The New Strange Century Part 2

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891 A.E. (1 year post Dark Elven Rule)

The City of Ashview

      Soon, after they parted, Liv realized her father did his best to hold it down when she was absent and not in the Castle for the majority of those years. Especially since he did it for their citizens. She remembered his smile when he came down those stairs. She would never forget that. Olivia then went on a walk through the gardens and began to work on her ice magic. She used pools of the water in the lake to bring up frozen icicles and ice balls to carve an icy path through the lake. Liv could see fish in the lake jumping up over the bridge that was in the middle of Lake Pontus. Lake Pontus was a man-made lake that was fed aground by aquifers. It had been the natural resource for many of the citizens of Ashview.

    Olivia touched the water with her hands. It felt cool. Fresh. She sat there by the edge and grabbed a handful and formed it into mini pools of water. She got up and stood. As she did this she heard the Elven Seeker in her ears. She continued her ice magic by juggling ice balls in the air. The Elven Seeker instructed her to not just see the water pools as extensions of the outer world but an extension of her inner self. She became very good at it. It became strange at least to human standards that she could see the very tiny water molecules that were levitating above her.

     She breathed a puff of the moisture in the air. The water molecules froze instantly and spread toward the delicate daisimelles and didymases in the field askance of the Castle. She heard the little trills, guffaws and chirps of the whipper mead in the trees several feet from her. She then took off her shoes and with her powers in tow she ran as fast as she could through the field of daisimelles. She smelled their fragrance. They smelled like lilac berries and sweet orchid trees. It reminded her of when she was younger.

 Playing in these fields when her sisters and assorted cousins would be in the kitchen learning their "proper cooking methods" from Violet. Olivia at that moment felt so happy and free, she could literally fly. Which she didn't realize with her powers of the air she could. Well as much as her powers would let her, she hadn't really tested them in a while.

But suddenly she heard someone clapping and they were getting nearer. "Go ahead, soar and watch the birds in envy, Livi!!" That voice sounded familiar.

 She opened her eyes. And she looked down. Her dainty slender feet were seven or eight feet in the air. Liv was quite startled. And she saw who she was headed for. She smacked right into him, nose first.

 "Hey!! You've got a hard nose!" They landed on top of each other. 


"Sorry...I didn't see you." She got off him and quickly straightened her dress. He got up and smoothed out his gray flannel shirt and faded green pants.

"Great. I'll remember next time I see you floating through the air like a streaming comet." It was her friend Timone. 

She smiled at him and pinched his side. He smiled back. 

"Ever the dignified gentleman. He ha Me Canna (Hello. My friend.)

 "He ha. What were you doing up there, anyway?" he asked. 

"I was trying to get a feel for how me powers worked. I used to come out here when I was five years old and just run around. It just felt so freeing, ya know?" She breathed a breath of fresh air coming from the Northern Mountains.

"Yeah. Not having your parents know where you are when you were a kid, had to have been awesome." 

"Absolutely! I just liked having time to myself to think and wonder about my future. And to figure out how I figured into my father's grand plans." She sighed.

 "I'm glad he let you back in."

 "So, what brings you here?" she asked. 

"I just wanted to let to know I may be getting the old Castle that was destroyed in the fight against Firash back. Remember the pirate treasure I was destined to get?"

 "Yes?" She remembered when he had told her in the dark room with Firash's Night Elves.

"That inheritance was the very ship my forefathers sailed to get here for." 

"That ship, had to have been worth hundreds of thousands of myats, right? (100 myats can buy a loaf of bread. 20,000 can get you into the lower-level fighting tournaments across Alynthia, with an entrance fee.) I heard some gossip about the discovery." she remarked. 

"At least. Well, the ghost that came to visit me was an ancestor of my father's." 

"That's awesome, Tim." 

"That means Wallerby Castle is mine and it's going to be rebuilt from the foundation upward."

 "Please let me know if I can help with ye building and the reparations. I know this means alot to you. Your brother was something you were thinking about when we found that Elven body in that house in Denbrook." She grazed his hand in speaking.

"Thanks. I couldn't let my brother's effort go in vain. And it helps me to remember him." remarked Timone.

"Do you know what you plan to use it for?"

 "As a help center, with recreational properties, for the disabled and wounded." Timone said.

"Whoa. Good. That's 'tye best thing for 'tye people." 

"They need the balance of managing their lives with the help of good defenses. Which is why I've asked the King to provide athletic procedures to the outer grounds for the kids. But the kids arriving might not be able to get to them physically..." explained Timone.

 "Say no more. I'll make sure the construction of that facility is up to your standards." 


"Really." She smiled. 

And she then felt the cool wind peak and brace them in its grip. "Maybe we can have a game of Fenti after the construction, Tim?" she replied.

 "I look forward to it, Livi. I'm glad to have you back." They hugged.

   Several months past after that meeting, at the newly resurrected Coliseum that was rebuilt, just outside the city of Ashview. Olivia felt she needed more practice. Her powers weren't as strong as she thought they should have been. The Elven Seeker, Lyriel Lilyanha advised her that she wouldn't always have the plentiful access of water at her fingertips. "Warriors of our kind, rely on more than just sight. We rely on our senses. Our keen senses to ferret out what's true and what's hiding behind the corner. Don't trust just what your eyes tell you." Olivia observed the Coliseum in all its glory.

Even prior to coming here this arena was huge, Olivia had seen pictures of it in books always with the destined fighters inside and the crowd roaring. But not this day. It was constructed with a dome over it. Which meant that it could keep out most of the heat, rain, dirt, sand, dust, ice that its entitled society didn't want on them. Not this day. The dome was open. The sun shone barely through the semi dark clouds whispering above the arena. The dark clouds created shadows in the recesses of the architecture. Liv carefully looked around and she felt she had to expect the unexpected. The last time she was in a Coliseum was when she first tested her abilities in front of thousands.

She was a bit anxious. Olivia saw the huge statues looming above her. As she stepped past them, she thought she heard a thunk or a crash. She turned around and saw nothing. She breathed a sigh of relief. 

"What am I thinking? No one's here. I'm just wary for nothing. Me Hana je me pisi." (My heart for my peace.)

She entered Liliana's shop inside the battle arena. It was full of honorable cool trinkets and warrior pieces set from hundreds of years ago. Olivia looked around and thought these swords could be something that her friend Acacius would definitely go for. She grabbed the swords and wrapped them in a long box. She also saw a staff that looked peculiar. It had a wooden covering but a crystalline dagger. But as Olivia attempted to grab it, she felt something sting her hand. She looked around and no one was there. Her hand felt burned. It had red mark on it. She rubbed it and then attempted to take the staff. The staff was high above her in a glass case.

When she reached for it, she heard a sound in the distance, like laughter. She carefully looked around the shop. Liv didn't see anyone. 

She remembered what the Seeker whispered to her, "Don't trust what you see." The voice reverberated in her mind several times. She saw several statues staring at her. Most were of serious faces or had a contemplative look to them. They were fighters, adventurers and businessmen and women. The laughter she heard couldn't have come from them. She kept walking through the shop until she neared a statue that had cloth over it hidden behind other boxes.

This shop hadn't made it known that they were open yet and were still fixing things up. But Liv felt that something was strange about this area she was in. These statues weren't supposed to be in a circle. They were supposed to be in a line and up against the wall. It was strange. She stared at them reflexively their eyes are dark and intimidating. One statue appeared to be in potential victory as the soldier had his leg up with his sword and staff preparing for his enemy to attack. But the staff was directed at her. As scary as that was. She knew the statue couldn't move. She turned back to her gifts for Acacius. And as she went back, all of sudden she felt a stinging in her back. It hurt.

And then she realized it was the statues. Liv closed her eyes and tried to feel the energy from them. They had auras as if they were alive. But that was impossible. There were two to the left of her that exhibited intense red auras. They glistened in the glare of the yellow sun outside. One was of a proud Captain of a fleet of ships, as she stood on the bow of hers, The Grace Minnow. The bottom of the statue, it read, "Here goes, Captain Philomena Willow, the greatest thief, that has ever taken these shores!"

Olivia would have loved to have met her, or to have fought her. She was so engaged in picturing herself fighting the great Philomena that she didn't see the keen and adept figure quietly climbing down in front of her. Her senses were definitely alerting her but she wasn't listening. Until she heard a ear screeching holler. She opened her eyes. It was the other statue descending upon her fast with eyes red and piercing. It was a half model of a young adult who was screaming at her with a katana in her hands. With desperate speed she dodged out of the way and dove to the side.

The statue slammed to the floor in a swarm of dark smoke and slowly re-materialized. The cloud revealed black boots worn by strong legs spread out by a young wiry body. She wore a wool cloak that was just clinging on to her body. Liv could see flames and smoke emanating from her body partially obscuring her face. Olivia was shocked at how this figure could get in here. But she felt an eminent scorching aura from her. 

"Beware the devil that you don't see.... dear sister!" The smoke slowly evaporated.

She recognized that voice. It was chilling to her. But she knew her. Her rival who challenged her years ago at the Mountain.

 "Long time, No see...Livee."

 Vanessa Fenwick. She didn't expect to see her here. But if she really thought about it, it made sense. She was a born fighter. And had used deception to make her mark on her. 

"...Yes...I have belabored this pain I have felt for a year, with a hope that none of this is supposed to make any sense...!"

 She glared her with an impending and looming dominance. Her irises were black with a purple x marked on her forehead. Her sharp fingernails graced her face as she peered back at Liv. It was like she could see through her very soul. "But I have contemplated what sister says...that may have interest to me."

She presented her katanas to Liv. Nessa stretched her hands revealing her long purple nails. "I hope you have spoken...with the Seeker. She has relayed to me..." replied Liv. 

"Let's us get this straight, we may have shared blood in our skeen, but I have no intention of discussing my personal issues with you. Our fight shall continue post-haste!" exclaimed Nessa.

 She immediately drank a red concoction that looked of red wine and held it. Liv felt immediate danger in the air. Her senses were blaring wildly. Her ears started to twitch. She heard the swishing in the mouth, her visuals were changing from dark from to bright. She had to stagger back and take a breath.

Just then Nessa spit out the bitter contents in her mouth. Which were spread out in a flammable liquid. The flames caused Liv fell back. Nessa yelled, "Prepare for our dreaded reunion, dear sister!"

 She gave a revealing smirk. "I look forward to thisss!"

 Liv tumbled back in the large shop and Nessa drove back towards the swords that she had gotten for her boyfriend. She grabbed them and with all her wherewithal stood up and challenged her. "I'm glad you have achieved...peace." 

"Never...peace! Only Strike Now!" She threw her katana at her.  

Olivia saw the sharp-edged weapon and narrowly dodged it. Liv noticed it almost hit her in the face. That would have been a nasty bruise. But all the while her senses and emotions were ready and primed for action. She charged straight for Nessa with her silver sword all the while she dodging the intermittent fire breath attacks.

Nessa knew the fight would escalate. She was thrilled. She grabbed a handmade fire accelerant and threw it at her. But Liv had her number and breathed super cool air and froze her sword to cut it down. The device cooled and fell as a dud on the floor.

 "No! It won't end like that." She then shed a huge cloud of smoke and she disappeared.

Liv looked around and it was quiet. Until she appeared right next to her. Her face several inches from hers. "Dear have always given your best to these fights. Now I implore you to do that...Now!"

 "Are you sure? You don't know what you're asking." She cackled. 

"Oh. I believe I do." Nessa grinned knowing what was to come. Olivia could feel it. In her fingers trembling and gnawing at her skin. There was a connection between her and Nessa whenever they would meet. More than physical, or emotional. It was an unusual, strange connection. But she felt it invigorated her.

And it made her feel alive. It strengthened her Elven powers. She placed her hands together and closed her eyes and concentrated on herself. Ten seconds later there came a searing white light from her. It seeped through her pores. She felt it travelling all through her body. Determination. Power. Consequence. As she broke through her own defenses, she opened her eyes. They shined with a light all their own. Olivia rubbed her hands and they shed water crystals. She connected with Nessa.

Their swords were sharp and deadly. Nessa smiled and then screamed, "Yes, yes...Yes!!" 

"Ge na yani et vitte, Nessa." (Give me your worst, Nessa) 

 "Me vitte, da soesta? Me pliea." (My worst, dear sister? My pleasure.) 

She ran swiftly to her foe attacking with her sword, just as Nessa changed her focus to her katanas instead, readying for the showdown. Nessa's magical potions at hand, Liv's keen elven sense in her. They would always fight like this. Always at odds. But yet the same in spirit.

This story is not at an end. There will be a second book. Thanks for reading!

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