Chapter Seven-Past: Part Two

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Thank you so much for reading this!

I dedicate this chapter to Imperial_Lucy

Alright. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


The small boy stared up at the girl in wonder. "H-Heartfilia...?" He whispered, onyx eyes wide.

The girl tugged on his ears, a confused look on her face.

"Ow!" Natsu cried out and pushed the girl away. "What are you doing?!" He glared, not used to people not treating him with respect.

She tilted her head to the side, golden hair spilling over her narrow shoulder. "Where are your Elven ears?" She asked, naïve to who Natsu was.

Natsu didn't hear the small Heartfilia girl, he was too busy thinking about where he had heard the name Heartfilia. Is Heartfilia a name of a knight? He thought, frowning deeply.

The small girl named Lucy huffed and flicked his forehead. Natsu held his forehead, tears in the corner of his eyes. "What was that for?!" He whined.

She glared down at him and suddenly, Natsu found her way more intimidating. "You weren't listening to me!" She shouted.

Suddenly a guard with light brown hair and a cigar in his mouth turned the corner. Lucy shoved Natsu into a bush and smiled. "Is everything alright, Princess Lucy?" The guard asked.

Natsu looked through a gap in the bush, blushing hard when he heard what she was called. Princess Lucy... the Elven princess? They say she's really pretty.

Lucy smiled sweetly. "Everything is fine, Wakaba. I just got scared by a squirrel that jumped from a tree." She giggled, her expression innocent.

Her chocolate brown eyes sparkled as she pushed Wakaba away. "I'll be fine. I just want to be alone!" She exclaimed, joy in her voice.

The guard frowned. "A-Alright, Princess. Call if you're needed." He turned the corner and Natsu jumped out.

"Why didn't you tell me you're a princess?!" He demanded, his onyx eyes angry. "Especially the Elven princess?!"

Lucy tilted her head to the side. "Well usually when I tell boys I'm the princess they never talk to me again." A sad expression flickered but then went right back to her neutral face.

Something suddenly dawned upon him. She doesn't have a Sting or a Rogue. "You don't have any friends?" He asked bluntly.

She blushed and looked away. "I mean I have..."

"Hey Lucy!" Two boys with ran up. They gave Natsu a confused look.

"Who's this?" The boy with orange hair asked, jealousy sparking in is eyes. Yellow light enveloped his fist.

The other one had dark black hair. "He doesn't look like an elf." He examined his face, blue eyes shining with protectiveness.

Natsu noticed how they stayed close to Lucy. She looked at her feet. "This is..." She suddenly realized she had no idea who that boy was.

"Natsu. Natsu Dragneel." He said simply.

As soon as those words escaped Natsu's mouth the two boys stood in front of Lucy, glaring. "You're the prince of the Demons." The one with orange hair said, darkly.

"Loke! Gray!" She yelled at them.

Natsu's eyes snapped open. The princess was still laying in the hospital bed, her features were innocent. Just like when they were younger. He lightly leaned down toward her face. He pressed his lips against hers, closing his eyes. It was only for a moment then he backed off and turned to walk away.

•Lucy's P.O.V•

I'm cold. Everything is cold.

Then warm blossomed along my lips. What is this feeling? I opened my eyes and I saw a muscular back, the owner having salmon colored hair.

My eyelids were lowered as I stared, slightly dazed. Natsu...? I tried to move my mouth, tried to reach out to him, but I was weak. My entire body hurt. He paused and turned to look at me.

His eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink, like he just did something he wasn't supposed to. "L-Lucy, you're awake." He slowly walked toward me.

I nodded, slightly cautious. I tried to move my wrist but found it suspended by something. I frowned and looked down. Chains. "W-What is this?" I looked at Natsu.

He lightly took my hand to stop me from struggling. "You're hurt and your a prisoner, I'm not letting you escape. Especially what your people did to my mother." His eyes turned cold and I felt a pang in my heart.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice weak.

Natsu frowned. "Your people killed my mother and took my sister away from me!" He screamed at me. I stifled a whimper and looked up at him, tears ready fall.

•Wendy's P.O.V•

I smiled through the tears, holding Romeo close to my chest. "You haven't noticed." A cold voice said from behind us.

Romeo looked up, tears were blurring my gaze and I couldn't see who it was. I felt Romeo stiffen in my grip. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but it's time for you to leave this world." The voice said.

My vision cleared just as Romeo pushed me behind his back. A man with inky black hair and red eyes stared us down. He had a sad expression, odd for someone who was so clearly evil.

"You're the God of Calamity." I said, eyes widening.

He didn't smile at my realization, he just nodded sadly. "My name is Zeref." He mumbled.

"Zeref." A childish voice said from behind him. "You can not hurt these two, they are pure of heart. Leave now."

A small girl with long, wavy blonde hair walked up. She wore a pale pink dress, some what of a cover up, covering her shoulders a darker pink bow in the middle of it. She seemed so innocent but I knew exactly who she was.

"The light Goddess!" I exclaimed, gripping the back of Romeo's shirt.

She smiled, tilting her head to the side. "You two are pure of heart, This god of calamity should not be bothering you." She glared at Zeref and she suddenly looked way more intimidating.

She grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him away, Zeref let her, not acting like one would expect from someone so evil.

Romeo turned to look at me, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay, Wen?" He asked, grasping my chin and examining my face to see any signs of pain in my expression.

I laughed slightly and nodded my head, yes. "I'm fine, Romeo. I promise."

He smiled and hugged me. "I'm glad." He whispered.

"What are you two doing in here?" A stern voice asked from behind us.

A woman with pink hair, streaked with gray, stood before us. Her face wrinkled and her hair was tied up in such a way that would make her look even more stern that she already did.

Romeo tucked me behind his back again. "My name is Romeo Conbolt, this is Wendy Marvell. We fled from the Elven Kingdom."

The woman frowned, her stern looking features deepening. "Why would anyone run from there? The princess is a kind girl, trust me."

I peeked out from behind Romeo's back. "The palace is under attack. Have you not heard? The Dragon Demons have rushed the castle."

The woman's eyes widened. "You... what are you doing with an elf?! I was a good friend of your mother's, she would not want you to-"

Romeo cut her off. "She is an orphan."

The woman shook her head. "No, no. Her mother is the late queen of the Dragon Demons. Queen Grandine."

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