Night white lights seemed to blind Cody around every corner. The same face looked back at him. His face. Cody didn't know were Major Hypes was taking him but he knew were ever he wading going was to see somebody who knew a lot about medic stuff. That aspect was never his strong point.
"We nearly there?"
"If you don't mind me asking, Major, who are we going to see?" Asked Corki, who Cody has insisted to come along.
"Somebody that our Captain and Commander know very well"
'Well that narrows it down' thought Cody. 'But still I haven't been back to Kamino since ARC training, and that felt like years ago.'
They lights seemed to be getting brighter the further they got into the facility.
"Is it just me, or does it seemed to be getting wired that all of the people walking by are looking at use like were are from a different planet" said Corki. The three stop and turn around finding that the same group of cadets that had just walked past them, was still staring at them.
"I know what you mean." Said Cody, the three then continued on their journey.
"Rex, do you have any idea where Commander Cody, Major Hypes and Field Medic Corki have gone." Asked a very demanding Adrmial Killian.
"Sir, if I knew I would tell you, but I don't do I can't, sorry sir" replied Rex.
"Don't stress, hey, just make sure you are feeling better because Kenobi wants to go into another battle"
"He's staring to sound like Genral Skywalker on a good day."
Unknow place in the Galaxy:
"What do you want Ventrass." Demanded Anakin Skywalker.
"Information." Replied the Sith Lord.
"Take your information and let me go"
"No because your not the one I want"
"Who do you want then?"
"Your dear, loving Captain."
"Sorry, to spoil your day Ventrass but you won't get to him."
"No, you are wrong Skywalker, you are all falling right into my trap."
"I don't think so"
The Negotiators med bay was the last place Captain Rex wanted to be, ok he would amit that it was beeper than the Resoluts med bay, maybe because the medics were nicer. He still didn't want to be there, his Genral was missing and he wanted to be out searching for him, but what makes it worse was Cody, Major Hypes and Corki were all missing ass well. This theme was become increasingly popular and always seemed to centre around Rex.
"How are you feeling." Asked Genral Kenobi, snapping Rex back in to reality.
"Well that good because you are now in Command of both the 501st and 212th."
Rex paled and began feel very sick again. Kenobi must have sensed it because he then said, "Or maybe you and Woolly could be co-commanders of the 501st and the 212th."
"Yes, I would like that."
"Now we have a lost Jedi to find. Now as Major Hypes is not around to release you from the medical bay, I will. Come on we have a battle to plan."
Rex got up out of bed but paled to a ghostly white colour and Obi-Wan punched Rex gently back in to bed. "Rex, stay hear and get better while your co-commader and I plan the battle strategy. Also find out where my missing padawan has gone." Obi-Wan got up heading towards the door when he stopped and turned around. Causing the one coming Kix to also stop and look between the two. "Also, Rex don't force yourself to feel better. I can many with out you. On second thought it would be better if we had the Captain on the 501st to assist us. Good day to you all."
"Do I want to know what that was about" asked Kix. Rex just shock his head because that was all he could manage without throwing up.
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