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Leo and Klemenis were taken into the custody of Will Solace, a son of Apollo. Nyssa proposed that she'd wait for Klemenis to wake while the others finalised the battle plans with the demigods.

It didn't take long for the meeting to be adurned, but it did take long to get two campful of war-ready demigods into vehincles and take them to the location Kyros gave Anakulos.

Riding at the very front of the enslot of vehicles was Anakulos and his soldiers. Maximos driving in the absence of Klemenis, Anakulos riding shotgun, Alethea and Demetri sitting together in the back with a pile of the Order's weaponry pins between them.

When Chaos had created the Order, she'd decided that they would need some sort of weapon system. Chaos created different pins for the soldiers that could easily be pinned onto their belts and would activate after the wearer made a gesture; Anakulos tightening his grip, Nyssa flicking her wrist, Alethea crossing her forearms to make an 'X', and other gestures.

"When we get there, Alethea- you're with me. Demetri and Maximos- the two of you will aid the Romans." Anakulos instructed. "No one attacks until my say so."

The three nodded and began adding their pins to their belts. Small bows, arrows, spears, swords, whips, and shields dotted around their waists.

"And we do not lose this war." He added sternly, then muttered,

"Do you how bad that will look on our record?"

They drove in silence, the only sound being Anakulos giving the occasional directions to Maximos.

Their SUVs and vans all stopped in a line, armor cladded campers dismounting and setting up a defensive system. The counsellors of the camp put a tent that they borrowed from the Hunters at the centre of their small encampment, while Alethea placed a small tent on the ground at the far edge of their base and it began to grow.

The area that Alethea had marked out was now occupied with a black tent. The Order threw all their own supplies into it, then headed into the counsellors tent. War, and only war, on their minds.

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Across the clearing that the demigods had occupied was a vast army of monsters. They'd stopped to rest for the night, before they would continue their journey to the Greek camp.

As the mass of creatures all prepared for sleep, a lone figure stood. The earth under him ascended and slowly, he was raised into the air. Monsters and turned demigods alike all stopped what they were doing to watch the man.

The face of the demigod he'd inhabited was devoid of emotion. His face looked as if it were about to burst open, gold lining where the cracks were. His eyes were as black as the void he had once been imprisoned in, as were his clothes and hair. Destruction radiated off of him. And as he spoke, his voice was distorted; a mix between screams and a whisper.

He was the epitome of terrors, the master of the end.

"My brethen, it has come to my attention that the third breed is near." Ends hallow voice echoed over the army. "They plan to attack to at sunrise, but we will not give them time to charge."

All through the valley, monsters brandished their weapons.

"Commaders! Ready your ranks. Today, we fight. Tommorow, we conquer!"

A deafening uproar from the ranks and they charged into the trees.

End smiled from his podium. The demigods would fall. Then their parents. Until only he and his sister remained. Just as it was destined to be.

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Anakulos barked a few more commands, before the demigods were ready. It was all or nothing. They would win or they would lose; and it all depended on wether or not they'd been listening these past few months.

The roaring from the forest could now be heard throughout their camp.

"Anakulos." A voice called from behind him and Nyssa joined his side. "Klemenis is with the boys. He was forbidden from using his powers by her majesty, but he will fight until his last breath."

Anakulos nodded. He inhaled deeply and stretched his consciousness out to the Order. He felt the familiar tingle in the back of his mind that meant that he'd successfully gotten through to them.

Fight murderously, die valiantly.

The others repeated the phrase over again in his mind, before the sensation was gone and Anakulos was brought back to the present.

From the corner of his eye, Anakulos saw Nyssa flick her wrist- her bow, Altair, appeared in her hand; already loaded. Alethea crossed her forearms and a crack of a whip caused a few campers to flinch back, her whip, Arete (War) , was woven with Chaos minerals. In her other hand was a shield dictating all of the Order's adventures- made entirely of Chaos silver, Zena (Star) would strike fear into anyoned heart.

With his two sisters by his side, Anakulos rushed forwards into the woods, the entirety of his army behind him.

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