Part 4

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Aevor's Pov, 

The Next Day, 

Seeing the castle come into view as the men keep rowing to the shore I raise my brow, it's not the prettiest I've seen. Dragonstone was made with dragon fire, and blood magic they say. And since before the Doom of Valyria dragon lords have been living here....... those who I share my blood with. As the boat is close enough to the shore I step out of it making the water reach till under my knee as I continue to walk over to the shore. 

If my father would have claimed me I could have been born here, grew up on these lands of my forefathers. My mother often spoke off Dragonstone, how it's the seat of the heir to the Iron Throne. Coming closer and closer to the sand I soon step onto it. 

Leaning down I place my hand on it and look around me, for the first time in my life I've stepped on the lands of Westeros. Taking a deep breath as I hear the men drag the ship up onto the shore behind me I soon see Atho walk into view making me get up again. 


"Dragonstone, the most western outpost of Old Valyria........ it's been the seat of House Targaryen for more than two hundred years. Now we are here to see if Rhaenyra Targaryen can make us fight for her, I want blood just like the men but I will not send them to die on Westerosi lands for some cunt." I say as some guards are waiting for us and we step over to them. Me, Atho and 5 guards not that I will need them, heads would be rolling before they can pull their swords at me. 

"My Lo-"

"Ow I'm no Lord." I quickly say as I cut the man off and tilt my head as I look him over while stepping closer to him, letting my fingers move over his armor I see him get nervous being so close to me and it makes me chuckle. "I think your princess is waiting."

"Queen Rh-" 

"Is no queen yet." 

"If you would please follow me, my lo-" He stops himself and with that we start to walk up what looks like a long road towards the castle. "Weeks on a ship and now what looks like thousands of steps." I say to Atho who just rolls his eyes at my words. 

"Roll them again and I will have you carry me up there." 

"If that's your command, My Lord." 
 He says with a rare grin on his face and I raise my brow at him. " I will have you do it Atho, so mind that tongue of yours." 


Walking through the stone halls as we follow after the guards soon we decent some steps and walk into a large room with a giant stone table on it, it's the map of Westeros they speak about that Aegon the conqueror had it made before he started his conquest. 

"You stand in the presence of Rhaenyra of the House Targaryen Que-" One of them starts as I see Mysaria walk over with a woman..... white of hair, violet of eyes and I can't stop my own from moving down her body as I'm quick to cut the man off. 

"Is she Queen? If my memory is correct her brother sits the Iron Throne. If all was good and well she would not have sent word across the Narrow Sea for me to sail West." I say as I walk closer to the woman making the men move their hands to their swords. 

"Princess, Cousin, My Lady...... things I can call you." I say as I step beside her and tilt my head as I look her over and she keeps looking in front of her making me slowly start to walk around her. "I'm surprised you sent word to me...  Some might fear me being here with you, but she hasn't told you now has she."  I say as I switch in language as I stand in front of her for a couple of seconds to let our eyes meet before taking some strands of her hair between my fingers. 

"He has also never told you, I have twenty thousand men outside of your castle......... if I wanted would you be fast enough to get your dragon? Your head would be lying be my feet before you'd move away, your men would be slaughtered before they can draw their swords. What will Aegon give me for your head? The weight of your dragon in gold? Twice it's weight in gold?" 

"What do you want so that your men and you will fight for me."She says and I release a chuckle as I let her hair go and move around her again. "What can you give me? My mother rules Volantis on my command she could send 5000 more men to Dragonstone to fight in your war over an Iron chair that looks so uncomfortable. She must have told you about my mother, Seara Targaryen....... banished by my grandsire because the blood of the dragon was too thick in her, he could not control her." 

"Do you know who my father is prin-" 

"It's Queen Rh-" 

"Not if you don't have my men who would put you on that Iron Throne, so for now your princess Rhaenyra or should I say stepmother."  I lowly whisper in her ear and it makes her head snap in my direction with shock in her eyes.

"The look says enough, I can tell you the long story or the short one Daemon Targaryen is my father..... he knew for years. But just like I heard he ran from here, he also ran from me........ now once again princess what can you offer me that would make it worth my time to be here."  I say before looking her over one more time, letting my eyes move down her body soon they slowly move up again before looking at her face with a grin on mine. 

"Or well there have been men before who went to war for the beauty of a woman. You will have my swords, if." 


"You make me commander of your armies." I simply say as I move my hands onto the pommel on my sword and rest them there. "Daem-" 

"Is a cunt, and a weak one at that he dragged out the war in the Stepstones for years while my men and me know how to fight, ever seen a Dothraki horde move through a city? Raping women by the thousands, those pretty enough will be taken and fucked every night by so many men she loses count.... or hounds, they take fun in it to see the sheep women fuck with hounds or horses. Children butchered or sold as bed slaves. Dothraki kill for sports, Princess. But so do my men, I will be your commander of Armies, or I will sail back to Volantis." 

"I will give you till the morrow, after that I will sail back to Volantis and you can fight over your stupid Iron Chair." I say before walking back the way I came with Atho and my men falling in pace behind me as I don't wait for her to speak again. 

Rhaenyra's Pov, 

Seeing the man walk away I can't stop from walking away myself. How he spoke, how he acted many others would have taken his head for it. And yet I could not stop but be intrigued by him, that was before he claimed to be the son of Daemon. 

"Your gr-"

"You know many secrets Mysaria, you could not have told me that when I let you write to Aevor that he is the bastard son of Daemon?" I say to the woman who falls in pace with me while I don't even know how to feel about the news, angry? Of course I'm angry, what if Aevor goes and fights for a claim he himself thinks he has. 

Disappointed? Of course I'm disappointed by the fact that Daemon did not tell me he has a son! Running around in Essos with none other than Saera Targaryen! 

Daemon is the commander of my armies, and yet I hear no word from him..... I've sent ravens to Harrenhall and nothing comes back from the castle. Will he be able to muster a host? I-I don't know but I do know that Aevor has 20,000 men outside of Dragon Stone ready to fight, and he can call upon 5,000 more." 

"Aevor is not like his father, he's the most loyal man I've ever met, your grace. If he fights for you than he will fight with his last breath for you, he knows war, and he knows how to command. I do not speak out of my dislike for Daemon Targaryen, but Aevor is more likely to put you on the Iron Throne than his father is." 

Author's Note, 

Since your so close to hitting the goal! Here ya all go! 

Now 80 votes is the next one up! 

Vote and Comment! 

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