Chapter 7

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Stephanie's P. O. V:

While dressed in my competition outfit, with a light blue and white long sleeved shirt and my light blue dressage jacket with the long hem, I lead my horse to the awaiting float. My red hair is in a tight bun. Dream has her light blue rug, and travelling boots on as I load her up.

Today is Tryouts, and I was both excited and nervous.

I step up on the ramp and tie Dream in next to Raven before stepping out as Marcus shuts the bar.

"Stephanie!" I turn to see my parents heading in my direction with a yellow horse balloon with a string attached, a bouquet of flowers in yellow wrapping, and an envelope.

"What is that?" I ask sheepishly.

I take the balloon from dad as he says, "You left before we could give you these this morning."

He hands me a card with a dapple gray horse on the cover and I open it up. Zoe giggles as a neigh comes from the card. She's received something similar, but as a giraffe.

""We wish you all the best luck, Stephanie. Have fun,"" I read aloud.

Mum tells me, "There's another for if you win."

I hand the balloon back to dad with the card as I say, "I hope Pin is alright."

"I'm sure he is," Says Dad.

Zoe says as she comes up to me, "Good luck, Steph."

"You too," I say, holding out my hand for a shake. Zoe giggles again as she shakes my hand. We look at my dad when there's another neigh, one of my red eyebrows raised.

"Oh! Sorry! I couldn't resist," He says. Zoe and I roll our eyes at each other.

My family comes over and hug me in turn as mum tells me, "Just remember to have fun today, okay?"

"Always," I say when I pull back from my brother.

"I'll drop these off at home then come back for tryouts," Says dad. We nod and he leaves.

Marcus asks as he comes over, "How are you feeling, Steph?"

"I think I'm more excited than nervous," I say.

"Well, I know you'll both do great," Says Marcus.

"Gee, thanks Marcus," She mumbles as I pat her shoulder comfortingly.

Marcus chuckles as Zoe wanders away with an exaggerated groan. Ted comes over with a full haynet and he asks, "All loaded?"

Marcus responds,"Just waiting on Gaby."

"And me!" We look to see Susie with Mia leading Firefly towards us. It was Mia who'd called.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Marcus as we both grin.

"I'm rugged up and I'm ready to go."

Marcus exchanges looks with me as he asks, stepping towards her, "Go where?"

"To tryouts," Replies Mia as she stops in front of us and Susie splits off. "I assume my spot's still open?"

"Yeah, of course," Says Marcus as we fall into step beside the MacDonald. "I mean, are you sure?"

"I haven't trained in weeks and there's no way I can make the team, but I can't let the others win. I have to try." Mia smiles before loading.

Mia steps off as Marcus shuts Firefly in.

"Come on!" I say before she and I go to shut up the float. Marcus goes to get any of our team still left in the yard.

As Marcus returns with Zoe, he opens the door and Mia says, "Right, let's do this!"

Marcus takes her hand and helps Mia up in the front. Susie and I grin when Marcus and Mia squeeze each other's hands. Marcus opens the side door to the back and holds out his hand for me.

"After you, Your Highness," Marcus says teasingly.

I roll my eyes as I accept his hand and hop in, though I pause when I see dad jogging around the corner. "Hurry up, dad! Or we'll leave without you!"

He gives me an exaggerated roll of his brown eyes as Marcus chuckles and climbs in after me. Mum and dad get in just as Zoe begins to make a speech.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! There is one space on the team. A group of friends, all gunning for the same spot on the team. So, good luck! Tryouts, here we come!"


Zoe is cut off by Mia slamming her hand on the horn of the van and letting out a loud honk. She asks Zoe, sitting back, "Can we do this without the inspirational monologue?"

With a hand on her hip, Zoe says, grinning, "It is good to have you back, Mia. Alright! Let's go!"

Gaby gets in the car behind us and Zoe hops in beside my brother before we head off for tryouts.

When we get there and finish unloading, I sit by the float and call Pin. He picks up after a couple of rings.

"Yup?" Pin greets.

"Hey! You answered!" I say in a mock surprise.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because the last few hundred times I called you went to voicemail, which, reminds me, your voicemail box might be full," I tell him in exaggeration.

"Sorry, I've been busy," Says Pin apologetically.

I ask, "Do you have business?"

"A tonic for the sick moor pony," Pin replies.

I ask, "How is she?"

"I don't know! She's on the moors. I'll see you when I get there."

"Oh, okay. Um... are... you okay?" I ask slowly.

I think I hear some rattling as Pin responds in a slight shaky tone, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just... need to concentrate. I'll call you later."

I smile as I start to say, "Oh, okay! Well, just wish me..." I hear a beep as Pin cuts off the connection. I slump my shoulders sadly as I look at my phone screen. "... luck."

I heave out a sigh as a female voice calls over the loudspeaker, "Would Group D please make their way to the arena?"

"Steph!" Marcus calls as I let out another sigh and tuck my phone in my jacket pocket. I then stand up and head to my group. I spot my family in the stand sitting next to Ted and Frank. I wave to Ted and my family which they return with a thumbs up, grinning.

Marcus says as I see a young woman riding a black warmblood through the course, "That's Felicity riding now." Hanging up around the arena are large posters with Mia on a rearing Firefly, holding up her left hand to a sign reading, The Firefly Hotel.

Zoe groans, eyeing the jumps, "Uuugghh! Those jumps are biiigg!"

Mia tells her, as I eye them as well, "No, they're standard sized. They just... look bigger in the enclosed arena."

Gaby says, "Well, they look positively tiny next to your giant head." She chuckles as we stop.

Mia says, "Daddy sponsers the Under 18's. He's on the judging board!"

"Handy," Mutters Gaby before looking back at Felicity. She clears another jump and we all clap.

Zoe mutters an "Oh," of understanding.

Felicity clears the final jump and trots towards us as we all clap for her.

"Just a little go around before we get started," Says Felicity. "You must be Group D. One of you could be selected to join the Junior Squad today. I get it. It's scary. I've been there. The judges and I will be looking for your very best freestyle routine. So, this can be anything from jumping to dressage, to a mixture of both. So saddle up and show us what you've got."

Most of us disperse to our horses as Gaby and Zoe linger.

I head to Dream's stall and start tacking her up. We're doing dressage today.


Callum was called out and he did a time trial. He knocked off a few poles and his horse shied from another fence. It had taken Callum 37: 95 seconds.

Up next was Gaby. Then me, then Zoe. I decide to go out and watch Gaby do her turn. I reach Zoe just as Gaby walks out on Jet. Zoe smiles at me and we watch Gaby. I spot Claire and her bodyguard, Jeff, in the stands as well.

Zoe and I walk towards Kylie and her friends as the blonde wonders aloud, "Wow! Is she really going to jump that huge wall?"

Zoe gasps, "Oh, no! That's for my freestyle!"

Kylie questions, "Err, then why is she lining her horse up on it?"

She halts before the judges and introduces, "I'm Gaby Grant, on Jet, and we're going to take on the Puissance Wall."

I glance at a gaping Zoe as she murmurs, dark eyes wide, "Gaby stole my freestyle idea."

Gaby nudges Jet into a trot and canters him through the jumping course. After clearing the first two jumps, Gaby steers Jet for the wall and sails right over it. The crowd claps.

Felicity says over the loudspeaker, "Stephanie , to Arena 1. Zoe Phillips, please make your final preparation."

I put my hand assuringly on Zoe's shoulder as my family sneak away from the stands to meet me in Aurora's stall.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Dad asks as they appear while I tighten Aurora's girth. Her mane and tail had been done up in rosettes and I'd polished her hooves.

"I'm nervous, but also a little excited," I say, half turning to them.

"Well, whatever happens, just remember to have fun," Mum says, smiling encouragingly. "We're proud of you for making it this far."

Levi adds with an encouraging smile, "Knock 'em dead, little sis! Go show the world what us Walkers are made of!"

I say, smiling sheepishly at that as I feel the butterflies in my stomach fading away a little, "Thanks, you guys. And, I will."

Mum says, smiling warmly, "Well, no matter what happens today, win or lose, your we're proud of you."

I smile as I say, "Thanks mum."

I lead Dream to the entrance of the arena as Felicity announces, "Stephanie Fields, please make your way to Arena 1."

I pause in the doorway and put my left foot in the stirrup before swiftly mounting.

I walk out to see my family sitting with Ted and Frank once more. I pause by the judge's table and smile at them as I pat my horse's neck.

"I'm Stephanie Fields and this is Dream. I'm doing a dressage test today," I announce.

The judges smile and wave for me to go ahead. Instrumental music starts playing throughout the arena.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Stephanie does the dressage test basically just like in the Charlotte Fry video.)

I finish my dressage test as the crowd was clapping when I was doing the final round of leg yielding, even the Mayor was clapping!

I then pull my horse to a perfect square halt and salute the judges as the crowd burst into louder cheers.

The judges bow their heads briefly before everyone bursts into applause. Jeff, Callum and Gaby don't clap or cheer, though.

I exit the arena and l head for the gate, trotting past Callum.

"Yes!! That's my baby!!" Dad cheers the loudest as he and almost everyone else jump to their feet and cheer their lungs out. Even Kylie and her friends. I'd noticed Kylie was filming me the whole time.

Felicity says over the loudspeaker, "Zoe Phillips to Arena 1."

I smile at Zoe as she walks past on Raven who gives me a smile in return.

In the doorway, I pause and dismount before I throw my arms around Dream's neck. "Thank you so much, girl! You were brilliant!" I tell her who nickers in response.

I pat her neck as a stable hand takes her back to her stall. I turn back to my friends with my grin still in place.

Mia was gaping at me as I stand with them and says, "That was incredible, Stephanie!"

"Thanks! I was so nervous about it, but I was still having fun."

"You were amazing to watch!" Susie tells me.

I smile as I say, "Thanks, Susie." Mia, Susie and I watch Zoe come out into the area. She halts the black stallion by the judge's panel.

Zoe rides in on Raven and pauses beside the judges. She says, "I'm Zoe Phillips and this is Raven. And we're going to be doing... the Puissance Wall."

I look around when Kylie and her friends drop their sign they'd made for Zoe, as though bummed she'd "copied" from Gaby.

Zoe then moves forward but pauses. She calls Marcus over and they whisper fiercely before the Greenbridge grabs the sign. Zoe grits around and points to show Marcus where to put the sign, over the Puissance Wall.

Once Marcus was back in his seat, the Phillips nudges Raven into a canter for the first jump. When they leap over it, Raven knocks the pole. Zoe steers him for the second jump.

"Come on, boy!" She encourages him. They don't knock any poles this time and head for the last jump. Zoe and Raven soar over the wall without fail and land.

We burst into applause. Zoe, however, looks unhappy as she comes back to the door and dismounts, Gaby trying to apologise to her.


After discussing the results with the other judges, Felicity rises to her feet with a mic in hand.

"Okay, everyone! May I have your attention, please?" We all gather before the judging panel to await the final results. My heart pounds in my chest I silently wonder where Pin could be. He still wasn't there yet. "Okay, guys! We've voted. Someone's Under 18's future is right here in this envelope." Zoe glances from Gaby to me nervously as Felicity pulls out the card with one of our names on it. "And the UK Under 18's squad will be..." Felicity trails off as she looks sheepishly to Elliott and the other judge, showing them the card. "Is this right?"

They both nod and she clears her throat.

Felicity announces, "Ahem. The place goes to... Callum Alpheck!"

"Yes!!" The brunette cheers before he goes to his family in the stands.

My parents were chatting fiercely to Ted about the unfair results.

"What?!" Gaby, Zoe and I exclaim in immense confusion and disbelief.

Zoe and I rip off our helmets as Levi slowly sits back down, my parents talking fiercely about the results.

"Zoe, Steph! Zoe, Steph!" We turn to find Jade behind us, looking frantic. With her are Becky, Alex, Aaron, Winnie and Heather.

I say, "We're sorry guys. We have to get Dream and Raven ready to go."

Becky tells us, "The wild horses are gone."

"Gone?!" Zoe and I exclaim in confusion.

"What do you mean, "Gone?!"" I demand.

"There's no sign of them—or Ariel," Says Jade.

I demand, "What about your trackers?"

"They were outside!"

Alex says, gesturing, "Somebody cut them off." I notice Pin lingering in the doorway.

Winnie inputs, "If the wild horses leave the island, the kingdom will fall."

Jade hisses as I notice Pin bracing a hand on the wall, "That's just a stupid superstition before the common sense!"

I hiss back, "The kingdom will be fine! See? Look! The duke is here." I turn to my boyfriend as I step up to him, clutching my helmet chin strap. Pin looks at me but his eyes appear red rimmed and complexion pale. "Hey! Um, you made it." Pin starts to walk towards me but he appears weak, wobbling a bit. Worry clenches at my heart. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine..." Pin trails off when he suddenly collapses into my arms as I throw them out.

I drop to my knees with my unconscious boyfriend in my arms and gasp, "Pin?! Pin! Pin!" Ted, my parents, and the others rush over as I cradle the unconscious Pin in my arms, his head lolling towards my stomach. "Help! He needs help!"

I could only hug my friend to my chest as tears of frustration and confusion burn my eyes and I wait for the paramedics.

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