Chapter 5

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A lot of things happen in this chapter. Angst, fluff, drama, you name it. This is also the longest chapter we've written yet.


"So, I was thinking we could go out tonight. Whatcha think?" Reggie asked Toni as he leaned against the locker next to hers. "There's no game this weekend."

Toni looked down the hallway to see Cheryl talking to Heather. She could hear them laughing from where she stood. "I actually have plans, Reg. Cheryl and I were going to have a movie night."

To her surprise, Reggie just shrugged. "Alright, cool. It's good that you two are getting along so well."

Toni nodded with a tight lipped smile.

"I also heard that Archie's having a party tomorrow night. You think you and Red would want to go?" Reggie wiggled his eyebrows. "There's gonna be free beer."

Oh, good.

Toni hated when Reggie drank because he only drank to get shit-faced, instead of drinking to just have fun. He also got handsy, which she hated even more.

Toni also figured Cheryl would want to go to hang out with the Vixens and some of the friends she had made. As she was thinking everything over, Cheryl walked up to her.

"Toni!" She practically squealed. "Heather just told me that Archibald is having a party tomorrow. Can we go? Please, please?" She begged.

Reggie lifted an eyebrow as a smirk spread across his face. He knew his girlfriend wouldn't say no to Cheryl.

Toni rolled her eyes, "If I say yes, will you calm down?" She deadpanned. She wasn't really in the mood to joke around. Cheryl nodded eagerly. "Fine, we can go."

Cheryl literally jumped for joy. A smile spread across Toni's face. If anyone could put her in a better mood, it was her redheaded roommate.

"I'll see ya there, babe." Reggie leaned in to peck Toni's lips. "I've gotta head to practice."

"Don't you have practice, Cher?" Toni asked.

"Veronica is giving us the day off since there is no game." Cheryl responded. "So we can just walk home. I can see if Heather can give us a ride?"

"No, walking is fine."

Their walk was mostly silent. Toni was already dreading the party tomorrow night, but she figured that it wouldn't be too awful since Cheryl would be there, too. Toni didn't usually drink at the parties she went to with Reggie, so that she could drive her boyfriend home once he got too drunk to do much of anything. After, she usually had to leave him in the car to sleep it off because he was passed out. It wasn't her idea of a fun weekend.

"Something on your mind?" Cheryl asked with a nudge to Toni's side.

Toni blinked herself back to reality. "Just thinking about this weekend."

"I am so excited, Toni!" Cheryl held her bag straps that we were over her chest as she practically bounced with every step. Toni found it to be completely adorable. "We get to watch movies tonight, and then a party tomorrow! What are we doing on Sunday?"

"Uh, probably sleeping and nursing a hangover," Toni laughed.

"I have never been hungover before. Is it painful?" Cheryl asked with all seriousness.

Toni laughed again. "Wha- are you serious? Is it painful?" Her cheeks were hurting from laughing so much. "I guess it depends on who you are. Reggie claims he's never been hungover. Ronnie is really grumpy when she is. She says it's like a really bad migraine, or like she has the flu."

The look of disgust that was on Cheryl's face was enough to make Toni laugh again. Cheryl wouldn't let her know that she made the face on purpose, just to get her friend to laugh. She could tell she was upset about something, but knew that Toni wasn't one to usually talk about her feelings.

"How would you feel about going to the drive-in tonight, instead of maison de Topaz? I'm sure dad will let us borrow his truck."

Cheryl smiled at her. "ça a l'air formidable, TT."


After dinner with Jackie and Anthony, the girls got ready to go to the drive-in. Toni had instructed Cheryl to dress somewhat warmly, since she got cold easily. Cheryl had smiled at her, finding it adorable that Toni was thinking of her.

Toni grabbed two extra pillows and a couple of fleece blankets that they used for the drive-in and bonfires. Cheryl had gone back to their room to grab her phone while Toni waited in the living room, on the couch.

The redhead was taking a bit longer than she should have, so Toni went to make sure that she was okay. As she reached her open bedroom door, Cheryl was stretching her legs and back. Toni was mesmerized. Her eyes were glued to the redhead and she couldn't move or look away.

"Oh, Toni," Cheryl said in surprise. "Sorry, I had a weird, umm..." Cheryl gestured to her back with her hands. "Soreness in my back."

Toni blinked, "A catch?"

"Yes," Cheryl smiled. "Then I figured I might as well stretch my legs, too. It's always good to be limber. Are you ready?"

Toni nodded before turning around to head back to the living room.


Once at the drive in, Toni parked her dad's truck so that the bed of it was facing the screen. The duo decided not to park too close, so they were a few rows back. Toni grabbed everything from the backseat and tossed it into the bed. She dropped the tailgate and used the corner for the back fender to climb up into the bed. She reached her hand down to help pull Cheryl up.

Toni hadn't realized how long she had been holding Cheryl's hand, admiring the softness when Cheryl suddenly spoke. "Oh, do you like my nails, TT? Heather painted them during our free period."

Right. The free period that Toni left because Heather was annoying her by hanging around Cheryl and being in her own presence.

"Yeah," Toni cleared her throat. "They look great, Cher."

Cheryl smiled and squeezed Toni's hand before she laid out a blanket for them to sit on and adjusted the pillows. She sat down, waiting for Toni.

Toni had forgotten something in the cab of the truck, so she hopped down to grab it. She had brought some of the leftover candy they picked up when they went on their adventure.

"Cher, I thought you grabbed a hoodie? I don't see it back here," Toni hollered to her friend.

"Oh, no. I must have forgotten it." Cheryl had a light jacket on, but it was more to look cute than to keep her warm.

Toni shut the door and climbed back into the bed, throwing the bag of candy to the redhead. She then took off her leather jacket so she could take off her purple flannel that was under it. "Here ya go."

"Toni, I'm not taking your shirt. I'll be fine." Cheryl argued. Her face was a bit red, but Toni didn't need to know it was because her shirt rose up a little as she was discarding layers.

"Maybe, but I know you'll complain if you get even a little cold," Toni chuckled, thinking back to the day that Toni had a window in their bedroom cracked for a few minutes and Cheryl complained, asking for another blanket.

Cheryl playfully rolled her eyes before Toni threw the shirt at her. She laughed a little as she took off her own jacket to put the flannel on underneath it.

"Wait. Where am I supposed to sit?" Toni finally asked once Cheryl was done adding on an extra layer of clothing. Both of the pillows Toni had grabbed were behind the redhead's back.

"Oh," Cheryl looked up at her friend sheepishly. "It was not very comfortable to use one pillow against the truck. We can sit together."

Toni was nervous for some reason. Maybe shy? She had sat next to Cheryl several times over the last month or so. They even shared a bed once. "Yeah, okay," Toni finally responded.

Cheryl lifted the blanket that covered her legs so that Toni could get underneath it. "Uh, where..." Toni trailed off, trying to figure out what she was supposed to lean her back against, since someone was hogging all the pillows.

Before she knew it, Cheryl had moved her arm and pulled Toni back against her so that her arm was directly behind Toni's back, practically wrapped around her waist.

"Is this okay?" Cheryl asked.

Toni breathed in deeply. "Yeah, it's uh...really nice. And warm," she added the last part for good measure. She was usually hot most of the time and knew she would start boiling soon, just by being next to someone and under a blanket. But she hoped that her warmth would radiate towards the redhead instead.

"What are we going to watch?" Cheryl asked.

"I think the sign said Bring It On was playing."

As the two waited, there wasn't really any conversation. They both seemed to just enjoy each other's company and Toni would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy being in Cheryl's arms. She liked the softness of her skin and the smell of her perfume. But, she liked muscles, too. Other than Reggie's smile and most of his personality, Toni really liked his abs and shoulders.

Cheryl's phone chimed with a text, which she immediately checked. Toni may have felt a little guilty by glancing over to see who it was from. Of course, it was Heather. She had asked Cheryl what she was up to, to which the redhead reminded her that she and Toni were having a movie night.

The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared a few times before finally going away. She watched as Cheryl swiped back to check her other texts and opened the one for her mom, telling her that she was at her first drive-in and that she was excited. Cheryl even sent her mom a picture of their view of the screen.

Toni was scrolling through Facebook when she saw a post from the drive-in. Due to an issue with the film we received for Bring It On, tonight's movie will be Wrong Turn.

"Oh, fuck."

Cheryl turned her head towards Toni with her eyebrows furrowed, "What's wrong?"

Toni turned her phone so that Cheryl could read the post. "I don't understand."

"They changed the movie to Wrong Turn. It's...a horror movie."

"You don't like horror?" Cheryl asked. Toni shook her head. "We don't have to stay if you don't want to. But I don't mind horror. I'll protect you, Toni." Cheryl spoke with such ease.

Toni wondered if the redhead got the same strange feelings that she did. Toni wouldn't have been able to say any of that without blushing or stuttering. "Yeah, okay. I'll give it a shot."

The parking lot lights turned off a few seconds after Toni spoke. The large screen lit up and she wasn't sure if she was going to make it through the movie. She sure as hell wasn't going to be able to sleep, that she knew.

Toni immediately pulled their blanket up to her chin after the previews and beginning credits had ended. She was more than ready to pull it over her head at any given moment. She felt Cheryl's hand squeeze her side, which comforted her a little.

Toni knew that nothing was going to jump out of the screen and attack her. She was certain that this was a dumb movie where tourists were on a trip, and like the idiots there were, went down the wrong, sketchiest path. Or something like that.

These movies were all the same.

And she hated each one of them.

Because honestly, the characters were absolute fucking idiots. Every time.

Toni held the blanket tightly in her fists and her body tensed, waiting to jump at any moment. They were only a few minutes into the movie. She was sure she might need a massage tomorrow, or at the very least, a hot bath.

Cheryl was more than happy to comfort her friend. She wasn't at all upset about the drive-in switching to a horror movie. If she were on a date with Heather, or any other girl, she would love everything that was happening. She would be their protector. Scary movies were great for dates.

But this wasn't a date. And Toni was straight.


Both girls jumped, mostly Toni, who also screamed and covered her head as she buried her face into Cheryl's chest. She didn't mean for her head to go there, but she tried not to think about it. Cheryl's arms were wrapped tightly around her.

And then Cheryl started...laughing?

Toni uncovered her head and sat up. "What's so-?"

"We got you bad, T!" Fangs laughed. Sweet Pea was bent over laughing and holding his stomach.

Toni glared at her friends. She was positive the entire parking lot heard her and by that, she was also incredibly embarrassed. She sat up straight and folded arms over her chest. Cheryl was quietly chuckling next to her. "You can't possibly be on their side?" Toni asked, looking towards the redhead.

"It was pretty funny."

Toni pouted. "You're all awful, and I hate every single one of you."

"You love us. Don't lie," Sweet Pea finally spoke. "Now scoot over."

Toni didn't budge. She continued to glare at the two boys.

"We rode our bikes here, T. You expect us to sit on the ground like hobos?" Fangs asked as he gestured to the ground with his hands.

"Jughead manages just fine," Toni deadpanned.

She received a glare in return.

"Fine," Toni mumbled. But we're not sharing our blankets or candy."

Cheryl laughed again from beside her as she scooted over a little, pulling Toni with her. Once they were all settled with Fangs on Toni's other side and Sweet Pea next to him, Cheryl wrapped both arms around Toni and leaned her head on her shoulder as Cheryl squeezed her body.

"I'm sorry they scared you. I'm sure they meant well," Cheryl said quietly.

Toni couldn't hear her two idiot friends talking about the dumb movie beside her. She could only hear Cheryl and the sound of her own racing heartbeat in her ears. She didn't want the warmth of Cheryl wrapped tightly around her to disappear, but it did.

Of course, the redhead was still next to her, as she was squished between her and Fangs. Normally, she would complain about them taking up so much space, but at this moment, she didn't have any complaints.

She decided to lay her head on Cheryl's shoulder and she pulled the blanket up to her shoulders. She wasn't cold, but it was comforting. The scent of Cheryl's perfume and the warmth of their bodies next to each other kept her mind off of the movie. Toni closed her eyes and distracted herself with her surroundings, minus the movie.

Toni was pretty sure if Sweet Pea and Fangs were starred in the movie they were watching, they would be the first to die. It's just what idiots do. Toni chuckled to herself at the thought and was given a gentle squeeze by the redhead.

"Hey, isn't that Reggie's car?" Fangs asked at some point. Toni had her eyes shut, almost dozing off.

Her head immediately lifted from Cheryl's shoulder as she looked around and followed Fangs' hand to where he was pointing. It was indeed Reggie's car.

Toni shrugged. "I did tell him that Cher and I were having a movie night. Maybe he came here to have something to do."

The group went back to their movie. Toni looked at the screen for the first time in probably 20 minutes and was disgusted by what she saw. She shivered a little, but not because she was cold. To her surprise, Cheryl held her closer, probably assuming she was cold.

Toni took it as a sweet gesture and laid her head back on the redhead's shoulder.


When Toni and Cheryl had gotten back home that night, Cheryl had taken a shower while Toni decided to take one in the morning. Toni was exhausted and her body was incredibly tense from the movie and being scared.

Once changed into pajamas, Toni laid in her bed to try and fall asleep. She listened to the relaxing sound of the shower and smiled when her redheaded roommate started singing quietly. Toni could hardly hear Cheryl, but it was just enough to loll her to sleep.


Toni woke up on her side, facing the wall. The sun had just started to peek through her curtains. She was thankful she didn't have any nightmares from the movie. At least she didn't think she did. That was until she rolled over to find red hair sprawled across her pillow. Cheryl's back was to her.

This time, Toni didn't mind waking up next to the redhead. She wanted it to last a little longer. Cheryl had washed off her perfume, but the scent of just her skin was just as intoxicating.

Toni curled herself around Cheryl, trying to act like she was just turning over in her sleep. She held her arms up to her chest, between herself and Cheryl's back. It didn't take long for her to fall back to sleep.


When Toni woke up again, she was alone. She decided to take a quick shower and get dressed in some comfortable jeans and a t-shirt before going out to the living room.

She found Cheryl laying on the couch, reading a book. "Toni, good afternoon." Cheryl sat up once she saw Toni and gave her a bright smile. "How are you feeling?"

Toni tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"You had a nightmare last night. You don't remember?" Toni shook her head. Cheryl sighed. "You were saying things about people taking you. I think it was because of the movie." Cheryl frowned.

Toni pursed her lips and shrugged. "Nope. Don't remember any of it. Where are mom and dad?"

"They said they were going out to run errands and they weren't sure when they would be back."

Toni nodded. She didn't really want to be home today, but still wanted to spend time with Cheryl. She had checked her phone before and after her shower and didn't have any texts from Reggie.

"You want to do something today?" Toni asked.

"What did you have in mind?"

Toni smiled. She had been thinking of places to take Cheryl, ever since she found out more about her. They'd have to drive about thirty minutes to get there, but it would be well worth it.

After texting her mom to see if they could borrow the car, the two were on their way to Greendale.


"An art gallery?!" Cheryl squealed after they exited the car. "Ceci est incroyable, Toni!"

"I was hoping you'd say that," Toni smiled. "C'mon. There's a lot of paintings, statues and photos to see." Toni held out her hand for Cheryl to take.

Cheryl gladly held onto Toni's hand and intertwined their fingers. She took her phone out of her jacket pocket and made a video of the outside of the building for her Snapchat story, which she posted to her other social media accounts.

Toni was enjoying the warmth of the redheads hand, while Cheryl noticed how they fit perfectly together.

After paying to get in, the duo walked around for two hours while they took in every painting and photograph. Toni informed Cheryl that the paintings are usually all the same, but sometimes they have exhibits from local artists that they display to be sold. The photography was the same way and usually changed a few times a year.

As they walked, looking at the beautiful work on the walls, they never let go of each other's hand. Toni didn't seem to mind while Cheryl thought Toni wanted the comfort. The redhead had learned that her friend was normally very shy and a bit on the emotional side.

"Have you thought about having your photos displayed here?" Cheryl asked.

Toni blew a raspberry. "I doubt they'd take a submission from an amateur. Most of these people have had their work in magazines, or on fancy blogs." She shrugged.

"I think your photos are amazing, Toni. Maybe you can take some of me sometime. I could help you expand your portfolio." Cheryl squeezed her hand lightly.

"Yeah, maybe."


Reggie: Want me to pick up you and Red for the party?

Toni read the text out loud to

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