97 A.C
Seara Targaryen's Pov,
Hearing the moans and whimpers as I walk through my pleasure house I soon reach the room where I know he'll be, I already have three sons..... three sons from three different fathers. And now I will have another child, but this time from a Targaryen Prince.
Will it change much? I won't even go back to Westeros, not after all that has happened. Volantis is my home now, they can have their Iron Throne.... and their Seven Kingdom's. This is my Kingdom.
Being able to see through the white silk curtains I soon see the two girls with their tops off kiss one another while their hands slowly move over the others body while Daemon sits on the bed with a cup of wine in his hands.
"You can leave ladies." I say as I push the curtain aside and walk into the room and all three of their heads turn in my direction. "Here to ruin my fun? And here I thought you said everything I wanted would be mine. Aunt." Daemon says with his grin and I motion with my head for the two girls to leave the room, as they walk out I step closer to the prince and he's quick to rise from the bed as his hands are being placed on my hips.
"Or haven't I given you enough these last weeks.....you wish mor-" He starts as his lips move over my neck and I soon push him slightly away with my hands on his chest while my voice cuts his off.
"I'm with child Daemon." I say and his eyes widen as he steps away from me. "Okay? And why are you telling me about this matter." He states and I take a deep breath. "Because it's yours Daemon."
"Mine? You've been known to open your legs for every handsome man you see and now you're trying to put on your bastards on me? I'm a Targaryen Prince not some whore whose exiled by her father." He bites my way as he puts the glass down and grabs his stuff.
"Putting it on you? I haven't been with another man since you arrived. And you didn't have a problem shoving your cock up a Targaryen whore how you like to call me..... this child is yours Daemon Targaryen, denying it won't change that matter!" I now say louder as the tension in the room begins to grow.
"It's not mine! I will not have a bastard! Or is it your desire that I wed you with this news and take you back to Westeros." He counters and it pulls a sarcastic scoff from my lips. "I have no desire to return to Westeros, and if you wish to run than run..... but this child will is yours and deep down you know that......... he or she will know that you are their father and what happens on the day they stand before you is all because of your own actions." I say as he grabs his sword and let's his eyes meet mine.
"I want nothing to do with you or your bastard." He says before quickly walking out of the room while I shake my head as my hand moves towards my stomach. He'll run from what he knows is the truth.
Even a man of one and seven should take responsibility for his actions, three sons already and now I might carry another one in my stomach. Hugh, Arlo and Bhakaz they are boys..... I cannot connect with I do not understand them and they don't understand me........ they don't share the true blood of the dragon with me.
They aren't wild and reckless. Bhakaz is born out of a Triarch of Volantis..... the other two boys are born out of commoners... lowborn. Daemon Targaryen is wild and reckless he has the blood of the dragon..... maybe the child growing inside of me will have it too, maybe we will both be able to understand one another.
Walking over to one of the windows I look out of in and soon I hear a screech before I see the form of Caraxes start to take flight in the darkness of night. He can run back to Westeros but it will not change the truth, the truth his child will also know. That Daemon Targaryen is the father, and that maybe he or she might not carry the Targaryen name doesn't take away from the fact that it holds more Targaryen blood in their veins than many others.
"It will be okay, I will be here." I softly say as I look down at my stomach while the form of Caraxes has already disappeared in the distance.
Months Later,
"Push! Push, My Lady!" One of the girls says as another contraction goes through my body and it's followed with a scream as I start to push again to get this child out of me! "It's almost there, we can see the head..... one more!" She says and I dig my hands into the sheets as I push once more with a loud scream before I feel the child leave my body as I practically fall back onto the bed with sweat covering my whole body.
Hearing the cries fill the room I force my body to sit up a bit as I take heavy breaths. "A boy, My Lady....... a healthy boy!"
"Hand him... to me." I breath out as I hold my hands out and soon she hands me the small child as he's kicking and screaming making a smile form on my face. Looking him over I can already see small white hairs on his head and his eyes are a deep violet as if it's a sea of the color.
As he continues to cry and kick around like a goat I soon hold him closer against me before whispering. "You Aevor..... are a dragon. My son." I say just above a whisper before pressing a kiss against his forehead and it seems to calm him down as he's now staring back at me.
"Can we see the babe!" Hugh yells from the other side of the door and I look up towards it. "No not now, maybe later." I yell back as I get comfortable on the bed and take my breast out as Aevor is quick to latch onto it.
"It's coming." I groan out as I feel the afterbirth come and they are quick to grab a bucket while I push and soon it leaves my body as a groan leaves my lips. Seeing them clean it up I can't stop my eyes from moving back over to the small boy who's drinking away as his eyes remain on me.
"Leave me." I say and they boy their heads before walking out of the room, hearing the door close Eavor pulls away from my breaths as a yawn leaves his lips. "You need to burp first." I say as I hold him against my body and softly pat his back and soon a loud burp leaves his lips making me laugh.
"Now you can sleep, and don't worry your MuñA is here..... I will always be here."
Author's Note,
Since you guys bloody blew up the intro! Well here ya go have fun vote and comment!
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