Rupert's P.O.V
I found Shinrai sleeping in the library, she looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up. But unfortunately I had to wake the beautiful girl. I gently pushed and rubbed her arm and whispered for her to wake up.
When she woke up I helped her up and then she bolted. Shinrai was as white as a ghost. Fuck! I hoped Shinrai was alright.
Shinrai's P.O.V
I didn't want to seem or come across as mean but I had to get out of school quickly. I needed to warn my fantasy friends. I ran home, and even though I am a nerd I play soccer really well, so I can run really fast. Everyone envies me because of my skill and high grades in my other subjects. Now you are probably wondering why I had to get home so quickly, well you will find out as soon as I get home and leave.
As I turned into my street I heard footsteps close behind me. I stopped and turned around so quickly I got dizzy. Suddenly everything was closing in on me, I was falling, everything turned black.
I never got to see who caught me. And I don't know why I fainted because I don't think it was because of me turning quickly. I think it was because of the stress.
Rupert's P.O.V
I ran out of the library as quickly as I could. Gosh she was so fast, but then again I should expect that because she was the top soccer player and the fastest runner in the school. She turned into a street I had never been in before, but I still followed her.
Shinrai must have heard me because she stopped and turned around quickly. She, of course, still looked pale. She started falling and my first instinct was to catch her, so I did. Shinrai had stopped outside what looked like an apartment block. I went up to the reception and asked if they have seen this girl before. They said yes and I told them what happened, they gave me the key to her room.
Her apartment was small but beautiful. It smelt like her and I love the scent. It had purple walls and white walls, but no photos. There was only one bedroom but there was no other bedroom, I was very curious and concerned to why this was but I knew I shouldn't ask Shinrai until she was better.
As this thought crossed my mind Shinrai started to stir. I gently set her down on her bed and went into her small kitchen to get her some water, but before I gave Shinrai her water I started cooking dinner. I put her water on her side table. Shinrai was starting to be more alert so I sat on her bed. An ear piercing scream traveled into my ears and suddenly I was knocked out cold.
Hoped you liked Rupert's point of view. Please vote and read my friends book FeyreAelin and check out my sisters books 14Dom14 . I am sorry for the bad chapters, by the way these chapters aren't edited. Thanks for reading.
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