Rex stood there on the platform, looking around the droids. He didn't know what to do, he knew that their was nobody to save him. "Rex, what do we do?" asked Woolly.
"I thought your beloved General said to come alone, Captain." said a voice from behind them. Rex and Woolly turned around they came face to face with Ventruss and General Skywalker.
"General Kenobi, what are we going to do with Rex and Woolly?" asked Cody, from behind the General. Obi-Wan turned around to face Cody.
"We have to find them before we punish them. Also Cody, I need you to stay on this ship, don't go anywhere." Cody nodded to his General, before turing around to Waxer and Boil. He could tell that they wanted to follow Rex and Woolly because they knew that it would be and adventure, but they also knew the trouble they would cause. Waxer was about to say something, but Cody held up his hand to silence the Sargent. Boil hit Waxer playfully on the arm, making Cody realise how much they were like the 501st troopers. Ruff around the edges, but will always get the job done.
"You ok, Commander?" asked Boil, putting his arm on the Commander's shoulder.
"I am just thinking about how much like the 501st troopers you are. You to may cause me alot of trouble, but you are two of my best soldier's." Waxer and Boil stopped in the hallway letting the Commander's sink in. Before Boil said, "Thanks Commander, but why are you doing this?"
"Well, what I am trying to say is that if Woolly and Rex don't come back. I want Waxer to take over Woolly's position as Captain, and Boil to go and talk some sense into the 501st, becuse I trust you both to do that."
"Thanks, Commander."
"One more thing, when it is just the three of us, please call me Cody."
"Of cause, Cody." said the two trooper's.
"Now, who feels like a game of volleyball with Jessie, Kix and Major Hypes." said Cody, looking at his troopers.
"The 501st won't know what hit them." said Waxer. Boil looked at Cody and Waxer before saying, "Why are most of the 501st medics involved with the game."
"Boil, you can never know when you need a medic, especially with the 501st." said Cody, causing the other two to start laughing.
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