When it reapeated 101 times, one very smart person was different than all the other people. His name was Bill also. So when Bill found the evil poo inside their car, Bill didn't go inside his car, even though he had to go to work, he just locked all the doors (I don't know why the poo didn't go out in the first place) so the evil poo would be trapped in the car FOREVER! So then after a week or so, the evil poo was getting weaker and weaker. Once it got weaker Bill opend the door of the car and the poo fell out. It was just lying on the ground like it was dead! So Bill started hitting the ugly thing with a baseball bat! Then the poo said "No stop! I don't want to die!" And then Bill was like NO and started hitting the poo again. "I always wanted to kill you all my life!!!" Said Bill. "Why did you say all my life? WAIT IS THAT YOU BILL?" Yes it is." then it was the same guy from the beginning and it was 3 years later.
"WHAT I CAN'T BELIVE ITS YOU!!!" Said the poo. Well it is. Then after moments of staring at each other the poo said "Can we be friends then?" "Ok" said Bill.
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