Aevor's Pov,
Day's Later.
"Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And think of all the great things we would do?" I loudly sing as I stand on the table of the tavern and the men cheer and sing along as their cups are raised in the air with ale spilling in millions of directions probably.
"Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say
Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days" I continue while moving over the large wooden table before bringing the horn up to my lips and drinking the ale. Hearing them all cheer I soon misstep and almost fall down the bloody table if it hadn't been for Atho.
"Ow Atho you warm my heart my friend, saving me from falling and maybe breaking my bloody neck!" I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulders. "Is it wise to drink this much Aevor?"
"Is it wise to drink this much Aevor." I mock his words with a roll of my eyes. "Live a little! When is the last time you wetted your black worm! Come on I'll even pay, or a drink? Or both it's good to drink when you have a whore sucking your black worm!"
"Stop calling my cock a worm!"
"I've seen it, it does look like a tiny.... very tiny worm. But a whore will love it... if you pay her for it, but since you saved me here." I say as I take some coins out of my pocket and give them to him while I think he's ready to throw me off of one of the walls.
"Ow come on Atho! Live a little!"
Walking through the empty streets or well mostly empty I can still hear the men sing, yell and blur out who knows what while I make my way back over to the villa. We need a battle again, a good one the Horse Fuckers there are enough who don't dare to come here anymore. The Three Whores? The same.
I love my mother, I love being in her villa... fucking her whores, but I wouldn't mind a good battle again. Now we spend our night in the taverns or in the pleasure houses, we fight in the arena...... or not at all.
While Westeros is at the brink of a bloody war, mother's always been different with me than how she was with the others. In a way we understood one another, and even more than once it's like no one will ever be able to understand me.
Arlo was foolish, he wanted to show he was as wild and reckless as mother is........ that he was like her, when Khal Sotho showed up at our gates he challenged the man to a duel it was over before Arlo could pull his sword out of it's sheath. They took the body and who knows what they did to it, probably fed it to the hounds.
Then there was Bhakaz, born out of a Triarh..... he could have had a good life here and yet he wanted to prove that he was like mother and me. That he shared us in having the blood of the dragon. That bloody fool got so drunk that night, he picked a fight with the wrong person. The man tossed Bhakaz's body from the overwalk by the ships as if he were no heavier than a pillow........... we found his body on the shore days later.
And then there is Hugh, the only one of my brothers who's left. He looked more like a "Targaryen' than my other two brothers who shares the looks of people from Essos, dark hair, copper skin. Hugh even if he looked like those who share the blood of the dragon did not have the blood of the dragon in our mother's opinion. He was calmer and more collected, and when he was old enough to leave he left in the darkness of night and we never saw him again. Years later we found out he was living as a blacksmith in King's Landing.
Hearing a familiar whistle a frown appears on my face as I snap my head around, I haven't heard it in 16 years. Seeing a boy around 12 he does the whistle again before running over to me as he picks a scroll out of his pocket. "You may be The Dragon's Bastard but I know you're a great man." He says as he hands me the scroll before simply running off again and I'm not even sure if I wish to open it.
The Dragon's Bastard.... she used to call me that, like Hugh she left in the cover of night only to never be seen again now........ 16 years later she writes me. Shaking my head as I break the sigil I open the scroll and move closer to a torch so I can read the words that are written in black ink.
I know your heart desires battle, come West........ fight with your men. Do this for me, for the past, for what we shared and could have had. Come West Aevor....... come home Dragon.
"Mysaria what kind of mess are you trying to pull me into." I say with a breathless chuckle before putting the note into the flames, as it's burnt I start to walk towards the villa of mother, and I may get my battle sooner than I thought."
The Next Day.
"Readying your ships now are you." Mother says as we overlook the port from the garden of her villa. "Readying my ships indeed I am. My men are hungry for ba-"
"No, you are hungry for battle, and Westeros can give you one. What made you change your mind." She asks me with a raised brow and I shrug my shoulders. "Who says something changed my mind? I think you quite often said I yearn for battle since the moment I could walk." I counter pulling a hum from her lips.
"Maybe, or maybe something's calling you to Westeros....... a whisper that's getting louder and louder, soon it will cloud your mind until you can't hear anything else anymore."
"Than it's a good thing I'm leaving before it can make my head hurt now is it, the only sad part is I can not bring the Elephants...... the journey would be to long. I know you'll take good care of them mother." I say as I get ready to walk away but she's quick to stop me by grabbing my chin in her hand.
"What will happen when you see him."
"Ow mother you think so low of me, or maybe highly. My father is something that will be welcomed with open hands.... and a sword in either of them." I say and it makes a chuckle leave her lips. "You're my son Aevor, from the moment you came into this world kicking and screaming I knew that you were like me....... and like your father. If he's a challenge you wish to welcome than you should welcome him with a sword in either hand, but I do not wish to see you sail out now only to never return." She says and it makes a grin appear on my face.
Rhaenyra's Pov,
Overlooking the painted table I shake my head, war...... Daemon he's gone, and I don't know how to stop all of this innocent blood to be shed. "Your grace, a raven came." A voice says and I see Baela walk over with a small note that I take from her.
"Thank you Baela." I say as I see the sword with roses sigil and break it before letting my eyes move over the words..... Aevor is sailing west, with 20,000 men. He's sailing west with a army...... a army that I need in this war, that I don't wish to use but rather would have on my side than on that of Aegon.
Mysaria said she could get him here, but keeping him here would have to be up to me. And I have to keep him here, because Aevor and his men can change everything.
Author's Note,
So nice! So all better vote and comment!
75 is the next one up!
Also Atho
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