Part 19

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Rhaenyra's Pov, 

Releasing a sigh I didn't know I was holding as I stand by the now empty table I soon hear the armored steps walks over making me turn to see Ser Lorent. "Forgive me your grace a Red Priestess from Ashai has come." He speaks and a Red Priestess? There are not many in the Seven Kingdom's who follow the god of light.

 Nodding my head he walks away again before soon coming back with a woman, dark red hair...... a dark red cloak around her and she's beautiful no one can deny that. 

"Your grace, I too have suffered under the rule of men.... it is a pleasure to meet you Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen."  She says with a bow of her head. "What is your name?" 

"I am called Melisandre, Your Grace." 

"The lord of Light does not hold many followers in Westeros now does he?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Not yet but even those who do not worship the Lord can serve his cause." She speaks and I let a small frown form on my face. 

"And what does your lord expect from me?" 

"The Long night is coming, only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn."  She speaks and I have to stop my eyes from widening...... Aegon's dream? The Song of Ice and Fire.... she knows of it? 

"I would wish a word with you alone, I do not carry weapon or armor." 

"Leave us Ser Lorent." 

"Your grace." He says with a bow before walking away and closing the door behind him making me turn to the woman again. "You know of the song of Ice and Fire........ of the dream and the prophecy... how?" 

"There have been those who have dreams, others can see things in other things or in the flames...... The Long Winter is coming, Your Grace it might not be today.... or in your lifetime but it will come. Prophecies are a dangerous thing, Your Grace...... you fear Aevor because of the one that rests on his dragon. That the one who would share the bond of rider with the dragon, together they would bring Westeros down on its knees." She speaks and I have every reason to fear Aevor...... with the prophecy that rests on the Cannibal. 

"What do the flames tell you? About the war..... about what will happen?" I ask her and she looks towards the fireplace as it's flames dance around in it. "I would need your blood to see pieces and even then I can not surely tell you what they speak......... I speak what they show me, sometimes that's nothing." She says and am I really willing to give her some of my blood for her to see what the future might hold. Grabbing a knife from the table I walk over to the fire place and take a deep breath. 

"I need to know......... if my blood can make you see things from the future I wish to know them." I say and she nods her head, taking the knife I drag it down the palm of my hand and she takes it before holding it above the flames making soon a hissing sound come from it as my blood drips onto it. 

Seeing her look intensely into the flame as she lets my hand go I look towards them but so far all they look like to me are flames. "There will be those who will betray you............. I-I can not see clearly who they are..... but you will be betrayed. You will suffer heavy losses, in your heart and in your war." She speaks as she continues to stare into the flames and it makes my heart only sink more.... I-I knew they would betray me, I never should have let Aev-. 

"There will be some who will stand by your side till dead, those who will fight for their queen...... and one who will bend the knee to you........ not out of duty but out of love. He will fight and die for you if needed, his flame is growing wilder..... as is yours, together you both will create a fire...... one that will have your enemies perish and you're followers be freed and be able to flourish because of it ." 

"Will I win the war." 

"That is up to you........ if he stays by your side..... if you give him back what he gives you than yes. If you lose him..... if he leaves.... you will lose this war as well and the world will not survive the The Long Night that is coming." She speaks as her eyes now snap in my direction and I take a step away from her. 

"W-who is he?" 

"I do not know." 

"Then look again." I try but she shakes her head. "Forgive me your grace, the flames only show me what they wish to show me..... I cannot control it. But this man, the faith of the world is now on both of your shoulders." 


"You should see her! Not only her! Him as well with their stupid judgmental looks!" I say to Pookie as I kick a crab away from me and it flies into the dragon's moth while I roll my eyes at the beast. 

"What the bloody hell did I ever do to them that was so..... so bad for them to treat me like I'm some fucking vermin" I continue before opening the flask of ale and taking some large sips, feeling some drops move down my chin I wipe them off before kicking another crab into Pookie's awaiting mouth. 

Seeing another one come out of the water soon it also flies towards the dragon before I'm quick to turn around when I hear steps coming my way. "I am not in the mood for a talk, maybe a good fuck but that depends on the person you are." I say but soon a woman with a dark red cloak moves into view as her hair is also dark red. "Forgive me, I have been looking for you." She says with a small bow. 

"You do not have to bow before me, I'm a bastard........ nothing more, nothing less." I mumble as I see another crab and once again it soon flies through the air. "You are far more than a bastard, you are Aevor son of Saera and Daemon Targarye-" 

"I am a bastard look lady I do not wish to be rude but me and Pookie over here where having our moments, I do not need to hear the words that I am things I clearly am not." 

"Are you not the rider of the Cannibal.... a dragon as wild and reckless as his rider. A dragon who from the day he hatched knew that his loyalties belonged to only one person........ that person is you, I would like to believe that already makes you quite special." She says as she looks at the dragon behind me and I hear him get up as his movements make the ground almost shake underneath us. 

"Just like he waited, maybe you have also waited for the right person to give your loyalti-" 

"I've given Rhaenyra my loyalties and all I've been getting in return is distrust, her shortsightedness........ and judgmental words and looks, I should be on my ships with my men sailing back for Volantis.... not be here in these strange lands." I state and she walks more over to me while the low roaring sounds of the dragon beside me are being heard. 

"You are from these lands, give me your hand and I will show you what your blood will accomplish in them." She says as she holds her hand out and I'm soon pushed forward by the dragon behind me. 

Holding my hand out to her she opens my palm and soon pulls a small knife out before cutting it making my blood start to flow out, as she leans down I soon follow after her and the moment she places my bleeding hand down on the sand I feel almost my eyes roll to the back of my head as everything just changes. 

Hearing the cries of a child I look around me with a frown before my eyes fall upon a crib..... with a small child in it as a black and golden dragon egg lays beside the girl. Stepping towards the girl soon it's like she was never there as I now stand on.... on a battlefield. While the scent of dead, blood and burnt flesh fill my nose . With dead horses, men.... crying and yelling men but also the burning banner of the HighTower's, looking around me with a frown soon everything changes again.  

As the scene changes I see a man white of hair and a red mark on his face, while he looks to be like sitting in a tree that's growing around him. Seeing a raven with three eyes fly past me I soon  turn around once again the whole place has changed as I now run through the snow while I am in the body of what feels like some kind of animal while I run towards a.... a h-half rotting army with a man who looks to be made out of ice in front of it. 

Seeing a bright red comet pass by as quick as it came it's gone again before I see a woman sit on the hard soil, naked.... but she must be of Targaryen blood from the color of her hair, hearing some small screeches soon three small... baby sized dragons move over her body? Seeing a man stand before her his eyes bore into mine as a loud roar is being heard and I see the shadow of a dragon fly over. 

"You have a bigger part to play that you think Aevor, only you can bring Westeros to its knees." A voice says and I turn around to see someone sitting on the Iron Throne......... stepping closer I see it's Rhaenyra but there is a man beside her who's face I can not see. 

"We all have a part to play, it's time you will take up yours." The voice says once again and when I turn around I see Helaena? Helaena standing there.... "Wh-" I start but soon everything changes again as I'm pulled out all these.... these visions? 

Taking some deep breaths as I practically fall back onto my ass  I see the woman stare at me while I-I the things I saw......w-what do they all mean? W-what does Helaena mean with that I need to take up my part. 

"You and other might think you appear to be a bastard Aevor.......  that you were born low and will die low but we both know this is not true, you were born for great things." She says and with that she simply starts to walk away from me. 

"W-what does all this mean" I yell after her but soon she's already disappeared in the darkness that comes with night. Letting myself fall back down onto the sand I look up at the stars before a large snout moves over me as green eyes stare back down at me. 

"Do you think she's right? T-that we are meant for big things? I-I saw Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne....... what if only I can help her onto it?" I whisper to him and he nudges me with his snout before leaning it on my stomach while I try and well it fail because of his size but I put my hands up and on his scales. 

"Alright Pookie......... we will.... we will fight, not only for her.... but for what I saw, men made out of ice? What's next? People being set on fire and surviving it." I mumble while his deep purring sound makes me calm down a bit after this very.... very eventful day. 

Author's Note, 

Vote and Comment! 

130 next one up! 

Patr-e-oN The-Last-Wolf1998 

Also yes it's the Melisandre from Got, she was said to be as old as 400 years! So yup xD

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