Chapter Eleven

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It's been two weeks since I fell on Kieran. Two weeks since I felt his touch.
I sit at a table with Victoria, drinking tea.
I plop in a sugar cube in my cup of tea and mix it around with my spoon. I watch as the sugar cube goes in circles while dissolving.
Victoria clears her throat and breaks the silence, "Scarlet, What have you been doing? These past few weeks? Or past few months I must say, since I have seen you do nothing but stay in your little room."
I look up and look at her in a disgusted manner, "I haven't been asked to do anything from your son, which is also your king. It is his doing that I have been doing nothing but sitting up in my room all day."

She scoffs, "Take matters into your own hands then."
"I cannot just start doing things if nothing is needed to be done." I spit out.
She put her cup of tea down and shakes her head, "My husband never had to tell me what to do, I just did it."
I roll my eyes and chuckle at her stupidity, "Very well then, but I must say, you only did things to cause trouble and drama," I continue, "You did nothing but for yourself than your kingdom." I stand up. She looks at me, eyes widened in complete shock.
"You want me to do something for my kingdom? Then I will. I will do so much more than you did when you were queen." I say pushing my chair in and walking off.
I will do something about this kingdom. I will make a change.
I will be remembered.

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