Chapter Five

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I sit at a table with people full of cruelty and ego. Kieran's mother and father sit at the end of the table. Me and Kieran sitting next to each other, and his uncle on one of the sides of the table. I stare down at my plate, zoning out. Gosh, can he do something other than talk?
I stab at the peas on my plate.
"So Scarlet," I lift my head from my plate and look around to see who is talking to me. Ugh great, Renaldo.
"Hm?" I say.
"How has your time as the Queen for Diavana been?"
Ita been annoying and horrid.
"It's been lovely." I say, trying to smile. He laughs, "How has having Kieran as your husband been? Trouble?" He chuckles. Kierans fist clenches.
I look over at Kieran and put on a fake loving smile, "He's been wonderful." The words taste bitter rolling off my tongue.

Renaldo wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes a sip of wine, "Surprising. He was always a trouble maker when he was a little one.
"It's good to know he found someone who can put up with him." He laughs and pushes his chair back, standing up.
"I shall be returning to my room, good evening." Renaldo says and walks off. I look over and see Kierans brother, Kai, smiling, holding a napkin to his face. Guess he finds this amusing. So do I. Kieran gets up and picks my hand up, making me stand, "We shall be returning to our chamber as well." He says sternly. I look down at his hand. Rings. A gold ring on his thumb and index finger. And his wedding ring. He grips my hand, his veins appearing more than usual. We start to walk out of the dining room.
He takes me to my room and stands out the door. He takes a deep breath, "Goodnight, darlin'."
"The nickname sticks, huh?"
He chuckles, his beautiful dimples showing, "Of coarse it does."
I roll my eyes, "Goodnight Kieran."
He smiles, "Goodnight Scarlet."
I close the door and start to get ready for bed.

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