Aevor's Pov,
I've been walking for? Some time, an hour? Maybe two..... maybe less who knows at this point anymore. And this whole time......... if it wanted to eat me it should have aten me and not been hiding behind me in the cover of darkness like a coward.
"I do not have wings like a dragon so you might not quite enjoy the taste of me, but if your not going to eat me please do not think you're a tiny mouse Pookie who can hide in the covers because I can hear you." I say with a raised brow as I turn towards the dark hall while the large opening where I'm standing has some light in it from a large hole ...... 40 yards above my head!
Hearing the deep rumbling noise soon the bright green eyes come into view as the large black dragon moves out of the darkness making me look it over with a raised brow..... it's large, maybe just as large as Vermithor.... but it has horns around it's face.... one of them is broken off and from what I can see there are scars littering over his body.
"That's what you get from picking a fight Pookie, and you stole my dr-" I begin before he cuts me off with a loud roar as he lunges forwards, raising my brow I pull my swords out of their sheaths while he continues to roar and screech at me.
"So be it.... wish to eat me? Then eat me..... but I do not go down without a fight Pookie." I say as I twirl my swords around while he opens his mouth and lets the green flames start to gather in them....... running forward I soon slide over the ground to miss the bright green flames that are coming my way.
"Then come on you crazy fool!" I yell as I get up and run towards a large rock, running up it I soon jump up and move my blades down before I'm being bloody hit out of the air by his tail. Flying away I soon roll over the ground and I'm just able to roll away! To miss the short sword sized teeth that were coming my way, slashing at it's snout the Valyrian steel makes a cut making the dragon try to eat me off of the flour again as I continue to roll away before sliding down to probably the depts of hell!
Reaching a deeper part of the cave soon I see his green eyes and barely to shape of his body come forward and I move to the side before slashing at it's body again making the dragon throw me away with a wing. Quickly getting up against as it runs my way I ready my swords as I point them towards him and I feel one of his large horns puncture my shoulder making a pained groan leave my lips while a loud set of screeches leaves his as I feel my swords puncture through this scales.
As he shakes his body I soon fly off of the horn and onto the ground with my swords falling somewhere beside me while I look up at the mostly dark stone ceiling. "Feast on my body Pookie.... at least you will for the rest of your life have a part of me with you." I say as I feel the blood flow out of my shoulder and soon I feel something nudge against my leg.
Looking down I see him staring at me with hot sizzling blood flowing out of his nose but it also seems that the heat is healing the wound itself. "Not tasty enough for you? Well than." I state as he nudges my leg once more and I slowly sit up with a raised brow, noticing him move his head closer to me I raise my brow and soon a chuckle leaves my lips as he bumps his snout against my head.
"See I knew you were a pookie." I say as I raise my bloodied hand and pat his black scales while a soft purring like sound leaves his body .......I got a dragon....... something I dreamt off as a child... but of course I get the bloody crazy one.
"Addams ran after him...... I get a bloody trail by combat." I state to the dragon who opens his eyes again and I swear to all the gods has a bloody shit eating grin on his face while I get up. "Uhm now your going to get my out of here....... ow you've got to be shitting me I have to climb on top of you without a saddle! I know I've been mounting Rhaenyra for some time now but that dragon and you are two different things Pookie!" I say to the dragon who moves his body around as his back comes into view before practically laying down on the ground. Looking around for my swords it takes me a couple of minutes to find them but I put them both back in their sheaths before turning to the dragon again.
"If I die.... well, the blame is with the both of us."
Rhaenyra's Pov,
As Silverwing flies over the island I see Vhagar coming in the distance........ and she cannot match the amount of dragons we have right now. Vermithor, Silverwing, Syrax, Seasmoke and Arrax.
God's the fool..... I told him not to do it, and yet I hope he's still somewhere down in those caves finding his way out. I-I do not trust him with a dragon, I see parts of Daemon in him....... and I see many more parts in him that are not like Daemon.
He pulls a hunger..... a fire out from inside of me, and yet when I lay with him in bed with his strong arms around me it's a dull flame. Yet I fear what may come if it ever is to be brought to Daemon's ears, he does not know his bas-....... his first-born son is here... he might have gotten word from me about it if he would have written back. I cannot trust him anymore, maybe I shouldn't ever have trusted Daemon... a man so blinded by ambition.
Aevor he was so close to touching Vermithor.... I saw it there was but a strand of hair between them before the Cannibal attack...... he's been growing wilder and fiercer, he attacked Vhagar and he attacked Vermitor..... something he normally does not do. As the dragons are too big and put up more of a fight agai-
Hearing Vhagar's deep roar as Aemond must be trying to turn her around soon I see the Cannibal start to descent from the clouds above Vhagar while Syrax moves next to me and loudly screeches.
Stepping forward with wide eyes as the black dragon somehow is able to open a piece of wing from Vhagar their claws connect as flames of red and green fly in all kind of directions while they start to free fall towards the sea.... if he's able to bring her down..... to truly bring her down the war can be over in... in days.
Noticing the Cannibal start to bite at Vhagar's neck while the larger dragons has so much trouble even getting close with her mouth to the Cannibal just before they are about to hit the water she practically throws him down into it as he's just able to turn his body around and dive down and it makes the water fly up into the air while my eyes dart around the scene in front of me.
Seeing Vhagar's claws dip into the water she's just able to not follow suit as she opens her wings while in her right a 3 yard cut is in her wing making her fly more to one side as she's having trouble keeping her body up.
H-he fought her again? B-but why? Walking closer and closer to the edge of the hill I'm standing on my eyes widen as I see the Cannibal swim? It's swimming towards shore as it moves his body like a lizard through the water.
Feeling Syrax bump me with her snout she soon moves it next to me as a loud screech leaves her and it's answered by a loud one from the Cannibal as he continues to swim to shore. Noticing it reach shore it soon steps out of the water and he flaps his wings before I feel 20 million emotions run through my body, relief? Fear? Anger? Happiness? When I see the white hair on top of it..... someone was able to claim? T-to claim the Cannibal,
"Did you all miss me! Meet Pookie!" The voice of Aevor yells as they move closer and closer and he's sitting on top of the Cannibal with blood oozing out of his shoulder while the Cannibal looks to have two stab wounds on his snout but the smile on Aevor's face.... as he pats the dragon I do not know if I should be happy, he survived........ why from all the dragons i-it had to be this one. Why could he not have touched Vermithor before the Cannibal appeared..... why could he not have stumbled upon Silverwing...... why this one.
Because at the Prophecy spoke.... that the one who would share the bond of rider with the Cannibal is able to together bring Westeros on it's knees.
Author's Note,
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