read as follows:
Mr. Arlington,
I am writing you about your ad. I am currently unemployed so I am available immediately. I have enclosed a resume of my work history. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
R. Worthington
Though it sounded good Adam waited to get a few more replies before making his decision, but none ever came. He and his parents decided to interview Mr. Worthington. Adam sent a letter off specifying the date and time for an interview. He hoped that Mr. Worthington hadn't got a job already and would reply soon.
It had been a couple of weeks after Ruth sent off all her replies to the ads in the paper and she hadn't got any response to them. She was starting to get worried but finally received a letter in the mail asking her to come for an interview. She immediately sent off a reply telling Mr. Arlington that she would be there.
Author's Note: I hope everyone will like my new story. I wanted to try something new. It's a totally different time and way of living. It is going to be my first past time book.
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