It has been more than a week...since the destruction of Union Academy. The to be blamed by the very people that had worked there. They were supposed to protect the teach them to be teach accept people for who they are. But the headmasters of the academy...they had tainted its meaning, into a symbol of superiority, pride, and power, and used it to look down at those that are powerless...or at least, those who's powers are so immensely weak that they believed that they are not worth becoming heroes. So imagine the shock and disbelief of everyone, when the so-called all powerful and unstoppable academy, became torn down to sunders and ruin, by one of the students that they had underestimated, by the very person that they had hurt...who had...the entire time...hid his powers, and they never knew of it. And all it took...was 3 months for that to happen. The headmasters are doing all that they could to rebuild the academy from the ground up, is going to take a very long times. Months...maybe even years to rebuild...if it could ever be rebuilt at all, due to the damage that Sans caused.
There were various reactions by the people of Union City and by the students of Union Academy. On both sides...they are shocked that the all powerful academy had been taken down by one of the students...and that is the one thing that everyone, both citizens and students alike shared. To the citizens, they became disillusioned, as they see that the academy they praised for being supposedly 'all-powerful,' turned out to be just as vulnerable as anything else, and it was only tough at many parts...except for the inside, and because of this, they had lost faith in the Academy's power, as they realized that, like other mortal being, like any other manmade structure that is normally build, they are as vulnerable as anything else. To the students, they are trying to reassure that...they are still as powerful as any other, and that it was Sans to blame for doing all of this, but, almost all of the Citizens didn't believe in the students that are trying to boast that they are still very, very powerful people. But in some of the a form of regret. In this is teams RWBY, NPR, and Deku, the few that were originally Sans' friends, but than turned against him.
For Team RWBY, they were originally the girlfriends of Sans, who had treated them with immense kindness, and this was something that they appreciated. He had always let them chose what they would do on their dates, and always let them win whenever they are kissing him, as he was always submissive to them. So when they believed that he was a powerless student, as he had never shown his powers, they cruelly cheated on Sans at the time of the second month with Team CRDL, and began to hurt him even more so compared to the other bullies, because now they attacked him both physically and mentally, which actually affected him. But when they found at that Sans had powers, and gave them a speech at how they are nothing but false heroes for all the boasting that they had talked about, this made them regretful and saddened of what they had done to Sans, while also realizing what they had done was very wrong, and they want to take it all back, but are unsure how. But Yang, being way to stubborn to give up, is going to keep on trying to get Sans back to their side, no matter what.
NPR kind of has a similar problem, except that...they were Sans' best friends, due to the fact that he treated him kindly. And Nora had once been his lunch buddy, due to the fact that they each had their own favorite food: Sans with his sushi, and Nora with her pancakes. Sans, like Jaune, treated Pyrrha like she is a person, which she appreciated, and both Lie Ren and Sans once had a relationship that was akin to brothers, as like Lie, he too can like peace and quiet whenever he likes it. So like RWBY, they betrayed him when they also believed him to be powerless, and because of that, Pyrrha would stab Sans in the Rms, Nora would smash him in the legs with Magnhild, and Lie Ren would shoot him in the back without hesitation, which is their way of thanking him for all that he has done. Only Jaune was the only one that never hurt Sans, as he knew what it was like to be put in his position of being powerless. So...when Sans destroyed the Academy, this made them shocked beyond belief, realizing that they had ultimately destroyed their bond with Sans for nothing. Even worse, is that Jaune is not here, making them realize that...they had just disappointed their leader badly, as this is not what he would have wanted. This made them feel bad, and now...they really have no idea how they can take it all back to Sans, and Nora missed her lunch buddy, and now, really wants him back.
But none are more guilty than Deku, who is the closest that Sans could ever have of getting another brother. Deku was similar to Sans, being weakened and powerless (although Sans was not actually powerless), and Sans, never gave up on trying to be a hero. So when he got the Quirk, One for All, he lost faith in Sans in the beginning of the third month, and began to hurt him in the remainder of it all. But Sans, after showing his powers, shocked Deku, and made him realized what he had done. that was already too late. Sans left the seen, and Deku believed that...this is Sans getting his revenge on Deku and the others, for all the agony that they had inflicted on him, and because of that, he had gotten the last laugh, for what he had done to the Academy, which is destroying it. And because of this, Deku feels so much guilt. He wants to redeem himself so that Sans could finally forgive him, but he knows that it's going to take more than just a simple sorry, and the thing is, he does not know how to gain his forgiveness, so they could be friends again. All he can pray.
With teams RWBY and NPR...
The dorms of RWBY and NPR, luckily, is separated from the academy itself. So they still have a room to get inside of. But right now...both teams are in team RWBY's own dorm.
"Man..this is just..."
Yang spoke out, but could not continue, and stopped herself, as she has a saddened and rather guilty expression still present on her face. And she is not the only one that had that look. Blake looks as though she is close to crying, and at the same time, had an expressionless face. Her eyes are soulless and agonized. Weiss tried to keep herself composed, but it is clear that she is on the edge of crying. Ruby looks as though she'd been sobbing for weeks. Lie Ren looks calm, but he obviously has a sad expression on his face. Phyrra is tearing up now, and Nora has a broken smile plastered right onto her face. She was laughing a brokenhearted laugh, as she began to speak out to herself, almost in a rather comforting tone to herself, and only herself.
"Come on, Nora. It'll work out. Sans'll come back. He'll be back as your lunch buddy. He'll come back. Right?"
Nora lost her smile, as a seed of doubt is than planted in her.
Lie Ren sighed, as he than rubbed her back, and it did not cause much of a reaction. Ruby turns around, and looks down, looking more sad than before, as she remembers all the good times that she wants had with Sans, before they had all betrayed and cheated on him.
Flashback...3 months back...
Sans is shown to be waking on the sidewalk, team RWBY right behind him. All 5 have a smile present on their faces, as they are savoring this newest date, this time, with all 4 of team RWBY. Before, it was one at a time. Now, it was all members of the team he loves. Sans also has a blush on his face, as the fun that she had with him, it was way more than she could have taken, and yet...he still liked what had just happened, regardless. He almost felt like he is going to faint in happiness, not that he would kind of it happening, anyway.
"Well...that was fun while it lasted. It's actually the most fun that I have ever had in my life! Thanks for the date, you four! It was very nice!"
Sans turned around, his smile is still present on his face. This made Weiss blushed, as she turns away and spoke out to him, almost looking agitated.
"W-Well of course, you Dunce!! You're our boyfriend!! Why wouldn't we do it with you?!"
RBY laughed a bit at Weiss's reaction, and Sans smiled a bit wider, which also made him a little more cuter. Yang than took the turn to speak out.
"Still...he's very cute, even if he is a shorty guy."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sans gripped his hands to his face in embarrassment, much to the amusement of RWBY. His Scarves are standing on end in his ire, and Ruby took the chance to catch him off guard, by using her Semblance, Petal Burst, and kissed him squared on the lips, catching Sans off guard by this sudden action. Weiss than held his feet with her Glyphs, which are black, and she grabs Sans by the checks, and kissed him, exploring Sans' sweet mouth.
Sans let out a moan. Even though his voice is between being light and deep, it is suprising sounding cute. Than, Blake took the turn to kiss him, and Sans unties the bow, and began to stroke her cat ears.
Blake began to purr into the kiss, as her ears are being petted by Sans. It was such a good feeling for Blake to have, with Sans softly caressing her cat ears, as they continued to kiss. Than, Blake separates from Sans, and Yang takes the turn to pick Sans up, and kissed him before he can do anything about it. Yang's lips were the most aggressive kiss, but Sans likes it. Than...
Sans let out a muffled yelp, as he feels his butt being grabbed roughly. it did not take long for Sans to realize that Yang is the one that is groping him right there. But Sans can't do anything, as he is off of the ground, son he just let's it happen, while Yang is content at grabbing him in a way like this. Sans is a little bit embarrassed by what just happened. But, in the end...Sans is happy that he gets to be with his 4 girlfriends.
"How I am so lucky to have all 4 of them...I'll never know."
Flashback end...
Ruby felt tears coming down her face, as she thought on the good times that she and the rest of her team had with Sans, who had treated them with far more kindness than anyone could ever give them. But in the end...they ended up repaying cheating and betraying him, and the result...was karma. Sans had gotten his revenge by tearing down Union Academy. And they ended up paying the price for it. Ruby wiped her tears away, as she thought to himself.
'Why? Why did we do it? He was so kind to all of us, and we instead did this to him. I'm so ashamed of myself.'
As she looks down, Yang than stood up, and began to go to the closet, and pulls out Ember Celica. She loads the weapon, as the rest of team RWBY and NPR look to see what it is Yang's doing.
'Sans...I promise you...when I find you...I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Even if it means saving you life. And when you are back in our arms again...I won't let anyone else hurt you. More importantly...I will not hurt you again, Sans. I promise you that. And a promise I'll keep.'
She than closed her eyes, as she thought back on one of the fun times that she had with Sans.
Sans and Yang were now on a mountain of some kind, as they and the rest of Team RWBY are on a mission of sorts. Sans nearly slipped onto the snow, but Yang caught him before he could hit his back into the ground.
"Woah, careful there, Sans. That was a close call."
Sans grunted a bit, as he steadied himself.
"Yeah, thank you Snow much for that, Yang."
Sans spoke out, as well as saying a pun along the way. Yang instantly heard it, and it caught her by surprise.
'Oh...he likes puns as well? Well...maybe he and I can make puns back at each other.'
Yang smiled, as she than spoke out.
"Ahhh...that is very Ice of you to say that to me."
Sans eyes widened, before he smiled.
'Oh heck yeah.'
Sans than spoke back.
'Hey, I am very 'cool' after all.'
'Well, you are a very Chill guy.'
'Heh, at least I am not Cold-Hearted.'
Weiss spoke out, sounding extremely irritated. Sans and Yang laughed at her reaction, much to the heiress' look of embarrassment. Blake and Ruby were just as annoyed, but they are not lashing out. This made Yang happy...that she now has a pun buddy. Looked like the beginning of a new Friend-Shape.
Flashback ends...
Yang clenched her fist, a now determined expression is now on her face, as Ruby spoke out.
"Yang. Where are you going?"
Yang turns around, and spoke out to Ruby.
"Where does it look like I'm going, Ruby? I'm going to find Sans."
Everyone's eyes widened, as Blake spoke out to Yang.
"Yang. That is crazy. If the teachers find out we are trying to find Sans, they'll accuse us of betraying them."
Yang than spoke back.
"Yeah, well, we betrayed Sans already, and we went to the wrong side. We ended up being a reason behind the way Sans is now. So let's betray again, but to the right side. Or, you can stay here and not regain Sans' forgiveness again."
This made Blake's eyes widened. But now...she reminds herself of a memory that was very precious to Blake.
"You are a Cat Faunus all this time?"
Sans said, he was in an empty dorm meant for Team RWBY, as Blake is leaning against the wall, her Cat Ears of her Faunus heritage now shown to Sans very clearly,
"Yes...I am."
Sans looks shocked, before speaking out.
"Why are you showing me this? You could have kept this all to yourself instead of revealing it to me. Aren't you scared of what I would think of you, Blake?"
Blake shook her head, her Cat Ears sways with her movement, as she than spoke out.
"I was...but..."
She than blushed, as she than spoke out.
"I saw how you treated Velvet, a bunny Faunus, made me realize that you are very accepting to the Faunus. made me realize how much I love you. Which is why...I've showed it to you, because I completely trust you."
Sans was surprised. But than...he smiled, and he than walked forward...before he began to rub the Cat Ears with his hands. Blake was caught off guard by this action...but than...she began to purr, as she hugged Sans, and picked him up off the ground. The feeling of her ears being petted like is so pleasurable for Blake. It made her other ear twitch, as if wanting it to be pet on the other one. Deciding to think that is the case, Sans used his other arm to bet and stroke the other Cat Ear. This made her purr even more louder now. Sans smiled as she did that...but than...her entire body began to shake a bit. He he spoke out to Blake.
"Ummm...Blake? You okay?"
Silence...until she used her Semblance, Shadow, to push herself onto the newest bed, and Blake landed right on top of Sans, who's back landed right onto the bed.
"Oof!! Blake, what-MMMMMM!!"
Sans tried to speak out, but Blake pressed her lips onto Sans' mouth, and Sans was caught off guard by that. Blake than gripped Sans by the waist...and Sans than hugged Blake by wrapped his arms around her neck, deepening the kiss more than it did before, leading to a make-out session. Blake continues to purr, and Sans continues the kiss, as they keep their bodies together.
Flashback End...
Blake looks down...and tightened her hand. She than stood up, and spoke out.
"I hate doing this...but I have not forgotten how Sans accepted the Faunus, and more I'm coming with you, Yang. I've made up my mind now."
Yang smiled, as she spoke out.
"That what I want. Now come on and hurry. We need to find him. The sooner we find him, the better."
Weiss and Ruby looked up, and Ruby, for once... it wanting to back down, stood up as well, and walked to being out Crescent Rose, as she remembers one of the last happy times that she
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