Chapter:02; A New Heir

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"I've been looking everywhere for you Haella" -Sir Criston said, "What are you doing here?". "Looking for dragons". "There are plenty of dragon eggs I can surely get you one". "I won't be able to hatch one" -said Haella angrily. "Why not?" -replied Criston. Haella wanted to tell him about her illegitimacy but was too scared: "I'm not young enough to hatch one. I'm nearly 17". "Well there aren't any dragons here in the keep so unless you go to the city of Asshai or Dragonstone-". "Dragonstone that's it!" -interrupted Haella, "I can ask father to send me to Dragonstone". "You do know that the castle is Princess Rhaenyra's"."I will never get a dragon" -cried Haella. "Don't say that Ella". Ella was Haella's nickname that Criston gave to her. "Come on, let's go back to the castle. The Queen is looking for you".

"Haella". "Your Grace" -laughed Haella. "Where have you been?" -asked Alicent. "Lurking around in brothels" -interrupted Rhaenyra. A fearing face appeared on Haella.

She had forgotten that Rhaenyra knew about her illegitimacy. "Ignore her" - whispered Alicent. Rhaenyra smirked at Haella while passing by the hall and that sent a shiver down Haella's spine. "So how have things been between you and Criston?" -asked Alicent teasingly. Ever since their night together Haella and Criston were together secretly. "Very satisfying" -replied Haella, "What about you and the King, my Queen?". Alicent was uncomfortable and silent which Haella noticed.

"Oh.." -gasped Haella. "Back to you" -smiled Alicent, "Why don't you tell your father about Criston, maybe he'll let you marry him". "Oh I doubt that. Father hates Criston" -replied Haella. "Well maybe if you try to-", "Your Grace" -a maid interrupted, "The King has requested your presence..., in his chambers". "Tell the King that the Queen is helping your niece review the story book" -said Haella. Although at first the King didn't warm up to Haella, he lives her like his own daughter now. "It's okay Haella. Tell the King I will be there in a few" -replied Alicent.

"Ella" -shouted Criston. "Don't you have duty right now?" -asked Haella comfused. "I'm off duty right now. Do you maybe want to go somewhere. I know a place" -smirked Criston. "I'm not doing anything so why not" -replied Haella. "Wear these" -Criston threw some boy clothes. "What are these?" -asked Haella confused. "You don't want your reputation ruined right?", "I guess". They went past the gates of the Red Keep and into some place full of people. "What is this place?" -whispered Haella. "A brothel" -smirked Criston. At that moment the only thing Haella could think was her father with her unknown whore of a mother, and there in the distance she saw her father with a girl. "Is that the Princess?" -said Criston unsure. As her father abandoned the girl they saw that it was Rhaenyra.

Haella felt utterly betrayed and angry and uneasy. "My father is the worst man alive..." -said Haella, "..And I'm his favourite daughter". "Let's get out of this place Ella".

That night Haella felt very uneasy about the whole thing and called Alicent in. "Yes Haella, you wanted to talk to me?", "I saw my father..." -cried Haella, "With Rhaenyra, in a brothel". Alicent comforted her and then told her some shocking news: "I'm with child Haella". "Congratulations Alicent. You will make a fine mother". Haella could see the forced smile on Alicent's face and told her: "Everything is going to be alright". And they both cried that night.

One morning Haella was called by Rhaenyra. "What do you want?" -asked Haella coldly. "I want to make peace with you". -said Rhaenyra. "Seriously Rhaenyra? After everything-", "Do you want peace or not?" -interrupted Rhaenyra.

"No, how do you expect me to make peace with you!" -said Haella disgusted. Then Rhaenyra took a step back and fell on the stairs leading all the way down. "She pushed me. The crazy whore pushed me" -shouted Rhaenyra. Several maids cane and escorted Rhaenyra to her chambers. Haella was left shocked by her crazy behaviour. When the king heard about what had happened he called Haella in and there she was met with Rhaenyra crying, Alicent, Daemon, Criston, Otto and the King fuming along with the small council. "How dare you push the heir to the throne. You know that's a bile act of treason." -said Otto. "Let us hear her story father" -said Alicent.

Haella told them everything and she was interrupted by Rhaenyra: "Now why would I push myself of the stairs. Do you think I'm crazy you liar." Haella looked at her father to defend her but he only met her with a disappointed look. "Was there any bear witness?" -asked Sir Cole. "No." -denied Rhaenyra. "Well in that case there cannot be anything done because we do not have any evidence." -said the King. "But father-" -spoke Rhaenyra. "This case is closed." -shouted the King, "Now I have some new to share. The Queen is with child.",

"Congratulations" -filled the room. "Is it a boy or a girl?" -asked Otto. "It's a boy." -smiled the King. All glances went to Rhaenyra. After everyone left Otto preached the King: "Shall the coronation be prepared when the babe is born, your Grace?", "Coronation for what?" -asked the Kinbfg confused. "Well I thought now that your lady-wife is with a boy, you would name him as your heir.", "I have already made my decision long ago and I am frim on that decision." -replied Viserys. "But your grace men of the realm would-", "Do you think I care about what men of the realm think? They are not the King.", "Yes, your Grace." and Otto left but he wasn't done there.

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