The Fallen II

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Welp, here we are, once again into the breach. I did not expect the glowing reviews of the One-Shot or the clamoring of more but I will admit I like the ideas I'm rolling out and I do enjoy Emiya Alter as a concept and what could be done with him in a good story. Admittedly it is more of an Emiya Alter Lily but still. I will give some info on how this series will go after you read through part two and hopefully, it will interest you. Anyway, I hope this is just as good if not better than the first in the eyes of those who consume it.



-Two Weeks Later-

Evernight Castle was a large crystalline spire smack dab in the middle of the once domain of the God of Darkness, now it is the Grimm Witch Salem's domain. The castle wasn't really made like most and instead carved out of the huge crystalline structure that grew within the God of Darknesses previous domain.

Now Salem stood in her throne room off to the side of said throne, looking out the window and gazing at the Grimm-infested land. She wasn't alone, however, which wasn't usually the case anyway but she had sent all her knights and servants out of the room but the four others who she told to stay.

The closest two were a member of her inner circle, Hazel Reinhart, and a lower brother of the cult, Tyrian Callows. One stood stoically, waiting for her to speak while the other was bowing on the floor and shaking. She could understand why, she was the head of his belief and there was a very good chance in his mind that she would kill him.

She wasn't sure if she would, it would depend on the continuation of their report.

"The Silver-Eyed Warrior," her smooth low voice began, "was said to be dead."

She turned to look at the two, Hazel stood tall ready for whatever she would say, Tyrian was shaking like a leaf but did not look up to her. She supposed he was ashamed of himself and averted his eyes as he believed he didn't have a right to look upon her.

"Why is it that this has been proven false? Speak, Hazel."

"Yes, ma'am," Hazel spoke, his voice deep and baritone, "Tyrian and myself arrived in Vale as you commanded. We encountered the woman and attacked her, It was arduous admittedly but she couldn't deal with both of us and eventually, Tyrian used his semblance and slashed at her eyes making her fall backward down a hill, he did take a pot shot at her as she fell but I wasn't sure what he hit. I believed that she would die as the area was pretty far from Vale so I decided it was best to leave."

Salem stared at Hazel as she thought. It made sense, an aura-less woman with slashed eyes and a beaten body falling down a hill into an isolated part of the woods, you'd most likely find the woman dead by morning.

"But someone did find her," Salem says pointedly, cutting directly to the point. Tyrian flinches as if struck by the very words but otherwise stays bowed.

"Yes, I had miscalculated," Hazel admits rather easily. Something she had come to appreciate about the large man. He didn't let his ego speak for him.

Salem's attention went to one of the other people in the room. A lanky man with tanned skin and short black with a fantastic, in his own 'humble' opinion, with a black and gold coat and with a burgundy waistcoat over a yellow shirt and loose tie.

"Arthur," Salem said, getting the man's attention, "When you tapped into the hospital network did it tell you the Silver-Eyed Warrior's condition? Specifically her eyes."

Arthur hummed and brought his hand out, his rings glowing blue before a screen projected out, "Fractured and broken ribs, severe lacerations, a deep gash in her arm believed to have been a branch from her little...tumble and a deep gash which cut into her eyes rendering them utterly useless." Arthur recounted these with a sense of levity.

Through it all the fourth person looked on in interest. A girl with silky black hair and amber eyes dressed in a white robe with a red sash across her waist.

"Is there any chance of her recovering? If she were to become an active huntress once more it'd still keep a piece on the board, even if it's no longer a knight piece."

"Hmph, she may be capable of doing field work again but even with prosthetics she'd never be capable of what she once could. Even the most advanced optics of Atlas have their issues, the top-of-the-line models can't even replicate color but that has more to do with the connection to the brain than anything else."

Salem nodded at the information and then looked to Hazel and Tyrian again, "Tyrian Callows, please raise your head," hesitantly the scorpion faunus looked up into Salem's red eyes, "You may have failed to kill the woman, however, you have succeeded in crippling Ozma's best piece against the Grimm. You have done well but in the future do try to finish the target."

"O-of course my Mistress!" A mad glee had arisen in the follower's eye, "In fact, I'll personally see to it that my previous mission is fulfilled! I'll head to Vale and tear out the vile woman's heart!"

Salem smiled, "As entertaining as that would be it is better that we not do that. Ozma will be on guard, far more than in the last few years. Time and peace have dulled Ozma's sense of danger and while this will make him weary he won't be prepared for what will happen within the next decade."

Salem noted the hint of disappointment on Tyrian's face which turned into a small pout. It seemed he was no longer worried about having disappointed her.

"But not to worry, Tyrian, I do have a need for you within Vacuo. It seems our chapter there has been having...dissent within the follower's ranks I'd like you and a few knights to head over and deal with it." And like that, the mad faunus jumped up with a gleeful smile.

"Yes, Mistress! I will vanquish their doubts of your greatness and purge any heretics within our midst!" Tyrian bolted from the room with religious zeal.

Salem smiled. Tyrian was probably her most devout follower rivaling even the oldest of her flock. It helped that he was a delusional psychotic and just a generally disturbed young man. The Mantel Chapter had done a fine job with his recruitment.

"Hazel, you may leave but never let this happen again. Just as I told Tyrian learn from this and always finish the job." Hazel nodded and left without another word.

Now that both the Tyrian and Hazel problem was situated, Salem directed her attention to Arthur and Cinder.

"Arthur, how goes the search for the Maidens for young Cinder?" At Salem's inquiry, Cinder perked up while Arthur frowned.

"Unfortunately, it's not going as well as I'd hoped," Arthur began, "I believed I had a trail on the Summer Maiden but she disappeared in the Vacuo wastes, I'm sure you know how treacherous the wastes are so I've abandoned my search for that one. I'm aware of the Winter Maiden's location but she's quite literally behind an army of Huntsman, Huntresses, and well-trained soldiers. The Spring Maiden disappeared from Mistral and I'm unsure if even Ozpin knows where she went."

Salem could feel the frustration from Arthur's tone and she could understand, if there was one thing Salem could still compliment her old husband on it was his capability of keeping the Maidens out of public records and the public eye. It frustrated her that he could keep them out of her hands as well but that doesn't mean he hasn't failed to do so before. The previous Winter Maiden was a lamb in her flock after all. It truly was a shame she was run through by Ozma in his time as the King of Vale.

"The Fall Maiden, however, is probably our best target," Arthur said, his mouth finally curling into a smirk instead of the frown he had, "From what I was able to find before it was struck from the network the Fall Maiden was found a few months back. She's a teenager and most likely confined to Beacon so for now is also out of our reach."

Cinder looked frustrated by the turn of events and voiced her thoughts, "Why is it taking so long to get one for me?"

Arthur looked to the girl, "Because, unlike most operators from this castle, I am the only one who is even familiar with the technology of this degree. It also wouldn't matter if I found one for you within the week as you are not ready for the battle to accomplish your destiny."

Cinder scowled and opened her mouth to speak but Salem wasn't having it.

"Bickering with each other is pointless," Salem said, her voice cutting off any further argument, "Arthur, you have done a fine job on tracking the Maidens and I will look into getting some assistance on more technical problems," Arthur nodded, "and Cinder, head to the training hall for your instructions."

Cinder obediently nodded and left through the same door Hazel and Tyrian had gone through.

Only Arthur and Salem remained in the throne room, "Mistress, do you wish for me to find the person who found the Silver-Eyed Warrior."

Salem looked thoughtfully at the ceiling, "No, they are not important. We have far more important plans to accomplish than killing a random samaritan."


-A Few Days Later-

A corpse was nothing new to Emiya, in any fashion. He came across them on his travels, and his crusades, he even made corpses out of the men and women who stood in his way. That being said it'd been a long time since he'd found one that wasn't of his own doing. Especially with their arms and legs strapped to a table and chest carved open with their heart lying within their own hand.

Passing through the streets of Vale he'd gotten a whiff of a blood smell coming from the building next to him. He'd promptly lept up the fire escape until the smell became stronger and he'd discovered the body within an unkempt apartment.

Maybe this was his chance to actually start something in this world. For weeks he'd been wandering Vale, with no clue as to the plan of his new goal. He was lost, drifting through the streets of this place until something happened.

Emiya wasn't positive but maybe this was the beginning of something for him. To fulfill the promise he made his first night here.

His molten gold eyes stared down at the corpse placed on the coffee table that most likely belonged to this man. His eyes caught a plate that was discarded onto the floor along with the silverware and half-eaten food.

A knife was amongst them as well.

A glance and a copy of the knife found itself in his inner world. Its history was now laid out for him, but he was only interested in the owner now dead on the floor.

The victim's name was Gale Blugent; severe anxiety issues so he worked from home on the Vale CCT network. Thirty-two years old and a talented programmer. Was eating nearly twelve hours before. Put down the knife to answer the door.

And that was it, he could put everything else together.

The victim was eating dinner around 7:28 PM last night.

He glanced at the body and then to the TV which was paused with a lack of user activity warning on it.

A knock at the door made the victim stand and walk over to answer. He opened the door and the assailant broke the chain lock.

He was crouched down holding the broken chain in his hand and looking at the now-closed door.

The victim is subdued and then has their chest carved open, suggesting this was ritualistic in nature.

'Ritualistic'. The same word that drew him into investigating the Sex Cult...he shook his head. This wasn't the same, the victim of the cult was drained of her sexual fluids and found shriveled as if the life force within her was taken.

His body shuddered in disgust at the memory, and where that memory took him to-


A man fell dead as the bullet dug itself into the monk's head. Another rushed him with a knife attempting to stab him.



He deflected the monk's knife and slashed Bakuya through their neck-

He breathed in gathering his thoughts, and the feelings from his leaking heart, and exhaled temporarily patching the leak and allowing himself to steel his mind for the current objective. His emotions were interfering, and while it wasn't a permanent fix he didn't need it to be.

Didn't want it to be.

He just needed to focus.

A large hole in the victim's chest suggests they used a serrated knife or saw to get to his heart. The ribcage is also cut but there's something else...

He looked closer at the hole, the smell being ignored, and caught a small glimpse of something where the heart should be. The attackers had replaced the man's heart with an object of some kind. He focused his senses on it but couldn't sense anything untoward. He reached for the object, his hand squeezing past the blood and viscera. His fingers wrapped around the object and pulled it from its resting spot.

It was a stone.

The stone was covered in blood, some of it still dripping from his hand as he held it. He noticed a depression on the stone, most likely a carving of some kind but with it covered in blood he couldn't get a good look at it.

Emiya glanced at the kitchenette and sink between the oven and cabinets. He walked over, the stone dripping blood as he went along leaving a crimson trail. He turned a handle on the sink and the faucet streamed water into the drain.

Placing the stone beneath the running water, he watched as crimson dyed the clear water before streaming under his gloved hand and pouring into the ceramic sink. He idly wiped the stone with his thumb as the blood flowed off under the water's cleansing wave.

Enough blood came off for Emiya to see the stone in his hand and he immediately noticed the sickly purple coloring and then the blood-red marking, a symbol. An eye within a circle similar to a compass rose. North, South, East, but the West looked as if it split off from the group. Now that he got a look at it he could tell it was an emblem of something. What, was the question?

He fingered the grooves, trying to think if he'd seen something like this while walking around.

That was the wrong thing to do suddenly the emblem pulsed and a small wave of magic emanated from the stone just as a red mist spewed from it.

Acting on complete instinct, he traced Rule Breaker and slashed at the stone. It chinked off the rock barely leaving a scratch but it didn't need to be a physical cut. It just cut through the magic within the stone.

The effect was immediate, just not completely what he expected. The mist dissipated immediately and the stone stopped glowing but he didn't expect the feeling of the magic inside the rock to leave.

As in it was it was taking an express route out of the apartment and leaving a slight trail.

Emiya didn't think, didn't need to. He had to find where that trail was going. Dismissing Rule Breaker, readjusting the case on his back, and reinforcing his legs, Emiya sprinted across the room and smashed through the window. He ignored the sun now on him and the screams of passersby seeing him fall.

The moment he landed on the street he took off into a sprint after the dwindling trail. He wouldn't lose it.


-Twelve Minutes Later-

"So, how goes your investigation into our mystery savior?" Ozpin asks as he pours a cup of, well...Qrow actually didn't know. He'd always assumed it was coffee but recently, relatively speaking, he's gotten to know Ozpin a lot better than when he was a student.

Learning of Salem's existence and Ozpin's immortal savior of Remnant status changed his views on the headmaster. For all he knows, Ozpin could be knocking back some kind of concoction that keeps him sane.

"Nothin', diddly squat on that front," Qrow admitted.

It'd been a few weeks since Summer was injured and it'd been an eventful few weeks. Ruby and Yang were glued to the woman's side after seeing her eyes covered by the white band she wore until the operation for her Atlas model eyes.

Taiyang hadn't been much better but understood he couldn't be too suffocating. Summer was a strong woman and loved her family but sometimes she liked having space, so between Ruby and Yang she didn't need Tai breathing down her neck.

On the topic of Summer, she was doing well. She'd been nervous about the girl's reaction to her eyes being gone but thankfully they hadn't pressed it and were simply worried. She had been using a walking stick to feel her way around the house but even without eyes, she could still navigate the house pretty well.

Qrow decided he wasn't gonna leave Vale for a while and had asked Ozpin to allow that. He was somewhat surprised when Ozpin was perfectly fine with that. Apparently, Ozpin needed him in the city to track down and keep an eye on, the guy who saved Summer.

Qrow was confused at first but didn't object, he'd wanted to hunt the guy down as well if nothing more than thank him over a round of drinks at the Crow Bar. He'd found the guy pretty easily, and while he didn't look that interesting, besides the snow-white hair that'd give the impression of him being a Schnee, there was something odd about the guy.

For one, he didn't go anywhere. Qrow had followed him for a few weeks and every time he's found the guy, he's just wandering around. Like he was lost.

"Nothing? Truly?" Ozpin asked.

"Yeah, took a discrete photo while he was passing through a crowd of tourists snapping their scrolls at every little thing, though I gotta say, the way he's just been wandering reminds me of someone who's lost. Anyway, I ran it through the CCT network and couldn't get a ping. The guy doesn't exist. "

Ozpin looked troubled at that. Qrow didn't know why though. The guy could've been from an unmarked settlement, similar to Qrow and his sister...Raven. He goes to take a sip from his flask.

"He didn't notice you, perchance?"

Qrow nearly choked on his whiskey. Ozpin seemed to notice and raised an eyebrow, obviously wanting to hear what had happened.

Qrow sighed while twisting the cap back onto his flask, "I'm not sure if he spotted me. It was the other day, was just following him as typical and then he just stopped. I wasn't sure why he stopped so abruptly, then he turned and looked directly at me. Scared the shit outta me, it's why I've been taking a break from tracking and just trying to get any more info from the CCT. Don't know if he actually knew or something else but I wasn't gonna risk getting a stone for my troubles."

"So he quite likely noticed you. How?"

"Hell if I know, Ozpin. I didn't even think anyone besides one of the Queen's followers could notice me."

Ozpin nodded looking thoughtful.

Ozpin wondered if the man did see Qrow and what that meant, the sword only gave Ozpin small suspicions of the man's nature but those suspicions continued gnawing at him. In hindsight, he should have tried to keep the man within the lobby and pick his brain.

He didn't have that chance now.

Before any more words could be said though, Ozpin's scroll rang. Raising a brow he opened the scroll and saw Glynda's icon pulsing as the scroll buzzed in his hand. What could she want?

Ozpin pressed the answer icon, "Hello, Glynda, is there something you need?"

"No, sir, it is just I think I found the man you and Mr. Branwen were looking for. You may want to turn on the news." Glynda replied, her voice curt through the speaker.

Qrow looked at Ozpin as he did exactly as the deputy headmaster had said. A few scrolls and

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