Chapter 21

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Happy Wednesday! We're on the second to last chapter and we made sure to make this one a bit longer, at just over 6,200 words. We hope you enjoy <3


Summer was almost here. The days were longer and warmer. The school year was coming to an end. Toni should have her answer for the exchange program in the upcoming days.

Toni always loved the summer days but now that she is dating Cheryl Blossom. Damn, everyday was a blessing. Turned out that Cheryl really loved to wear skirts or cute dresses. So her long legs were always on view which was really Toni's pleasure.

Unfortunately summer also meant the big Cheer National competition. The Vixens were going. Veronica made the cheerleaders work their ass off for months and they were still working out. Cheryl had Cheer practice five days a week plus the homeworks and she needed to study for the finals. She was very busy.

It was getting hard on Toni. She was working a lot since Cheryl was very busy. They weren't seeing each other a lot except at school and at night before bed. They were both very tired, so nothing was happening sexually. And seeing Cheryl in those skirts everyday was torture.

It was the morning break, they had 15 minutes between the two classes. Toni was putting her book in her locker. Cheryl arrived from behind and kissed her cheek.

"Hello T.T. " She was wearing a black top and a red plaid skirt. She was stunning.

"Hey babe." She hugged tightly. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I can't wait to be done with the competition." She kissed her. "You know," She looked at her phone. "We have 13 minutes before the next class and the locker room is empty."

"Do you have something in mind?"

She took Toni's hand and walked to the locker room. "Follow me and you'll see."

As they entered the room Cheryl pushed her against the lockers and kissed her. Toni responded to the kiss, her hands were immediately on Cheryl's. They were both really turned on. Toni started to kiss Cheryl's neck. A moan escaped from the redhead's mouth. They made out during the whole break until Cheryl broke the kiss.

"Times up T.T. We have to go to class."

"I wish we could finish this babe."

"Hush T.T I might have a surprise for you tonight." Cheryl gave her one last kiss. "See you tonight my love."

"I can't wait. I love you."

"Me too." They shared one last kiss before going back to class.

They went by so slowly. They didn't have any classes together in the afternoon. Toni didn't have time to see Cheryl before work. She had her parents' car today so she drove to Pop's. She arrived there and changed into her uniform.

Pop was still there. " Hello Toni."

"Hi Pop!" Everyone in Riverdale loved Pop.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone Tonight?"

"Yes. I already did a few hours alone before. And the night shift is pretty calm." She smiled.

"Okay Then. You can call for Anything though."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. You should enjoy your night off."

"You're right. Good night Toni."

"Good night."

Pop left the Dinner leaving Toni alone. It was a very boring night. She had a few truck drivers who stopped for a hot coffee. At the end of the evening she had a few Football players who needed a burger after their game.

Her shift went by so slowly. She couldn't wait to go back home and snuggle with her girl. She was missing her a lot these days. They were both so busy with life.

Toni was also stressed about the exchange program. She really wanted to go. She knew that even if she wasn't going they would still be together. But that would be Very hard on them.

Toni finished her shift at midnight. It was okay since it was Friday. She was working Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The Sunday morning shift was her favorite. She was making very good money with the tips.

She came back home and her parents seemed to be asleep. She went straight to her bedroom. She thought that Cheryl would be asleep by now.

She entered the bedroom. Cheryl was not in bed but there was some light from the bathroom door. Probably taking a bath Toni thought. She removed her uniform and put on her pajamas. She sat on her bed and waited for Cheryl to come out of the bathroom.

Toni was looking at her phone when she heard the bathroom door open. She looked up at Cheryl and damn she was ethereal.

The redhead had her hair loose. She only wore black lace panties and a matching bra. "Hello T.T"

Toni looked at her speechless.

"Cat got your tongue baby?" She got closer to Toni.

"I... Sorry. You look so hot."

"Oh this.." She teased looking at herself. "It's just a little surprise for you. After a hard day at work."

"I was exhausted but I suddenly have a lot of energy. "

"Then you should have fun with your gift."

She didn't need to be told twice. She kissed Cheryl hard. Her hands were on her girlfriend's ass and she pushed Cheryl toward her. The redhead never broke the kiss and sat on Toni's thighs.

Toni kissed her down her neck and sucked on her pulse point. "Did I tell you how obsessed I am with your ass?"

"Maybe a few times. I know how much you love those skirts."

"I really do babe. Now do you think you can be quiet?"

"I'll try real hard."

Toni kissed her again. They rolled around the sheets, exploring each other's body for an hour before they finally fell asleep from the exhaustion.

Toni was working on Saturday afternoon and since Veronica wanted to spend some time with Sweet Pea. She didn't plan any practice. Cheryl was alone, so she decided to take that time to study.

She was in the bedroom reading some chemistry notes when she heard a knock on the door. It was Anthony. "Hey Cheryl. I was wondering since we are both without our girls today. Would you like to go take a milkshake with the old man?"

She smiled at the suggestion. "Yes of course. I could really use a time off." She closed her books.

They got out of the house and entered Anthony's car. "So do you know when Toni should get her Answer for the program?"

"On Monday."

"I really hope she'll be chosen. She worked very hard for this." He drove to pops.

"She really is. She has improved her French and my mom is very excited to meet her."

They parked in front of Pops. "Toni is gonna be happy to see us."

They entered the diner and sat in a booth. Toni came to take their order a few minutes later. "Hey dad. Hey babe. What are you doing here?"

"Well our girlfriends abandoned us today so we thought, why not spend some time together." Anthony said.

"Makes sense. I hope my dad won't embarrass you too much."

"No T.T we are having fun."

"I'm glad. What can I get you?" She asked her dad. She didn't need to ask Cheryl since she knew her order.

"A chocolate milkshake."

"Babe, are you taking your usual?"

"Yes T.T thank you."

"I'll be back soon. " She left to go prepare the order.

"So Cheryl, do you think you'll stay with us this summer?"

"I would love to. But my student visa ends in august so I'll have to go back. So I might have to spend a few weeks without my Toni."

"School year starts in September?"

"Yes. And T.T is not sure to leave at the same time as me. She wants to earn as much money as she can."

Toni came back with their milkshakes, a chocolate one for Anthony and a strawberry one for Cheryl. " There you go."

"Thank you T.T."

"Do you think I can get a kiss to help me go through the rest of my shift?"

Cheryl smiled. "Of course"

Toni leaned to Cheryl and gave her a sweet kiss. "You two don't make too much trouble until I come home."

"Don't worry about us Toni." Anthony said.

Cheryl and Anthony drank their milkshakes and discussed. Toni loved to watch them laugh together. She was happy that her parents loved Cheryl.

Monday was an important day for them. By the end of the day, Toni will know if she can go to Quebec and live another year with her. She was nervous and wasn't hungry that morning.

Cheryl was eating her toast and looked at her. "T.T... please eat something."

"I can't Cher, I'm too Nervous." She was pacing around the kitchen.

"Mon coeur, you have nothing to worry about." She tried to calm Toni.

"Today will define the rest of our relationship babe."

"T.T our relationship won't end if you are not chosen. Even if I'm sure you will be."

"Babe. How do you think we could survive a whole year away?"

"Toni.. I love you. And Quebec is not that far away, it's only like a 4 hours flight. And we would visit each other all the time. And in June we could move to college together. But baby, it won't happen because you will make it."

"Thank you for reassuring me babe."

"I know I am right T.T now you should eat something."

Toni finally ate a bowl of cereal and they got ready for school. Toni couldn't concentrate in her class. She was stressed. She still had one more step before getting accepted. The interview.

Out of the 200 students who started the process there were 50 students who could still make it. Only 30 would be chosen. Toni knew that they were going to ask about Cheryl. Everyone knew they were together. She really hoped they would get past this. She wanted to go not only for Cheryl but for the whole experience.

Today was the last day of the interview. They will announce the names of the chosen at 5 pm. While Cheryl was on Vixen's practice. But Toni could do that.

She was in front of Cheryl's locker freaking out. Cheryl held her hands and gave her kisses all over her face." You can do it T.T"

"I'm gonna be sick."

"You are gonna be so fine my love. I have a good feeling about this."

"You have so much faith in me. " She kissed Cheryl."

"I love you. Now go kick some asses." She kissed her again.

"I love you too." Toni went to the waiting room. She sat with the other students and waited for her turn.

She was the last one to be called since they were called by alphabetical order. She went on the stage in front of two women. One was the school director but she didn't know the other one.

"Welcome miss Topaz. I am Miss Carter, I'm the coordinator of the program. And you already know Miss Baker."

"Nice to meet you." She tried to make a good impression regardless of the stress.

"Miss Topaz, your grades are perfect. The teachers seem to be happy with your performance in class." Said Miss Carter.

"We'll Go straight to our concern, Miss Topaz." The director had a serious tone. " We are aware that you want to go in the program because your girlfriend is leaving."

"That's not the only reason."

She was cut by the director. "Then convince us, because we are concerned that you might leave the program if you break up."

"I'm gonna be honest, at first I wanted to go for Cheryl. But now I have other motivations." She took some time to breathe. " I want to learn a new language, and I have to say I'm very good at French. I want to take the opportunity to learn about another culture. I want to explore this beautiful city and take pictures. All of this for my personal experience. I also believe that this is something we should all live before college. I know that I'm going to learn a lot about myself and live a life changing experience." She stopped for a few minutes and thought about what she was going to say. "I... You know I never meant to fall in love with Cheryl but it happened. And with all due respect I don't think that my girlfriend should be a part of the decision."

Both women remained silent for a few seconds before Miss Carter asked one last question. "Miss Topaz. If you break up, what will happen? Are you going to come back here in the middle of the school year? Because there's 49 other students who want that as much as you."

"I won't. We were friends before we became a couple. I think we are both mature enough and respect each other enough to live under the same roof even if we break up."

"Thank you Miss Topaz."

Toni left the stage and the waiting game started. In one hour her life will change no matter what the decision will be. She grabbed her earbuds from her locker and went outside to clear her head. She walked around the football field. Feeling the wind on her skin was relaxing her. She was so scared to come back inside. She sat on the grass and listened to music for 30 minutes. She knew that the results were out.

She found the courage to go inside. She walked to the school theater. The results would be hung just next to the door. A lot of students were in line waiting to see their result. Toni waited for 10 more minutes before it was her turn. She closed her eyes and breathed in before she finally looked at the sheet. "No fucking way."

She walked to the gym where Cheryl was still having her cheer practice. She didn't care about Veronica's no disturb rule. She entered the gym and Cheryl saw her right away. She stopped what she was doing and ran to Toni.

Veronica looked at her. "Toni, can't wait for 15 minutes?"

"No Veronica." She said.

"So?" She asked.

Toni just nodded. Cheryl hugged her so tightly she couldn't breathe. "I told you T.T. I can't wait to call my mom."


The cheer competition was in full swing. It was two hours away from Riverdale, and the school had okayed the Vixens to get a hotel in Greenport, where the competition would be held. Hermione and Jackie were the two chaperones, since the school didn't have a cheer coach.

The team and chaperones had left Friday after school and would return home after the competition on Saturday. The Vixens had never been to a competition before, but Veronica had told Cheryl that they were ready this year. Plus, they also had enough people on the team.

On the drive, the Vixens listened to loud music, and were happy that the bus driver didn't mind their shenanigans. He said he had been used to elementary kids, and that the loud girls were actually much calmer.

Once everyone was checked in, and had their room keys, all of the girls went down to the outdoor pool. Some swam, some sat on the side with their feet in the pool, and some just lounged on the chairs. Veronica and Cheryl swam for a little bit while their mothers were sitting under an umbrella, probably gossiping about Riverdale news.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Cheryl asked Veronica. They were sitting on the concrete steps in the shallow end, with the water up to their chests.

Veronica shrugged, "Yes and no. I think I'm mostly nervous. I've worked hard to get here, you know? I've busted my ass for the last three years, and I'll do it again next year. I just need some other badass Vixen to replace you."

Cheryl let out a laugh and said, "Well that will definitely be a challenge, V. You know there's no one better," she teased.

"Honestly," Veronica nodded. "Plus, since you'll have Toni with you, I won't even be able to convince her to be on the team. Speaking of, are you staying here all summer, or are you going home in June?"

Cheryl shook her head, "My student visa expires at the beginning of August, so I'll have to go home before then. Toni wants to stay for as long as she can, so she can work more. Pop said she can work full time hours during the summer."

"She'll definitely take him up on that. I never realized how much of a workaholic she was," Veronica laughed. "Plus it'll be a good distraction for her, for whenever you decide to go back to Canada."

"Yeah," Cheryl nodded, letting out a breath. "I think it'll be good, though. To have a break from each other. I mean, we both have our own interests and hobbies, but we're always together otherwise." She thought back to when Toni's therapist had recommended they do more separately and Cheryl thought it had made their relationship stronger.

"Makes sense to me," Veronica agreed. "Plus, if you do go at separate times, you'll have lots of time to make up for," she winked.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and splashed her raven haired friend. "You're not thinking about sneaking Sweet Pea in tonight, are you?" She knew that he and Toni were supposed to drive up the next morning, but she wouldn't be surprised. "Because I don't really want to sleep with earbuds in, or be in the same room while that's happening."

"Well, you could always sleep in the bathtub," Veronica teased, getting a pointed look from the redhead. "But, no. He's still coming up with Toni tomorrow. I did think about it, but Toni talked him out of it, since she's on this whole not getting in trouble thing. Which is for the best."

Cheryl nodded in agreement, and the two switched topics, going back to the competition. They had to get up extremely early the next morning to practice in one of the gyms beforehand.


Anthony had to work, but Toni and Sweet Pea were going to make the drive together. Of course, they had picked up snacks at the store before leaving; probably way too many snacks. Sweet Pea also had a small cooler full of ice, energy drinks for him, soda for Toni, and two bottles of water, as if they were going on a long road trip.

"How the hell do you stay hydrated?" Toni asked from the passenger seat, watching her friend chug half a Monster. She had also requested that they stop by Pop's that morning so she could get an iced coffee. Something that she had talked Pop into making and selling for the younger folk as Pop put it.

Sweet Pea shrugged from the driver seat, "I don't know, but I seem to be doing just fine." Toni rolled her eyes. "Plus, there's concession stands and vendors at the competition. And I'm sure I can find a water fountain somewhere if I suddenly become parched."

"Why did you say parched like that?" Toni laughed. "Like it's italicized or something."


"Nevermind," Toni snorted. "I also need to stop somewhere and get some flowers for Cher. They're going to kick ass today."

Sweet Pea's eyes widened, "Dude, why didn't I think of that? How is it possible that you can whoo women better and you didn't even know that you liked women until Red showed up?"

He was actually genuine in his question, but Toni snorted again. She wanted to punch his arm, but he was driving, so she didn't. Instead, she said, "I don't know, man. I guess that's what I would want Cher to do for me if things were the other way around."

Sweet Pea nodded, "That makes sense. You're so smart, T."

Toni laughed and they decided on some music to listen to for the drive. She scrolled through Instagram and saw that Fangs and Kevin were camping for the weekend, something they both enjoyed. She was happy for her friend, even if they didn't see each other much anymore. She'd have to make sure that they hung out more before she left for Canada.

The drive didn't seem too long with the music playing and the casual conversation. Sweet Pea had asked if he could recommend some business changes to Pop's, as if Toni had any control over that. He wanted a hawaiian burger added to the menu, and some weird milkshake flavors.


Toni and Sweet Pea had left an hour earlier than they really needed to so that they had time to get flowers and to find decent seats. Neither of them had ever been to something like that, so they weren't really sure what to expect. Toni's mom had sent them pictures in a group chat of signs to follow when they arrived, and which gym they would be in.

They struggled to find a parking spot, and ended up having to park almost half a mile away. Apparently they should

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