Aevor's Pov,
Looking up as the dragon flies circles around Vhagar soon my eyes widen as I see Syrax fly over but there's no rider on top of her......... Riding up the ramp into the dragon Pit I soon kick one of the guards in the face making the man fall over as I continue to ride into the large dome.
Looking around it's just a mostly empty hall, seeing the green flames move over the ramp up as screams fill my ears I turn my horse around once more before seeing smaller like ramps leading down.
"God's please have mercy on me."
And with that I start to gallop down the path that soon widens up as we ride into the cave like place with torchers hanging on the walls and that's the only reason I probably haven't crashed myself against the wall yet.
"Get going boy! That dragon is the least of our worries!" I yell as the horse gets nervous, to be honest I am not far behind him, this place looks worse than a cell...... and they've been keeping their dragons in here!
Hearing a loud roar the horse staggers and I tightly hold on by pressing my knees more into it while the girl releases a yelp. "It's okay..... I got you." I say and she nods her head shyly. "It's Dreamfyre.... my mother's dragon." She says and soon another roar is being heard from the dragon making me dismount the horse before slapping its ass, seeing it run back the way we came from I follow the sounds of the dragon.
Making my way down the dark path through the cave I hear soldiers also have made their way into the Dragon Pit. Passing a corner soon my eyes widen as I see the large dragon pull at her chains.
"Lykiri Dreamfyre! Lykiri!" I loudly say as she screeches at me and I don't back away from the dragon! "Dohaeras!"I loudly continue and she opens her mouth as the bright flames start to gather in the back of her throat and I would rather die by dragon fire than get in the hands of the HighTower's.
"Dohaeras Dreamfyre!" I yell once again and she directs the flames up towards the ceiling with a loud roar before my head snaps around. "This way!" Is being yelled and the dragon moves forwards and past me before her flames start to burn down the pathway making a breath I didn't know I was holding leave my lips.
Seeing the large chain around her leg I pull my sword out of it's sheathe. "I know you might not like me swinging with a sword close to your leg but they need to break and than you can get out of here and towards Dragon Stone where Helaena is." I say to the dragon as I walk over to her leg and she looks back at me.
Taking the sword in both of my hands I bring it above my head before bringing it down as hard as I can onto the metal and I do it a couple of times before it breaks making Dreamfyre flap her wings.
"Now to get out of here...... you know could you please lead the way, I will stay behind you..... you know precious cargo and all." I say with my best smile to the dragon who starts to walk away and I'm quick to sheathe my sword again before walking after her.... why walk in the front when a fire breathing dragon can!
Left, right, left again? I don't even know anymore at this point but soon we are in the large dome again as the dragon walks out in front of me, hearing her screech and roar I poke my head out only to see hundreds of soldiers there.
Climbing up his wing I soon sit down and grab one of his spikes in hand. "Soves! Cannibal! Soves!" I yell and he releases another loud roar while a grunt leaves my lips as I feel something slam into my shoulder before he takes flight and makes his way up out of the opening he created!
Flying above the city I see Syrax and Dreamfyre fly circles around Vhagar while I something else fly into my back making me hang forward a bit. "To Dragonstone Pookie." I groan out as I feel blood run down my body.
Rhaenyra's Pov,
Letting my eyes move over the water I-I have no idea what to do at this moment, what can I do.... my own dragon flew off. I can not send Rhaena or Jace after them.... what if I lose them too, Hugh or Ulf? Silverwing has never seen battle, and I think the hatred Hugh and Aevor hold between one another will feed their dragons to attack one another.
Hearing a loud screech my eyes snap in the direction only to see Syrax... with Dreamfyre? And the Cannibal fly in this direction. Seeing them come closer and closer Syrax with Dreamfyre fly over the castle while the Cannibal continues to fly over to me before his large body moves to land beside me.
Seeing the white hair of Aevor sit on top of the dragon soon he slides off of the dragon and his body crashes into the ground as I see 4 arrows stick into the armor on his back. "He said he would get me to mommy." A small voice says and when I look up again Jaehaera sits on top of the dragon.
"C-come here." I say and she starst to slide down the body of the Cannibal before I catch her halfway. "Someone get a maester!" I yell and Ser Lorent starts to run away as I place her down and kneel beside the body of Aevor where a puddle of blood is forming.
"You can't die now.... you crazy fool, come on Aevor....... just open your eyes."
Releasing a groan as I shoot up soon a pain runs through my back making the groan turn into a grunt. "Your awake." A voice says and I turn to look in it's direction only to see it belonging to Rhaenyra.
Lifting the blanket up I look into my trousers and my cock is still very much attached to my body."And you didn't cut my cock off." I counter making her release a sigh. "You wish for me to trust you and yet..... you do things like this."
"You didn't even trust me before I did things like this, what do you think would happen to the child if the city falls? Now she's with her mother and her grandmother.....not all alone locked up in some chamber. Now she's locked up in a chamber with her family." Getting up I have to grind my teeth together to not let the grunt out, walking over to the small table I grab my flask up and open it.
"You should be in bed.... resting."
"It's war, there is no time to rest. Aemond will be less with pleased that I took the child and that we des-" I start before just keeping my lips sealed as she raises her brow at me. "You burnt down the ci-"
"I did not burn down the city, Pookie just destroyed a part of the ceiling of the Dragonpit to get us out. Don't worry your city is still standing." Taking some large sips she walks over to me and soon I feel her fingers move down the few scars on my body.
"I wished to apologize."
"Did you now? Or did you miss my cock? You speak of trust......... I do not trust you anymore, so you can apologize and I will not believe you mean it beside the fact that you wish to keep me and my men here so our blood will color the path to your hump of Iron."
"No Rhaenyra, you can not say sorry and think all is well. The world doesn't work like that, I did not tell you because I knew you would have never let me go...... not because you think it would have been dangerous, but because you know and fear that when I die my men and my mother will sail their asses back to Volantis...... I have the largest army and I'm fighting for a woman who's been treating me like a dog. If I did not make a promise to Helaena that I would get her daughter out....... I would have left days ago, and it all would have been on you."
"Now you where right...... I should have some rest so if you'd excuse me."
Author's Note,
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