Terry at Home, After the Dance

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Later at the apartment of Terry McGinnis, Terry was home, but her mother was not happy.

Inside, we see Terry resting on the couch. While her mother explain to him.

Mary: Oh really, Terrance! You just can't stand up all night, dancing with other girls, when you should asleep from your job. I mean really, is Bruce gonna pay you from your salaries or keep dreaming about Dana?

Then Matt woke Terry him up with a mocking chat.

Matt: Terry and Dana, kissing in a tree.

Then Terry stop him.

Terry: Matt! I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!
What are you trying to do, scare me?

Matt: Sorry, I was about to woke you up brother, or you still wanna sleep here and dream about Dana Tan. (He began mocking at Terry by doing a smooch at him.)

Then Terry grabs Matt's shirt, and tell him to beat it.

Terry: Just beat it twerp. This is a adult conversation.

Then Matt left the room.

Terry: Ok, Mom, I Confess, if Mr. Wayne wants me in bed, then I'll go. I won't goof off, again. (As he's ready to go to bed.)

Mary: Well, that's good. (Then she remember something to Terry.) Oh, Bruce Wayne just call me that you need to take him to the Wayne Enterprises Gala tomorrow night. You can drive his car, if you want to.

Terry: A gala tomorrow night? Wow, that's mean I won't have the time off with her.

Mary: With who?

Terry: (Then he answer to his mother, as he went to his room.) It's Nothing Mom, good nite.

Then Mary McGinnis looks Worried.

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