Downed Dragon

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Indigo's POV:

The minute that strange arrow hit me, I knew it was like no arrow I'd ever seen before. I could only describe this disorienting feeling as when Camo begins to put you under his hypnosis, but ten times worse. My vision warped, I felt weak and nauseous, I couldn't think straight. I was literally going crazy with the absence of my brain doing its part.

I didn't even really know what was going on until I woke up who knows how long later, my head aching. I was locked in a cage on a ship. I still felt weak, but the worst of the effects had passed and I could control myself again.

"Have you ever seen a dragon like this one?" I hear a voice saying. I bit my tongue to hold back a growl that would let them know I'm awake. "Maybe it's some kind of Titan Razorwhip," a second voice suggested.  They're obviously talking about me. At least they don't know about Morphwings.

"I've never seen a dragon like this in my life, but it's certainly not a Razorwhip," a third, more commanding voice piped up. "What do you propose it is, sir?" The first voice asked.

"Hm... I'm not sure," the third voice admitted. I guess they must be the leader. "But that doesn't matter. It will be very useful to use against the Dragon Master when we go after his sanctuary."

They're after me? The human side of me? Ugh, of course they are. But they can't exactly use me to fight against myself, I'm not even there.

I'm not even there...


Nobody is there to defend the sanctuary! My pack are at risk! I've got to protect them! I can't just let them die!

But if I try to take these guys on now I'll just get hurt again and then I'll be in no condition to protect them all. I could always switch to human form, but then they'll know that I'm not where I should be and they'll kill me, then head straight to my home.

I have to choose my moment to strike. Hm... maybe I can get them in my wings? It may not be my smartest, easiest or safest idea ever, but it's all I've got right now.

But first I need to try and warn Alpine.



Alpine, please hear me!

I've been captured again. The human riders know about it already and hopefully they'll come for me, but I'm not entirely sure. Listen, there are dragon hunters trying to take the sanctuary. You guys have to be careful. If worse comes to worse evacuate to Valka's Sanctuary. She'll welcome you all. Just don't get hurt. Please.

I doubt he heard me, but if he did, good. They need to be warned so they can protect themselves in my absence. I hope I was heard.

I listen boredly to the hunters for who knows how long until the cage door is opened. I hold my breath, playing dead. I can tell someone is trying to check my breathing, so when they find nothing they panic and run off, yelling for help. The idiot left the cage door open. I hold in a snicker as I creep silently out, morphing back into human form as I do so to prevent the clacking of claws on the ground attracting unwanted attention.

Just as I'm drawing my sword so that I'm ready for a fight, the door opens. I quickly hide behind it, watching as the man who entered gasps at the empty cage. "The dragon's escaped!" They yell, running off to alert everyone.

I would've killed them, but that would've made it obvious that there was an enemy on the ship. My plan is to sneak past everyone, fly off the deck and burn the place down. Hopefully I can at least escape.

A meaty arm grabs my waist, forcing me back. Instinctively I slice at whichever hunter it was, successfully causing their stupid head to roll and their arm to fall along with the rest of their body.

I continue on, trying to find the way out. Eventually I make it to the deck, taking in the fresh air. I attempt to leap off the edge of the ship, but I'm grabbed again before I can escape. "Who are ya, boy?!" The hunter yells. "What did you do with the dragon?!"

"The dragon is long gone," I snarl harshly. "They will not be harmed by you again, you monsters."

My captor laughs. It's a deep, rumbling, throaty laugh that I detest so much. It's the laugh of a true dragon hunter. How I would love to end their life with a quick slash to their neck.

"What do you know about that dragon, boy?"

"I know as much as I know why the sky is blue," I say. "In simpler words, I know nothing. Now let me go and I'll consider sparing your worthless life."

He laughs again, causing me to growl. "You have no idea what I am capable of! I have a job to do and I am not going to let it get ruined by some human who refuses to do what's good for them!"

With that I plunge my sword into their chest, ignoring the blood that splatters onto me. I break away from their corpse and leap off the ship, ready to fall into the forgiving ocean, but something stops me.

I look up, expecting another hunter. Actually, it's dozens of hunters, all swarming towards me with raised swords, maces and axes. But none of them grabbed me. So what did?

I also see that my shoulders have been grabbed by a pair of hands. I crane my neck to see who they belong to, smirking beneath my mask when I do.

"Hiccup was correct when he mentioned that you never stay out of trouble," Atali remarked, setting me down on Toothless's back. "Better me than a dragon," I reply, making her laugh knowingly.

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