Chapter 4- Plan Needed

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"Kix," Fives said again, "What is wrong with him?"

"Fives he has a fever and a quite bad one, we just need to get him back to the Negotiator or the Resolute" said Kix, putting his hand on the Captain forehead.

The Captain wimped slightly as Kix put a cold had on his forehead. Fives looked up to the sky and back down at the Captain before helping him up and asking, "Are you all right"

"I will be fine once we got back to the ship" shivered Rex, putting his hand on Fives to sturdy himself. Fives took Rex's hand and helped him over to the rock that him and Kix were sat on earlier.


"Cody, Cody," somebody shouted at me. I felt somebody's hand go on my shoulder it was warm and comforting a leened slightly on it.

"Do you think we should call a medic" the same person said, well I think it was the same person.

"No,we already have a medic, me" said Somebody different, " Cody are you ok?"

I suddenly realised I was flying, in a gun ship on the floor of the gunship, my head was pounding and the Genral was stood infrount of me looking very worried. Corki was busy cheacking that there was nothing else wrong with me. He was a 501st medic but had suffered a twisted ankle from falling down the stairs but was better now.

"Commander, stop moving around other wise you are going to make yourself worse" said Corki, sounding very frustrated.

"What happened?" I asked, looking between Genral Kenobi and Corki.

"Well..., after we went through the atmosphere you collapsed on to Waxer and have been out cold since." Said Obi-Wan. I looked at Waxer with an a apolojectic look.

"We are coming into land" said Joker, another one of the 501st members, I really need to tell Rex thank you for his men.

"We really need to stop borrowing the 501st, don't we, Boil" I said to Boil one of my best men, who just laughed. We all looked down to see most of the 501st running towards us.

"Good to see you again, Cody." Said Rex to me.


As the 212th landered next to the 501st as they went running up to them.

"We are getting out of here, boys" screamer a trooper, from the back. There was a chorus of cheers as the 212th pilled out to help the injured.

"Genral Kenobi" Said Rex, as the Genral came up to them.

"Captain Rex, how are you?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"I am fine, sir, just a bit tried and ready just to fall down but other than that fine, sir."

"You and my old paderone are more alike than you think. Speaking of Anakin any idea where he went?"

"No, sir the last we heard from him and some troops were they were exploring the top of the ledge and then we haven't been able to contact them since."

"I guess Asoka had to go back to Corresant."

"Yes Genral and that was when the droids retreat."

"REX your ok,"Said Cody, who came up up behind them, "what happened?"

"I will tell you about it on the ship, Commander, I just want rest." Answered Rex.

"That you will, Captain we are heading back now." Said Obi-Wan pitting his hand on the Captain's shoulder and leading him onto a gun ship ready to head back to the ships.

Obi-Wab hand led Rex onto the ship, and made him stand between him and Cody to make sure the Captain would make it back to the ship.

Back on the ship:

"So, Rex Old Boy, what was wrong down there?" Asked Cody, looking at Rex.

"It's nothing Cody." Said Rex. Causing Cody to give Rex a second glance. Rex looked at Cody and put on a brave smile.

"No you are not Rex, please tell me."

"It's just my head hurts and my tiredness is really getting the best of me."

"You will be fine, just sleep and relax." Said Cody putting his hand on Rex shoulder and pulling him closer, "Don't worry, just see some medics and get something for it."

"No" cried Rex, gripping Cody harder.

"Captain stop being so stubborn" Said Cody, pulling himself away from Rex.

"Please Cody, don't go" Said Rex grabbing Cody quickly, maybe al little too quickly. As Cody had to grab his brother from falling in the floor. Cody gentle sat down and pulled Rex closer into him to keep him warm. Cody could feel his com link beeping but didn't care because he knew if he answered it it would disturb Rex. Cody throught, 'What ever it is, it will have to wait'. Cody put his hand onto Rex forehead and felt that he had a really bad temperature, 'we really need to take you to a medic'. After a while Cody feel asleep with Rex and the two commanding officers left there second in command's in charge.

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