-Ian, who do you think this time?-
"I think it was Lindsay and Jerome." Ian replied. Lindsay looked shocked when she heard her name.
"Lindsay and possibly Tyler." Jerome/EnderLox answered. Tyler looks betrayed when his name was called out.
"I think it was Tyler and Ashley." Ryan replied.
-Ashley, who do you think was possessed?-
"Tyler and Lindsay." She replied.
I think it was Lindsay and Geoff." Tyler/EnderSil said, a little panicked as most of the votes were on him.
"I also think Tyler, but also Ashley." Lindsay answered.
"I think Tyler and Lindsay." Quentin replied.
-Geoff, who do you think?-
"I think it was Tyler and Ian." Geoff answered.
-You have voted for Tyler and Lindsay. The Enders will now reveal themselves on who they took over-
EnderSil and EnderLox appeared before everyone. "You guys may not know but you caught one of us. Which one did you catch?" EnderLox told them.
"It was me they caught." EnderSil sighed. Everyone looked shocked as EnderSil was the slyest one of the pair and they caught her. "I was Tyler."
"No wonder what happened to me!!!" Tyler shouted.
"Now, now.. Calm down little one." EnderSil cooed to Tyler, who was a little angry at this point. "This also means we take 2 people down with us. One of the lucky guests to head down there is Lindsay." EnderSil launched a tendril to catch Lindsay.
"Ahh!!" Lindsay screamed.
"And we get to pick someone to join the party in the dungeons. I'm letting you pick, EnderLox."
"Well, I'll be picking the one who I took over. That was Jerome." EnderLox replied to EnderSil.
"Well then, we're taking le favourite bacca with us.." EnderSil said as she launched a tendril at Jerome.
"Ouch!!" Jerome said as he got caught. Tyler watched in dismay.
"See you guys in a bit." EnderSil went through the floors as before.
Adam kept looking out of the barred windows. "I wonder how the audience are finding it.." EnderSil appeared and dropped Jerome and Lindsay.
"Lindsay!!" Michael shouted and went over to her.
"Biggums!!" Mitch shouted to Jerome. (#Meromeisforlife)
"Looks like a happy reunion... Now will the team win?" EnderSil cackled. The others wondered what will happen. "See you later, if they win that is..." EnderSil carried on laughing as she vanished back up.
"I'm nervous.. Biggums, how did you get trapped?" Mitch asked. Jerome explained the additional rule to Mitch and a few others who hadn't made it to floor 4.
EnderSil reappeared to floor 3. "Right, its show time. Now, it's the real test." EnderSil said as she teleported the remaining 6 to floor 2, where their fight for freedom awaits.
Sorry for lack of update. I've been doing a Halloween drawing. It will be put up on Twitter on Halloween, when I've finished it. It's on colouring stage right now. Spoilers, there's 18 people in this, including myself xD
And Floor 2 has been started already (thank goodness)
Floor 2, hoping, will be out before Halloween.
EnderSil/CadenceChan :3
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