Hidden Power...Awoken

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Everyone looks at Gaia, as Gaia looks back at them, and then, before anyone could speak, they all decide to attack the goddess. They do not speak with words on how much they want her to be gone. All they speak with is in their actions, in how much ferocity and brutality that they are able to dish out to the Earth Goddess.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When they attacked, a powerful shockwave is heard, as the powers of everyone spread across all of the entire map of the abandoned destroyed AU. Gaia is pushed back, as she was not prepared for the combined might of everyone, but the others pushed forward, as they are not about to be prepared. They are ready to bring down Gaia.

The Astral Mother, Error404, and Righteous!Error fired their Alpha, God, and Glitch Rays, along with their Astral, Dark, and Error Blasters at Gaia, using as much of their power as they can to try and cause as much devastating, massive damage to Mother Nature as much as they can. And they did, as they are able to make her feel catastrophic agony, one that she has never felt before. But as she has fused with the MalesGrow Eye Bug, it gave her even more durability than ever before. And thus, she is able to survive the combined attack from the both of them, especially from all 3 members of the Skeleton family, who are much stronger than their original counterparts. 

Gaia snarled a little bit, as the Eye Bug glowed its red eye, before firing at the 3 of them. But the Astral Mother dodged the attack, as Error404 than charged forward; and gave her a barrage of punches and kicks at her, as he then uppercuts into the air, and used his Blue Mastery to send her flying onto a structure. Then, Righteous rapped Red Strings around her, and caused her immense agony, as he then reeled her in, and as he did, his right fist sparked black electricity, and before the Astral Mother knew it, she is sent flying by the punch, as the Astral Mother than spoke out.

"Pure Hatred + Fear = Terror."

Then, Pink Beams of energy fired at Gaia, and they struck her very hard. When they hit Gaia, it made her experience Pure Terror unlike any she has felt before, as The Astral Mother than rushed forward and unleashed a powerful punch to Mother Nature, which hurts 5 times worse than Error404's punches. Gaia tried to block a punch, but then, the Astral Mother turned and kicks Gaia in the head, in fact, the force would almost be enough to rip off her entire head. But Gaia's head is held strong, as she than charged at the Astral Mother and used the MalesGrow Tentacles to try and attack the Astral Mother, only for the Astral Mother to use an attack of her own to slice them.

"Astral Whip."

The Astral Mother swung her hand, and then, whip-like beam of light came out from the Astral Mother's fingers, as they sliced through the tentacles, much to Gaia's shock. Then, the Astral Mother vanished, as she than teleported behind Gaia, and punched her back, nearly causing her spine to break, but the Eye Bug was able to heal it and make it a little bit more durable. She than extended her hand out and spoke out her power.

"Soul Attack."

The Astral Mother than used her Fear and Magic, and when she did that, Gaia felt pain. Pure, unspeakable pain. She feels that her own soul is being stretched, and that it is about to break from the sheer strength of the force that is stretching her soul. When that happened, Gaia than turned around, and her eye opened up, as she than fired an Eye Beam at the Astral Mother, in which she defends herself with her Astral Blaster, although the force is enough send her flying backwards. And needless to say, Error404 and Righteous were not happy, as they fired their attacks at Mother Nature. Error404 than launched a God Ray and Righteous a Glitch Ray, as they tried to shoot Gaia down. But Gaia got out of the way, as she than appears behind both Error404 and Righteous!Error, as he then kicks them all hard and sends them down to the ground. But before she can continue her attack.


100 than came charging out to Gaia, as his body began to glow red, his power has increased by 100 times the amount than ever before, due to the fact that he had fought against Gaia prior to this current fight, and needless to say, 100 is now ready to make Gaia pay for attacking his mother. And luckily, as he has grown with age, he is now able to see with his single eye, making him far more dangerous than he was ever before, as before, he was blind when he was younger.

He raised his arm into the air and tried to slam it down on top of Gaia, who caught it with her hand, but it made a crack in the floor, as Gaia looked down, realizing that 100 is now much stronger, as 100 than smashed with his other hand. This made Gaia move out of the way, as the other hand crushed a massive crack in the ground, and Gaia looks up a little bit and sees that there is a single eye that is on 100's head, than splits open, revealing 4 rows of teeth in a vertical way. He then lunges at the Goddess of the Earth, as Gaia jumped out of the way, as 100 chomped and crunched onto the ground, as he stood up, and the mouth closed, revealing his single eye again, as 100 is now done yet. 100 than roared into the air, as it caused such a very loud sound that 10 AUs can hear it from nearby the original Abysstale AU, and it caused a lot of pain to those that are inside of the AU itself. Even Gaia was hurt very badly from the ears, and it caused her own ears to bleed. And then, 100's single eye began to glow, and before Gaia knew it, the eye than fired, intent to destroy Gaia.

Not wanting to get destoryed, Gaia fired the MalesGrow Eye Beam from the Eye Bug and tries to use it to counter the Pure Blast from 100. But to the shock of Gaia, not only did the Beam not stop it the slightest bit, but it has gotten overpowered by the Pure Blast from 100, despite the Eye Bug being made from MalesGrow, who was once the second largest TransVoid Being, and this is the strongest one that he has made.

Not wanting to get hit, the Mother Nature got out of the way, as she almost got hit by the Pure Blast, and it burned through the ground effortlessly. A few small holes in reality lead to the MainFrame, and needless to say, Gaia was shocked to see that a blast is powerful enough to lead to another reality. And then, 100 charged at Gaia, as he tries to smash her. But Gaia raised her hand, and powerful durable roots appeared from the ground, as they wrapped around and constricted 100, in order to prevent him from moving another muscle, as 100 tried to move with all of his might against her. But the roots are keeping him in place, which is making 100 more and madder than ever before, due to the fact that they are keeping him in place, which is preventing him from continuing to attack Gaia. But Gaia narrowed her eyes behind the mask, as she than manipulated the roots, and what this does is that it sends 100 high into the air after the roots had thrown 100 into the deep depths of space, which is one of the remaining parts of this AU, and 100 seems to be going to the broken moon.

As Gaia looked, all of a sudden, a powerful slash had appeared, and struck her across her chest, as she than looks down, to see that Rory Mercury had decided to fight against Gaia.

Rory Mercury smiled, as she looks up at the Mother of the Earth, as she spoke out.

"Well, not it is my turn to take my chances on you, huh?"

Gaia narrowed her eyes, as she than launched razor sharp leaves at Rory Mercury, in hopes of cutting her to small bits, so she will not come back.

Rory Mercury leapt up into the air, as she barely avoided the attack from Mother Nature herself. She than leapt up and jumped up from the roots that are coming from the ground, as she then sees a Boulder come down from the sky. But Rory, smiling, raises her hand up, and caught the Boulder without effort, as she than threw it at Gaia, which crashed into bits and hit her in the face.

This made Gaia a little bit mad, as she than loosen r Rory, and fired an Eye Beam at her, hoping to incinerate her into absolute ashes. But Rory raised her Halberd, and blocked the attack, which is then deflected back at Gaia, and hits her in the stomach, which caused a lot of agony to her. Gaia was shocked. The blast was able to damage even the Astral Mother and even Ten No Kami, and they are extremely powerful entities themselves. So how is it that a Halberd is able to deflect an attack from the Eye Bug, especially since it is made from the father of Ten herself, and he is far stronger than his own daughter?

Then, as that happened, all of a sudden, powerful punch was felt, and a fireball was also felt, as she is sent down to a structure, presumably the remains of the old Abysstale's Union Academy. Rory Mercury looked above her, as she sees that Atla and Kunou have also appeared, as they also leapt down from the ground, and got ready to fight back against the Goddess of the Earth.

Atla and Kunou looked at Rory and nodded, as Rory smiled, her lips turned from pink to purple, as she looks at Gaia, as she than breaks out of her spot, and looks down at the trio underneath her, as Gaia spoke out to the group.

"It matters not how many there are with you. You will all still die."

Rory smiled, as Atla clenched her fist and Kunou readies her Fox Fires. Gaia than made a gesture, and vines erupted, as they went around to try and construct the trio, but Kunou rose her hand above her head, and made a ring of flames, which she than used to destroy the vines, before leaping up into the air, and launching a bunch of fireballs. Gaia tries to block them, but they are able to hurt her, as Kunou than punched and struck Gaia with flame infused punches, in order to make her stumble backwards and cause as much agony to her as she possibly can. But Kunou than is forced to move out of the way, as a beam of light is then fired from Gaia's mouth, forcing Kunou to move away, as she than fell down to the ground. Kunou looked up and noticed that Gaia is now raining down flames from above Kunou, and Gaia aimed them to try and kill Kunou in the meteor shower. But Kunou turned into her small fox form, as she ran away as fast as she can in order to avoid getting hit by the fireballs. She was able to get out of the way of death's door, as Kunou than leapt up into the air, and made a fiery slash at Gaia, before striking her in the face, which made Gaia angry, as she than launched electricity, and struck Kunou in the torso, hurting her, as a Tentacle than wrapped around Kunou and tried to send her off into space. But Auxesia wrapped her tentacle around Kunou, as she than began to use her power to try and heal her.

Now it is Atla's turn, as she than jumped up high into the air, as she than began to attack using all of her power against the Goddess of the Earth. She than used her own Ki to enhance her powers and unleashed a powerful punch towards Gaia, which sends her flying backwards and get struck to the ground, crashing down and causing immense agony to her.

Gaia than began to stand up, as she than looks up at Atla and fired ice shards at Atla, hoping to kill her. But Atla, as she has been practicing with her powers, has used a trick that Gaia has not seen before. She used her Ki to store the ice attacks into spheres made of Ki, shaped like Beads, as she than fired them back at Gaia, causing a bit more pain, as Atla landed down onto the ground. Atla than landed onto the ground, as she readies her hand, and focuses on a weak spot, before noticing a red glow on Gaia's chest, the eye that Gaia had fused with. Atla than ran as fast as she can, as she charged at Gaia, and before Gaia can react, Atla reeled her fist and punched her fist at the eye and made a powerful red cosmic explosion. This explosion is powerful enough to send them both back, as Gaia was also able to feel immense agony from the attack itself, with the MalesGrow Eye Bug being a part of her body, it now has become a weakness to her, since it can still be vulnerable.

But for Atla, she got seriously burned in the right arm, and thus, Auxesia is able to catch Atla as well. Due to the cosmic energy of MalesGrow, it somewhat is slowing down Atla's ability to regenerate the damage from the arm, but even with the severity, she is still able to heal the damage. It will just take a while. For low, it is Rory's turn.

The Demigoddess turned around to look at Gaia, as she than spoke out.

"And what shall you do now, Rory Mercury? You all all by yourself. Your 2 allies now out of commission, and you are all by yourself."

Rory Mercury smiled, as she spoke out.

"Allow me to show you why I am called the Reaper by the others."

Then, Rory Mercury leapt up into the fast, which Gaia did not see coming. She than looks up, and sees that Rory Mercury is coming down, her Halberd in hand, as she positions herself for a powerful strike, in order to make sure to cleave the Goddess into 2 halves.

Rory Mercury swung her Halberd down, as she tries to cleave Gaia in half, as it made a very powerful shockwave. But Gaia was fine, as she made a wall of durable rock to stop the Halberd from hitting her, although it did hit her stomach a little bit, along a smaller variation of the cut that Rory had given her before. But Rory landed down to the ground, and sliced off one of the arms of Gaia, causing Gaia great pain, although her arm regenerated, as Rory Mercury than sliced a leg off as well, making Gaia fall down, as Rory Mercury than sliced onto the back of Gaia, slicing her spine, and paralyzing her temporarily. Gaia screamed in agony, as the Tentacles on her back than move said wrapped around Rory Mercury, as they stabbed her in the chest, leg, and stomach, causing Rory Mercury great amount of pain, before Rory Mercury sliced off of them. But then, she got electrocuted, and hit with hot steamy water, burning away Rory's skin, although it regenerates, as Gaia rose up from the ground, and Gaia snarled out in a form of pure rage at Rory Mercury.

"Insignificant pest!! How dare you attack and try to kill me, the goddess that has made the countless Earths across the Multiverse!! For this act, you shall die!!!"

Gaia than looks down, and the Eye Bug opened up, revealing that it has now healed, as Gaia looks down at Rory, rage present on her face, as she prepares to fire on Rory Mercury for attacking her like that. Rory Mercury, however, stood up, as she looks up at Gaia, and sees that she is enraged, just as she wants to have happened.

Rory Mercury, although hurt from the barrage of devastating attacks that Gaia had inflicted onto her, then smiled for some unknown reason, as she than spoke out.

"Heh. A lot more powerful than expected, I see. Personally, I can be amused with what you have in sort for me, Gaia."

Gaia smiled behind her mask, as she looks down at the Demigoddess underneath, and she than prepares to fire another eye beam, as Rory smiled, before speaking out to her.

"But...who says that I will be the one to die?"

This made Gaia confused, until a black tentacle was shown behind Gaia, who then turns around, and realizes what was about to happen.

Before she can react, the tentacle slammed into Gaia and sent her flying into a structure, before the rocks than were changed, first into a state of liquid, and then, reformed physically, now as black rocky spikes, before the shards than fired at Gaia, and pierced her body and head, while also causing a hole to be punctured into the mask, and it made Gaia felt a form of agony that she had never felt before. Gaia than ripped the spikes off of her body, as she than began to float, and she looks to see who it is, as a large figure than appear before her, the shadow of said entity casting over the entire body of the goddess herself.

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