Monaco GP

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Pierre: MARC


Carlos: LORD




Oscar: well done dad πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘

Charles: I'm still in tears, I'm speechless

Seb: your the moment Charles take it all in

Charles: I remember watching Monaco race as a child always hoping it'll be me one day who wins the race. I remember how dissapointed I was in f3 and f2 when I didn't get a podium in Monaco. That's where my fear of never winning here started. I kept holding onto hope that one day I will win. But after 2022 I felt like I should give up. That it was useless

Lando: I know how that feels, always believing and believing only to be dissapointed

Lando: but I'm glad I never gave up and kept believing and I finally won

Charles: I'm glad I never stopped believing too, that's why I finally won

Seb: your father and jules would be very proud of you charles

Charles: I know

Kimi: your sons too!

Alex: lol kimi 😭

Carlos: charles respectfully teach your oldest son some manners

Oscar: I'm in the group you know πŸ™„

Carlos: see! He's misbehaving

Charles: Oscar be nice to uncle Carlos

Lando: O

Alex: M

George: G

Lando: lol Oscar hear that uncle Carlos πŸ˜‚

Oscar: respectfully Charles don't ever call him my uncle

Carlos: first time ill agree with Oscar, dont you ever!

Seb: Alex and yuki a very well done to you both as well

Alex: oh the amount of work to get points in this tractor I'm gonna take these 2 points to my grave!

Logan: I'll go to the grave empty handed πŸ˜”

Seb: no one is going to there grave!

Kimi: yet

Esteban: red bull is gonna send us all to the grave in Canada 😭

Lance: you mean Max...

Checo: hey I can too πŸ˜‘

Daniel: the only thing you send to the grave is that red bull today πŸ’€

Yuki: just like I send Daniel to the grave today 😎

Pierre: damnnn yukiiii

Max: Charlie where are you taking us to party in Monaco πŸ₯°


lando: yessss

Pierre: yesss

Oscar: yessss

Charles: Absolutely not Oscar! Your too young to drink

Oscar: I'm 23!

Charles: still too young, I'm the dad ill decide when Your old enough. Besides its past your bed time

Oscar: ....

Oscar: your worse then seb, I wanna be unadopted

Charles: too late 😌

Seb: alright alright that's enough, Charles anything you wanna say?

Charles: I wanna say something to logan actually

Logan: me....?

Charles: I just want you to know I know alot of things seem impossible, but there not you just have to be patient  and never give up

Logan: thank you Charles, truly

Seb: alright then everyone besides Oscar can go party

Oscar: πŸ™„

Lance: see you all in Canada πŸ’…


First lando now Charles! I just want to point out how much f1 has taught me, to never give up and always believe

I think no matter whose fan you are you have to be happy for Charles, he deserves this

I hope you all enjoyed abd see you soon!

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