Artemis In Danger

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I glare up at Dagur while Plasma growls furiously. "Don't come any closer, Plasma," I warm him. "He won't hurt me, this one is easy to handle. Just take care of the hunter situation."

"I'm not leaving you until he backs away," Plasma growls again, his eyes not leaving Dagur. I huff in annoyance, but don't argue. "You're lucky we're friends," I mutter bitterly.

"Dagur, are you insane?!" Heather runs over and tries to take her axe back, but with no such luck. "I think we all know he answer to that," I catch Snotlout remark. For once I can't help but snicker in agreement at his comment.

I look to Windshear. "Do you mind removing your rider's apparent brother from the situation, please?" "Gladly," she nods, taking the redhead in her tail and dragging him back, but he breaks free and hurries back over.

This time Plasma drops in, growling ferociously at Dagur while protecting me. "Oh these guys are tough!" Dagur grins, then looks over at Toothless. "I guess I don't need you after all, Night Fury!"

While Toothless is busy feeling conflicted about this, Dagur turns back to me and Plasma, still grinning manically. "How about I take the girl with me? You know, I still need to pay her back for hurting my sister."

"Dagur, all she did was slap me with her tail because I helped trap her!" Heather yells in exasperation. "She could've done way worse! Just leave the Stealthwings alone!"

"Sorry, sis, but I also kind of want one," Dagur shrugged. This causes me to growl as well as Plasma. What do I look like? Some kind of object you can just choose to have and then you automatically own me?

"You will never own her, you pathetic human!" Plasma growls, obviously coming to the same conclusion as me. "They're getting angry!" Fishlegs nervously states the obvious. "We should leave while we can! We must've come onto their territory!"

I nod at him in confirmation and nudge him towards Meatlug. "All of you get out of here or Artemis will get hurt!" I roar to their dragons, hoping this will have an effect.

It does.

"What have you done with Artemis?!" Toothless demanded. "Not a thing," I reply. "Yet. Now get everyone out of here and none of you ever come back or Artemis will be in danger. Your move, Alpha."

Toothless glares at me for a full minute before growling out in frustration and moving Hiccup onto his back, trying to take off. "Let's go!" He orders the others, who do the same.

Even the Triple Strike that Dagur switched his old Gronkle friend out for obeys Toothless and drags his rider into the air. Plasma, who didn't hear what I said to Toothless, watches them leave to make sure they don't just turn straight back.

Once they're finally out of sight, he looks to me curiously. "What did you tell the Night Fury?" He asks. "I told them that if they didn't leave, Artemis would be in danger," I smirk slightly. "Who's Artemis?" He questions.

"It's what those guys know my human form to be called," I smirk wider. He smirks back in realisation. "Where do you know them from, then? Traders?"

"That annoying redhead is just some weirdo who comes to my sanctuary a lot," I explain, taking to the air and heading back the Morphwing Island. Plasma follows beside me, listening intently.

"I don't really know much about him, I just erase his memories and toss him out. His apparent sister Heather is someone who helped break me out of captivity once. The others are all people I went to that school with when I was fourteen. They've also helped me out of a few tight spots."

"I see," Plasma nods. "So for someone so dismissive with who she kills, you're very protective of those guys. Why is that?"

"It's simply because they've done nothing wrong," I reply. "They're innocent in this situation. Why should they be punished because of it?"

"True," he nods, a smile creeping onto his face for some reason. "Very true."

We fly back inside, all ideas of a flight together abolished after that little run-in. "What now, then?" I ask. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to go eat," Plasma shrugs. "Is that your catchphrase or something?" I tease lightly. "Because you say that all the time."

"I'd rather not be a picky eater than someone with a healthy appetite," he smirks, then flies off to his cave. I decide to sleep. I've been getting tired again lately, though I don't think it's more morph fatigue because I've barely done anything except light flying and chatting with others. I haven't even been morphing that much, I've mostly stuck to my dragon form here.

It's like my body knows that my rest period is almost over so it want to make the most out of it as possible. Frankly I don't feel like arguing with myself, so I head back into Selene and Melanite's cave.

They're both in there with Selene attempting to put Melanite down for a nap, but the little dragon keeps running off before she can be caught in her poor mother's wings, giggling away to herself.

I wait for her to get close before grabbing her in my own wings. "Gotcha, you little devil!" I laugh. She squeals in delight. "Indigo!"

"Come on, you go to sleep, sweetie," I tell her, now speaking in a calmer tone. "But I'm not... sleepy..." she yawns, contradicting herself. I chuckle and hum for a minute, then gently lay her down in her nest. She's fast asleep already.

"Thanks, Indigo," Selene sighs in relief. "We've been at it for half an hour. I'm getting too old for this."

"Any age is too old or too young for chasing Melanite for half an hour," I chuckle. "She's crazy."

"That she is," Selene smiles in agreement. I smile back before curling up in Asher's old nest, which seems to have become mine for when I stay, and try to get to sleep.

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