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        The Notorious Adventures of Sneaky Singh Oberoi - Part 1

Timeline- Shivika have returned to The Oberoi Mansion from their "Vanvass" (if living in a suburban house is called Vanvass, sure *eyeroll*) but Anika hasn't become Kumari Rosie Rani yet.

Uploaded on: 30 September 2021

Today had to be it. He had to do it today.

Steeling himself, with his head held high and nose in the air, Shivaay walked into Oberoi Mansion's Living room, trying to look as important and busy as ever, and hoping against hope his nosy family won't question him about his sudden appearance mid-afternoon.

But will they ever stop being nosy? No.

Just as soon as Shivaay crossed the couch and turned right towards his room, Rudra came bouncing and draped an arm around Shivaay's shoulder and started walking with him.

"It's still afternoon. You're not supposed to come home until 6." Rudra stated. "Are you bunking the office?" He asked as an afterthought, with a teasing smile threatening to spread on his face.

And Shivaay stopped, exhaled and willed himself to calm down as he suddenly felt irritated.

He didn't want his patience to be tested today, he had other things on his mind right now.

Turning towards Rudra, he asked "What are you doing at home right now? Aren't you supposed to be helping your Bhabhi's at work?"

"No. Bhabi thinks that I am overstressing myself" -pointing towards a small pimple on his forehead now- "and that I should rest. I am going to be a dulha after all." He stated as a matter of fact and shrugged.

"Oh. I just needed to grab a file. So yeah....." Having said this, Shivaay started to walk towards the room again, hoping that Rudra had bought his lies.

Unconvinced, Rudra asked "You could've asked Khanna to get it for you. Why did you have to come?"

"If you are forgetting it, YEH MERA BHI GHAR HAI! I can come and go as I wish!" Almost losing it, Shivaay dashed to his room before the now-confused Rudra could ask any more questions.

Entering the room, he closed the door as a precautionary measure. Only if he had closed the pool's door as well......

Having already called Annika on the way home and having made sure that she was not going to come over for another hour or two, Shivaay decided this was the day he was going to do it.

Today, he would change Annika's pills.

And even though he had this feeling that something bad was going to happen soon and he felt extremely nervous right now, Shivaay felt that things could go good if he implemented his decision.

Shivaay knew that he was doing a wrong thing, by taking the decision of their future single handedly. But he couldn't help but feel that taking this decision was better than seeing Annika go through that guilty feeling and the horrible memories again.

He still remembered how she had been distant and detached the days following Annika's confession and how he had pursued her to talk it all out and told her that if she wanted, they could even seek therapy together.

But she had asked him to stop bringing the topic up altogether claiming that she was not comfortable with the topic, and had told him that "if they were supposed to have kids, then they would have had them already. And if they were really supposed to happen, then they would happen eventually."

Shivaay knew where this was coming from. It was coming from the coping mechanism Annika had developed over the years of her survival, where she believed and had willed herself to believe that if something is meant to happen, then it would happen - there was nothing she could do to stop it and that sometimes, accepting things was easier .

Now this was a belief that Annika had come up with to calm her thoughts down, for times when she had thought that things were completely out of her control and had waited for time to heal things.

And Shivaay hated that she thought that things were out of control, because they weren't!

And then something even more horrible started to happen. He was now starting to understand the guilt in Annika's eyes, each time she looked at a child.

And he felt horrible, now knowing what she was going through, and how she had felt all along.

Knowing that he had seen that look in her eyes before, but hadn't been aware of it and hadn't been able to do anything.

Whenever a kid or a baby would come near her, she would become less talkative and observe the child from a distance, with a small smile lingering on her lips. She would try to be a little discreet about it, but if someone observed a little too carefully, they would even witness the feeling called guilt.

Trying to calm himself down and stop the rising anxiousness, Shivaay opened the bedside cabinet and took the bottle of her contraceptive pills out.

He took out another similar looking bottle of pills - vitamins, from his pocket and placed them on the cabinet.

Opening the lid of contraceptive pills and pouring them all in his hand, he dumped the vitamins into the bottle of contraceptive pills and closed its lid. Then, he placed it inside the cabinet and exhaled.

Weirdly enough, he felt weight rising from his chest and another one settling down.

Staring at the contraceptive pills in his hands now, he wondered if he resembled a maniac scientist who was doing an illegal experiment and thus, he was sneaking up on the pills of his test subjects.

He wondered what he should do with the contraceptive pills now. Should he just throw them away? He might be a rich man, but the idea of throwing away medicines which could prove life changing for someone else did not settle well with him.

Unnoticed, a shadow passed by in the pool area and hid itself in the room's curtains.

He wondered if he should give them away to one of the house helps. But wouldn't that be creepy?

Weirdly, he found himself imagining.....

He whispered into his ears, with their bodies inches away, his front to his back and his breath fanning his cheeks......

"You do so much for me, you help me so much. Maybe, you should try some contraceptives.... Here, I got some for you." He said in his raspy voice.

A shiver passed down his spine as he shook his head to remove that disgusting mental image and cleared his throat. Yeah, that would be creepy.

Exhaling, he stood up and decided that it would be better to pour the pills into one of the many imported vases in his house.

But even before Shivaay could take another step forward, he was pinned down to the floor and crushed by someone huge.......

To be continued......

Word count: 1155 words

I am sorry that this is incomplete, that this a scene from the past and that we are not progressing forward in the story. 

I am trying to overcome my mental stagnation as a fanfiction writer and I am only waiting for new and creative ideas to continue the story as I would hate it if became another cliché-d story (I am hoping that it hasn't become already *fingers crossed*). 

If you have any quirky ideas and thoughts, please share them so that we can enjoy this story together.

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