Chapter 9- Action

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"So you want information from my Captain. Any reason you want my Captain?"

"As a matter of fact yes, Skywalker."

Anakin cursed slightly under his breath before looking Ventuss dead in the eyes. "Why would you want my Captain. Rex hasn't done anything wrong to upset you."

"His batch mates have?"

"What do you mean?" Anakin growled under his breath. If he wasn't chained up and extremely tired he would have forced chocked Ventruss to get the information out of her. But lucky for her, she told him any way.

"Your Captain, Commander's Cody, Woffle, Bly, Colt and Fox. Are the only clones remaining from a experiment I did on kamino when they were just young cadets. The others were all decommissioned as a fault in their DNA. You Jedi never new and no clone in the army know or the senate. It was all kept under the belt at kamino. They decommissioned all of the other cadets th were after them as well and changed the food menu so that I couldn't do it again. They were just prawns in my experiment. And now that experiment will come true. All you have to do is bring your Captain to me and you can have the antidote for the poison."

"Why weren't Rex, Cody, Woffle, Bly, Colt and Fox decommissioned?"

"They weren't decommissioned because they were too close to you Jedi and the senate. It would look strange if the army's best men just disappeared one day. They showed no effect to the poison, until now?"

"What do you mean, until now?"

"Haven't you noticed your Captain has been acting odd for the past too weeks."


"We"l the poison is starting to work on your pressures right hand man."

"You wouldn't dear kill him infrount of me." Anakin said warning, Ventruss not to kill him.

"No Skywalker not if he gives me the information I want."

"Fine, I will bring him hear. But under one condition..."

Ventruss, had started to walk to the door, stoped and turned around to look at the cold, shivering Jedi.

"I get to watch what you do to him."

"Well, Anakin Skywalker, you have your self a deal. I will bring you your com link so you can bring you Captain to me. By the way we are on dathomia and make sure he comes alone."

Ventruss turned and walked out the door leaving Anakin to worry about his Captain. When the door opened slightly and his cloak and his com link came through. 'Time to contact Rex.'


Rex sat in Cody's room with his blanket rapped around his shivering form. Woolly sat opposite him and the were trying to fin out where in the galaxy where Anakin Skywalker was, little did they know that their life was about to get so much easier. Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. The com link sounded, snapping both men out of there thoughts. "Hello."

"Rex, so good to hear your voice."

Woolly and Rex looked at each other before Rex responsed with, "Genral Skywalker"

"Yes it is me, let's skip to the point. I need you to come to these quodinates to meat me. They are on dathomia."

"Do I want to know why?"

"Probably best if you don't"

"Ok, I am coming now."

"Thank you, Rex, just make sure you come alone."

"Ok, see you soon, I guess."

Genral Skywalker cut out.

"Why would he want you to go to dathomia." Asked Woolly

"I have no idea, but he is the Genral."

"Yer, I know but you can't go alone."

"Well he wants me to."

"No, Rex. I meant it literally, you can't go alone you won't make it through hyperspace, let alone land the ship in dathomia's atmosphere."

"What do you suggest?"

"I will fly you, but wait on the ship until you come back with the Genral."

"Sounds like a deal."

Woolly nodded and look at Rex.

"Hey, Woolly"

"Yes, Rex?"

"Should we tell, Genral Kenobi because it sounded like he didn't want anybody to know."

"Maybe we shouldn't, but just go anyway and hope for the best, I mean Cody is coming back."

"You don't mind getting in trouble then?"

"I will happily take the consequences."

"I guess we are leaving tonight?"

"Let's do this" said the second smug Captain.

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