-You have failed miserably. Ian, who do you think was possessed?-
Ian looked nervous as he had to vote for people first. "Preston and Jack." He answered. Preston kinda knew people would vote him as he did look a little suspicious.
"I think it was Ian and Jack." He replied. He forgot that Ian can't be possessed as he was possessed on the previous floor.
"I think it might have been Simon and Preston." Jerome answered.
"Jack, possibly Preston." Gavin wasn't sure. Preston wondered how was he suspicious.
-Double, who do you think they were?-
"Jack and Preston." Double/EnderLox replied. Jack started to look hurt by all the votes towards him.
"Jerome and Preston." Simon answered as he didn't want to be be accused. Revenge voting as they call it.
"I thought it was Gavin and Ryan to be honest." Michael said. Ryan and Gavin started to stare at Michael.
"Gavin and Preston." Ryan answered.
"I think Jerome and Jack." She answered.
-Tyler, who do you think was possessed?-
"I thought it was Jack and Preston. Sorry if I'm wrong." Tyler said. "I don't have a clue to be honest."
"It's ok, I don't either." Preston said to Tyler.
"I think it was Jerome, but possibly Preston. I don't think it's Jack." Lindsay replied.
"Jack and Gavin." Was all Quentin answered.
I think it's Preston and Jack." Geoff/EnderSil replied.
-Jack, who do you think was possessed?-
"Well, its not me. But I'm voting Preston and Gavin." Jack replied.
-You have voted for Preston and Jack. The Enders will now reveal themselves on who they took over-
EnderSil and EnderLox appeared.
"Jack, your damn right about that," She said, as a tendril went to Jack and tied him up. "And Preston, sadly you're caught too." She released another tendril to get Preston.
"Then, who were you both?" Michael asked, nearly sounding angry.
"Well I to-" EnderSil started.
"SOMEONE TOOK OVER ME!!" Geoff shouted, cutting over EnderSil.
"I was about to come to that. It was me, Geoff. It felt awesome having a moustache to be honest."
"And I took over Double." EnderLox announced as he started to smirk.
"No wonder what happened to me." Double said.
"Well its time to head to your new home until the end of the game. Preston, no having fun with Mitch please." EnderSil starts laughing as she goes through the floor, with Jack and Preston in tow.
"I am getting a bad feeling about this." Bodil said. "I can hear cackling."
"Well, you're damn right my dear." EnderSil said as she dropped Preston and Jack off. She went back up to floor 6.
"What happened to you guys?" Adam asked.
"I'll explain. It's a weird game." And Preston explained the game to Adam.
EnderSil, as soon as she got back, teleported everyone to floor 5.
Yay for an update.
I felt like rubbish earlier. Dang throat o.o
Adam and Alesa have had their child Mason today :) also Deadlox also said his sister is also having a baby today as well :) congratulations to both :)
Now, who will be next to be trapped? Who knows? Muhahahahaha.
Update most likely Saturday. Hoping tomorrow. Bear with me please :3
CadenceChan :3 (le sneaky EnderSil >:D)
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