(AN - This fanart was by @fanfics_over_fanfics and they gave me permission to share it here. I absolutely adore the rainbow scales on Indigo's chestplate and the details on her shoulder plates! Thanks a lot for all the time and effort you put into this! <3)
"Ah, Indigo. I've been meaning to catch up with you on the training sessions."
I turn when I hear the Morphwing Alpha's voice. "Well you stopped by at the right time," I nod, gesturing to where the group are practicing sword fighting. I gave them training sticks to work with a while ago - not many have ever used human weapons before so we had to start safer - and set them up sparring with the techniques I've been teaching them.
"They're coming along nicely," I comment, watching over them carefully. "A few weaker stances, but they can be sorted easy enough. For where we started and the fact that it's only been a few weeks, I'm happy with where we're all at."
"Good to hear it," the Alpha nods. "I think the knowledge that we have the Dragon Defender among us is giving the pack some peace of mind. Truthfully, it has done so for me, as well."
"I'm sure your training prior to my arrival was just as effective," I reassure, but the Alpha shakes his head. "We had none," he confesses, much to my surprise. "Few of us leave this place to train, and those who do so and return haven't shared much more than horror stories of the human civilisations."
The Alpha looks to me, frowning. "Plasma, for all his travels, can never approach the humans in their form. Purple eyes. Almost like a curse. I think that's why he leaves often, you know. And it means he can't learn from them."
I frown beneath my mask, considering this. When I don't respond immediately, the Alpha continues. "I never did learn to fight. Not as a human, anyway. So I couldn't teach him. He used to be just as rambunctious as any young boy would be."
"He seems a lot more sensible now," I note. "Ah, the world does that to you," he hums. "I'm sure you weren't always as sensible as you are now, after all."
"I suppose," I mumur, turning my gaze back to the training session, watching sticks clash against each other and get pulled back as the trainees prepare for their next moves. Unfortunately the sticks aren't all that are wooden; looking at their movements, it looks like I need to make sure they get into the flow of their stances a lot better.
"You've a long way to go with them," the Alpha remarks. "It'll be worth it," I shrug. "They deserve security in their own home. If what they do protects even one dragon, it'll all be worth it."
"True that," the Alpha nods. "I'll leave you to it in a moment. I just have one more thing to talk to you about."
"Of course, Alpha."
"You still call me that?" He chuckles. "I think you've made it pretty clear I'm not your Alpha. Bjorne is fine. And I must admit, I've been steering the conversation towards Plasma for a reason."
"Oh?" I look back to Bjorne, brows raised in intrigue. "Is everything okay with him?"
"Absolutely fine," Bjorne assures. "Got back from his travels last night. He's still resting up, just a little tired is all. Though... I mentioned your training sessions. He said he wasn't looking to sign up. He told me he didn't want to involve himself, though when I asked why he refused to elaborate. Truly thought he would be the first to sign up. So I just wanted to make sure everything was okay between the two of you. I thought you both got along quite well."
"We do," I confirm, my brows furrowing in confusion. "I never really questioned him about joining the training, I just assumed he would join if he wanted to."
"Hm... well, I'm glad the two of you haven't had any issues," Bjorne nods. "He does admire you, you know. Only heard the highest praises when you're brought up."
"I'm flattered," I hum, amused by this comment. "He's told me he was a fan of the myths about me. That's probably it."
"Mm. You might be right," Bjorne agrees, smiling slightly at this. "He does enjoy those. I never did see the interest, but it makes him happy. Part of me thinks he leaves so often to overhear more wives' tales from those humans..."
"I wouldn't put it past him," I agree. "He does look invested. I'm sure it'll make him a wise Alpha some day."
"He would be. He's studied, he's learned, he's practiced. He's got the makings of a fine Alpha. I'm sure he'll settle down once he takes over for me."
"I'm sure that'll be a long time coming, unless you abdicate by choice."
"I should hope so."
We stand in silence for a moment. I follow his squinting gaze out to the water, dark blue rolling calmly along, sparkling under the midday sun.
"Right, I believe I've kept you long enough," Bjorne notes, straightening up. "A pleasure to speak to you again, Indigo. Keep up the good work here."
"I'll have the machine well-oiled in due time," I nod, then return to my trainees, cupping my hands around my mouth to holler at them as I jog back. "Right, good work here! Warren, watch your footing! Ingrid, Sigurd, wider stances! Asher, you're fighting, not flirting with your mate! Adriana, brilliant hit!"
"Indigo, hey!"
I look up when I hear a familiar voice echoing from the caverns on my walk back to Selene's cave, grinning beneath my mask as I catch sight of a familiar face. "Hey!" I greet. "How were your travels?"
Plasma lands beside me and morphs back into human form, grinning. There are bags under his eyes and scratches along his arms I haven't noticed before, though he doesn't seem to care. "It was pretty good! I found new islands right on the southern outskirts of the archipelago!"
"Did they perhaps cause these?" I question him, pointing to the scratches along his arms. "Looks like sharp class markings."
"One of the islands was inhabited by human women and Razorwhips," Plasma confesses, rubbing his arms carefully. "The humans were nice to me. One of the Razorwhips were... less welcoming."
"Sounds like you met the Defenders of the Wing," I chuckle. "You know them?" Plasma looks at me in surprise. "Briefly met them with the Berkians," I shrug. "Nice enough lot, though I have a small bone to pick with their leader, putting thoughts in Hiccup's head."
"A dangerous game, from the sound of it," Plasma nods understandingly. "Well they got the Razorwhip off me quickly enough and took care of me. It could've been much worse. Getting back here last night was still a blessing."
"I'll bet it was. I think we have a lot to catch up on."
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