Alpha meets Everybody

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Line height Alpha sat on a seat, with everyone looking at Alpha, shocked at what they are seeing. James Ironwood, Ozpin, and Glynda Goodwitch are also shocked, as they are seeing Alpha Sans for the very first time, even if he is inside of Abyss' body. To say that they are simply just shocked would be one heck of an understatement. To say that they are both shocked and disbelieved beyond anything that they can simply just would be a much better way to describe this thing that they have right now.

"I...I got no words! I simply can't believe it!! You're Alpha?!"

Mine spoke out, as Alpha turns Abyss' head and nodded, as he spoke out to her.

"Indeed I am...and you must be Mine, I believe Abyss calls you."

Alpha's tone was much more different compared to Abyss. Abyss Sans' tone would usually sound close and concerned for the people he cared about. Alpha's is half similar, except that he sounds like he is a distant person. And yet, he still carried a voice of genuine concern for the group that he is speaking to. It is such a very unique, yet strange thing to witness, as no one has ever possessed Abyss Sans before. So why in the world would Alpha Sans of all people possess Abyss.

"I never thought that I would be meeting you like this, inside of Abyss' body, for whatever reason. Heck...why are you even using Abyss' anyway? I mean, you could have used anyone else to take over, such as Ink or Ganz, or anyone else of Abyss' counterparts. So why him?"

Yang spoke out, making Ink and Ganz glare at Yang angrily, feeling insulted, who holds her hand up, and a panicked expression on her face, as she spoke out to them in an effort to try and calm them down and appease them.

" offense to you guys, though!"

Leone scoffs, as she spoke out to Yang.

"Nice one, Yang. Nice."

Alpha sighed, as he spoke out.

"Because they will not be able to handle my power. Unlike other Sanses, I was one of the first, and therefore, one of the most powerful Sanses ever created, with the only one rivaling my power would be William."

James looks confused, as he spoke out.

"Who's William?"

Alpha looks up, and spoke out.

"Who is the one that would later be well-known as Error404, my older brother."


Everyone was shocked at what they had just heard! Alpha is Error404's brother. But Alpha spoke out.

"In have heard of Ink telling you all about me before. But the only reason you are hearing of me now, he because I erased my knowledge out of your memories, so that I could prepare going to Abyss without any interruptions."

This made everyone confused, as Ruby spoke out to Alpha.

"Why wound you do that? We could have helped you with the problem that you have when it comes to regaining your body back!"

Alpha looks at Ruby, and spoke out.

"It wouldn't work, because of your level of technology. For my soul is so powerful that if you were to put me into another body, my soul would simply destroy it. In fact, that is the reason why I decided not to do the others, as their bodies are not strong enough to be contained. Ink, my apprentice, is powerful, yes, and he is a soulless entity. But even he is not powerful enough to handle the strain of my power. Abyss, on the other hand, can, as his ability to Evolve makes him a perfect vessel for me to use. His body will continue to grow powerful enough, until it can finally contain it. But...that is also the first reason why I decided to take over Abyss' physical form."

Ozpin looks at Adam, as he spoke out.

"What is the other reason?"

Alpha sighed, as he than spoke out.

"It is because of Error404, brother. I want to to show him that I am still existing."

This made Akame confused, as she spoke out.

"Why would you do that? Won't Error404, William...kill you?"

Adam, Alpha, shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"No. In spite of how he ultimately a troubled and grieving soul. You brother and I had each other, we love each other so much, that when I was killed by Infected...Error404 became confused with grief and rage. He believed that I was dead, and wants to bring me back, no matter the cost, the same goes for what happened to our former Universe, Alphatale, the very first Alternate Universe to ever be created."

Alpha sighed, as he looked down at his hands, it rather, Abyss' hands, as he interlocked them, while he continues to speak.

"I remember, during my time as a spirit, that I would see my brother grieve for my death."

Alpha closed his eyes, as he remembered this one moment that really broke his heart.

"I remember my brother, grieving for me in my birthday, vowing to bring me back, while also giving gifts for me that I cannot physically take. My brother's grief has been eating his very mind for some time. He can never be free from it. He can never let me go. He wants to keep whatever is left of me inside of his mind, so that he an bring me back to life, no matter what it will take, no matter what it will cost, in matter what it will do to him.

I would always to try to pat my brother in the back, and tried all I can to let him know that I am still existing. But because my brother does not believe that I am still anchored to mortal reality in a way...he cannot hear, see, or realize that I was with him from the beginning. I know all the wrongs that he had done...I am well aware for all the destruction that he had caused. But in the end of it all...what he really desires, was to regain everything that he had lost. All of his friends, even his brother, me...back. It is just his grief that made him the way he is right now. My brother is not evil. He is only misguided and hurt. So please...don't hate him for what he has become."

Alpha than looks at everyone, and they all had a look of pity, as Sonic spoke out.

"So all Error404 was all just to regain what he had lost?"

Alpha nodded.

"Yes. He does not want to destroy everything. He just wants to bring back our home, and our people. And that is why I am here. Because I am going to show to Alpha that I am still alive. And that he has no need to hurt and kill everything anymore, all just to bring me and the others back. Though...I fear that trying to convince me will not be easy...considering what my brother his like, being consumed with grief and insanity those many years."

This made everyone look down, as they finally understand why Error404 is the way he is. It is not out of malice, or because he shares Error's belief in trying to destroy universes. But is out of pure grief and desperation to try and bring back his world, which he had lost a long time ago. Wanting to bring back his brother from death, even though he still does exist in a way, somewhat as simply a ghost.

Ink than spoke out to Alpha Sans.


Alpha turns to Ink, his apprentice, as the current Protector of AUs spoke out to his superior.

"Is there anything that I can do to help you with making a new body for you?"

Alpha than looks at Ink and shook his head.

" least...not you alone. If I am going to need to come back to my original body, I would need to have Error404 help me with this as well. If I can show him that I am still here, and that he does not need to attack, than he will stop and listen to reason from me."

Blake than spoke out to Alpha, a question concerning about Error404 going out to help alpha with this mess that he is in now, in needing a new body.

"But how are you going to do that? How are you going to get Error404 to help you out in making you a new body? I highly doubt that you can make him recognize you through that body that you are using, especially since you are literally possessing Abyss, who Error404 is determines to try and get."

Alpha looks down at himself, before he spoke back to Blake Belladonna.

"I'll think of something, Blake Belladonna. After all, who says that I can't think of a plan to put an end to this?"

Alpha Sans flexed Abyss' fingers, before he than spoke out.

"I have known my brother for a long time, Blake Belladonna. I know all of his tricks, all of his moves, and the way he uses them. But he does not know what I can do, since he has never seen me do it in this Era. Who's to say that I cannot figure out how to manifest my real into the physical world through simply transforming Abyss' body into something that can resemble me? I can think of a way to show to my brother, William, that I am still alive. But for now, there is just simply no plan at all. Manifesting my form into the physical world is the end of the plan. The rest is to figure out for myself on how to turn the body into the way it must be, for my Brother, William, to stop with what he is that he may listen to reason."

Opinion looks down at the ground and nodded.

"I see. Well...Alpha, if you have a plan, than we can use it. But for now, we need to make sure that Error404 does not come out of nowhere and attack. The rest of you, I suggest you train much more harder, in case Error404 decides to strike out of nowhere."

Everyone nodded at what Ospin said, as Alpha stood up, and he began to walk away, as he prepares to do something in private. But as he began to go away, a female voice was heard from behind him.

"There is one thing that I need to say to you, Alpha...or should I say, Adam..."

Alpha turned around to see that it is none other than Atla who had spoken to him, and she has a very enraged and pissed off look on her face, for the fact that Alpha took control of Abyss without any sort of warning what so ever, and now, because of this, is worrying about Abyss' safety, believe that he must have gotten hurt when Alpha had taken complete control over the Ruler of the Abyss.

"You better not have hurt Sans while you are possessing him, if not, than you are going to pay for taking him over like that!"

Atla shouted out at Alpha, who looks at Atla with a genuine smile on his face.

"Do not worry, Atla Fayon. He is not hurt, nor is he killed. In fact, he is still fine, for the soul, at least. His body just needs to get used to having me in there. And it still is...until tomorrow comes, in which it will become powerful enough to keep me contained. But do not worrying bout men continuing to possess Abyss. I will give him back control over his body. But tell you want to also want me to allow him to retake control right now?"

Atla still glared with her eyes closed, but doesn't speak. She did, however, nod her head, as Alpha simply shrugged, before he spoke out.

"Alright than."

He than opened his eyes, which glowed white for a couple of seconds, before Abyss retook control, and he held his head. And Atla...she can sense that Abyss, her beloved, is now back to normal. Abyss than wiped the tear coming down his eight eye, as he than spoke out.

"Well, that was fun."

Atla, unable to contain her joy, ran to Abyss, and hugged him, and Abyss was caught by surprise, before he than hugged back. He must have realized that Atla Fayon was worried sick for him, and believed that he would be gone forever. Luckily, Abyss was never gone forever. Atla confuse to hug Abyss, and now, she will not let him go. But Abyss does not mind, as he continues to embrace his most loyal follower. But there is one thing that has been bothering him deeply. And he need some I know from Alpha himself. So closing his eyes...he entered into his mind, in order to confront Alpha and talk to him about it.

Inside of Abyss' Mind...

Abyss appeared through a portal, and landed onto the ground, as he looks around to see where he is at. It looks like he is in Waterfall. But this version of looks far more complex than it ever looks before. Not even the Waterfall of Abyss' world could look like this. It is something so new to him. Or, Abyss believes that this Waterfall is the one that exists in the world of Alphatale. If that is the case, than it could explain the complex appearance that it has, as the waterfall of Abyss' world clearly does not look like this.

But he has no time to wonder and look in awe of its appearance, for he has better stuff to do. So gets up from the ground, and began to walk around for a little bit. As he walked around, he noticed that a bunch of the Echo Flowers began to speak. It is of 2 voices that he recognize. One is of Error404, and the other is of Alpha, back when they were know as William and Adam. Obviously, the Echo Flowers are repeating and replaying memories in some way, but Abyss does not want to look at it or hear out to them, since that would be barging into Alpha's personal issues without considering how he would feel. Abyss feels like it should not be his interest to look into Alpha's memories, and instead, just do whatever he needs to do in order to find Alpha.

Abyss continues to look around and try to find him, but as this version of Waterfall is very complex, it is a little but difficult to try and find Alpha. But he wouldn't need to find Alpha, because he began to feel a presence inside of his mind. It was the presence of Alpha, as he began to walk down towards him as fast as he can. He kept walking and walking and walking, until he was able to find him, sitting down and looking into the horizon.

Alpha sighed, as he is now sitting onto the edge of a small cliff in Waterfall.

Clearly, he knows that it is finally time to start doing something about his brother, but he has no idea how he is going to be able to bring Error404 to his senses, as trying to convince him that he really is here will be difficult. Abyss also knows that he needs to talk to him about something in his mind, but before he does that, he needs to talk about the plan that he has when he prepares to confront his own brother, Error404. But as he dos that, he can here Alpha speak to himself about what he had done to Abyss, clearly not very happy about the fact that he had to use Abyss to anchor himself into existence.

"It is a very risky move for me to use Abyss as a physical anchor. But I must do something."

But as he looked down at himself and began for think of what to do, a voice spoke out from behind Alpha.

"You know, I never thought that you could do this, erasing our minds like that without any sort of warning."

Alpha turns around, and he is met with the arrival of Abyss, who looks at Alpha straight in the eye.

Abyss gawked his head at Alpha, before he spoke out.

"You do know how weird this feels, right? Being forced the back of my mind?"

Alpha chuckled a little bit, as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, you could say that. Whenever you are fused with the others, your mind and their mind simply merged with yours, and that is it. But to be possessed, is another thing."

Abyss nodded, as he than walks up to the edge, before he sat down, and looks up at the horizon. And cleaely, it is a very beautiful sight to behold before Abyss' eyes. Not even this version of Waterfall in Abyss' world can look this beautiful and this complex. Thisnisnsomethung that Abyss has never see before in his life. This is truly something else. Abyss than looked at Alpha and spoke out to him.

" thought of any plans on how to make Error404 listen to you?

Alpha shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Oh I don't need to."

This made Abyss confused at what Alpha has said, as he than spoke out to him.

"What do you mean, you don't need to think of a plan?"

Alpha smiled, as he than spoke out to Abyss.

"The fusion thing...we can't normally do that, since I do not have a physical body to use. But since your body can change whatever it happens, all I needn't on do s to hijack your soul, so that I can take control of it, and use its power to change my appearance in the physical world, in order for my brother, Error404 to see me. If I can do that, than my brother will surely stop with whatever he is doing."

Abyss looked down at the ground, and nodded, before he than spoke out.

"That does sound awesome and all...but there is one thing I want to know."

Alpha looks at Abyss, who than sighed deeply and spoke out to him.

"Once you regain your physical form, and you manage to bring back Error404's sanity...what will you do now? Do you plan on reviving your universe or something? Regain your home to live inside of again?"

Alpha looks beyond the horizon inside of Abyss' mind, clearly in deep thought,

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