Trains Derailed

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We all got in the cramped elevator again. Izzat and Emmy has gotten really close to each other since that moment when he picked her up and fell into the pool together. Izzat has staring ahead while she gave secret glances at him. I squeeze Finn's to get his attention. He looks at me motioning to them, a smile growing on his face.

"It's only 4:30. Izzat and Emmy, are you free at 5:00 for a walk in the park?" Finn randomly asks them. What is he doing?

"Um-yeah. I have nothing going on." Izzat answers and Emmy nods her head in agreement.

"Great! Well, I'm busy with Millie. You guys have fun."

Izzat's and Emmy's faces dropped when he said that. Cheeky motherfucker.... I love him. We all laugh at their reaction and Finn's trick getting them together. Emmy's face flushed and looked the other direction. I could see her discomfort and, apparently, Izzat did too because he casually slips his hand into hers. She's still looking the other direction but her shoulder slackens.

That all happened in one elevator ride. The van was already waiting for us at the front entrance, parked there with the engine on, like it was ready to go. We all went inside, Finn to my right but this time, Caleb to my left. Izzat and Emmy were now sitting in the middle row together, hands still intertwined. One by one, the driver dropped us off at our destinations. The supposed couple looked so down when Emmy had to go. But when she was about to go in her hotel, her mouth was wide open like she was screaming or laughing.

Finn decided to go to his condo later on, so he got dropped off with us. We went to our rooms in silence until we reached the hallway.

"I'm going to get dressed properly for Emmy." he says to us in the hallway.

"So it's a date?" I question him. I just want to confirm my suspicions.

"No, its not- Do you know what? Fuck it. Yes, I'm going to go on a date with Emmy Gravelly, one of the most beautiful girls my eyes laid upon!" he says with pride in his voice. My heart melts at his bravery to just say that in front of us, something I would never do to anyone, even to him.

"I'm proud of you, man. Have fun." Finn says to him. He smiles back to him.

"Thanks, you too. Don't go too far." he smirks at us while slowly walking into his room, finger-gunning at us as well.

Blush crept upon my cheeks at his comment. Don't go too far? Does he think we will do....other stuff? I look at Finn's face to see he was blushing too. I shake my head and drag him into my room, pulling his hand forcefully. Once he closed the door, I smashed my lips into his, surprising him but he did not retract. The sparks always surprised me for some reason, like every time we kiss, it gets incredibly more powerful. He puts his hands on my waist and pushes me gently against the wall. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my hands in his hair, tugging it lightly. He groans in the kiss every time I tug his hair, making me giggle lightly. All this time, our lips never parted or moved even a millimeter away from each other. Or like Finn would say, a Millie-meter. After about 5 minutes of this, he gets out of the kiss to catch his breath.

"Wait. What about Izzat saying that we shouldn't-" I cut him short by putting my finger to his lips.

"So what? Now he's my mom? He's probably doing that with Emmy right now." he rolls his eyes at me.

"How about your actual mom?" he deadpans.

"Then let's be a little quick." I lean in again and kiss him again. We went for it for about a minute before I had an idea. I push him off me gently.

"Wait, I got an idea." I lead him to my bed and tell him to sit down. Then, gently, I sit on his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist. We continued where we left off, his hands at my waist, my arms around his neck and hands in his hair. Our lips were in sync, the kiss passionate yet gentle. I felt his tongue going around the rim of my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. I parted my lips slightly and he immediately snaked his tongue into my mouth. My heart beat immediately quickened when he did that, much faster than before. Our tongues now danced around each other, fighting for dominance. He retracted his tongue but was still kissing me. He slowly made a slow path from my lips to the line of my jaw. It made me a little ticklish but also gave a satisfying pleasure. His lips felt wet against my jaw, giving little kisses all over. He then moved slowly further down, to my neck. I groan when he started to suck it lightly, giving me an uncontrollable feeling inside me but my senses got back to me.

"Finn, stop." I push his head off me.

"What?" he looked a little disappointed.

"I think Izzat was right. We can't go too far. I-Is there a mark?" I point at my neck. He looks around it for a little.

"Nope. You're clean." I breath out a sigh of relief. I lean again so close to him but we don't kiss. Our foreheads and noses were touching, lips an inch away from each other. I was still sitting on his lap, legs wrapped around his waist.

"I love you, Finn Wolfhard, with all of my heart." I realize after that it sounded so cliche.

"You're wrong." he leans his head back. I was shocked. What did he mean? Does he think I don't love him? Panic starts to grow in my body.

"W-what? W-why would you say that?" Tears start to form in my eyes.

"Because you can't feel emotions in your heart, you feel it in your brain. The only job the heart does is to pump blood. When you feel strong emotions, your heart pumps blood faster. So technically, you love me with all of your brain." he smirks at my dumbfounded expression. That is something Izzat would say.

I start to get mad and punch him in the arm.

"Ow. Don't get mad. I'm just telling the truth." I punch him several more times before I hug him tightly. I don't know why, but I start to cry.

"Hey, don't cry. It was just a joke. I didn't mean to hurt you." he gives a small peck on my lips. I sniffle a little before I wipe my tears and regain myself.

"Now get off me. You're heavy." I roll my eyes at him while he grins. I get off him and slip my hand into his.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll just play with my phone." And that's what we did. He was playing Clash Of Clans while I went on Instagram. Now I had over 2k followers on Instagram. Finn leans over to look at my phone.

"You're welcome. I made you famous." I roll my eyes at his comment.

I got super bored and went to some meme account. Some of them made me actually laugh so hard, my stomach started to hurt.

I notice Finn stopped playing his game and he was texting someone. I ask who he's texting.

"I don't know. It has an unknown ID number." he answers me.

I resume to watching funny videos, making my abdomen a little sore for laughing so much. I notice it was very quiet other than my laughter. I look over at Finn and he had a hard expression on his face.

"Finn? What's wrong?" I ask with concern.

"I don't know. You tell me." he says through clenched teeth. He shoves his phone in my face for me to see. My heart dropped to my feet when I see the name.

Private Chat with Annox:

Annox: Hello... Finn.

FinnieBoi: Uh... who are you?

Annox: I am your savior.

FinnieBoi: What's that suppose to mean?

Annox: Your obliviousness really surprises me.

FinnieBoi: Okay, what do you want?

Annox: I want you to know.

FinnieBoi: Know what?

Annox: This.

And there, clipped to the text, was a picture of Izzat and me kissing on my bed. I could not process my thoughts. How did they get that picture? It looked like it was taken from my window. Wait! That stalker guy from the other day. Izzat was right. We are in serious trouble.

"Millie, please tell me that picture is fake." he wasn't looking at me, his face mixed between sadness and anger. I didn't know how to answer him but before I could open my mouth, the door burst open. It was Izzat.

"Guys! She kissed me! She kissed me before I left! On the lips!" he looked so giddy, so happy in this moment. Finn got up to him and stood very close to him.

"Dude? Are you oka-" Finn grabbed him by his collar and swung him against the wall, rattling every bone in my body.

"Did you kiss Millie too?" Finn sneers in his face. Fear starts to grow in Izzat's face.

"Dude, calm down. Let's just have a nice talk and-" Finn headbutted him hard.

"I saw the picture! Don't try to convince me shit!" Finn shouted  at his face. Izzat looked dazed from the headbutt but he shook his head.

"This is just a misunderstanding, okay?" Izzat tries to persuade him in a calmly matter.

I couldn't do anything. I was frozen in shock. Finn leaned in real close to his face, sneering.

"Cut the bullshit. I never trusted you from the beginning. I knew something was up with you and Millie. You will pay for that." he punched him straight in Izzat's stomach.

Izzat groans in pain only to be cut off by Finn slamming his head into the wall a couple times before throwing him to the ground. Finn sits on top of him and started to pummel him to the ground, at his face, his chest. After that, he stands up and presses his foot on Izzat's leg. Izzat howled in pain, not even trying to fight back. I still couldn't do anything. My mind was blank on what to do. My boyfriend was beating up my best friend. I was the most scared in my life. Finn kicks his whole body, his arms, his ribs. Finn finally stopped, panting heavily.

"If you ever get near her again, I will kill you." Finn said with all seriousness. Although his current condition, Izzat stands up shaking and walked to the door. He was holding his ribs and his limp got even more worse. Before he closed the door, he looked at Finn with sad, disappointed eyes.

"You cannot hurt what cannot feel." he says and shuts the door.

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