"Shinrai have you always been bullied?" I looked down at my hands and felt Kimberley's intense stare.
"Yes." I said quietly.
"Why do they pick on you? If you don't mind me asking."
"Um, where do I start? Well I actually don't know they just started picking on me. It could be my high grades, my sporting ability, my parents abandoning me or because I am weird?"
"Ok, that is still no reason to bully you." I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Anyway, do you want to come over to my house today?"
"You can walk with me, thats if you don't have a car."
"I don't have a car so I can walk."
I am sorry for the awful chapter I had writers block. Sorry for not posting for ages, my life has been a little crazy.
Follow and read FeyreAelin 's books please.
Keep reading and enjoy life!
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