"Heard you were looking for me. I hope it's alright that I brought Adriana along."
"Hey," Hiccup greets when we arrive. "Not at all, I figured you'd both come. Sorry to keep you up this late."
"No problem, we just got back from a walk," Adriana smiles. "What's going on here?"
I look around the room thoughtfully, also wondering what may be happening. Astrid and, more concerningly, Heather and Fishlegs are also in the room, so this isn't going to be about some kind of private stuff. Well, it better not be, anyway.
"We have a new Morphwing sighting," Astrid explains, much to my surprise. "Another one? What did they look like?"
"Dark blue and black scales," Fishlegs explains eagerly. "And long wings, sharp claws, bright purple fire! Morphwings are still so incredible! I can't wait to find one we can study properly!"
Adriana and I share a glance as we realise that we know a Morphwing with such a colouring.
Plasma is here.
"Where did you see them?" I question, hoping that he's just scouting around again. Could he be here for hunting? For fun? Or did he come looking for all of us?
"It was down in Raven's Point," Hiccup explains. "But it flew away when it saw us. We couldn't catch up to it."
"I'm not surprised," Adriana chuckles, causing the others to look at her in confusion. "I've been keeping her updated on all this," I explain simply. "She knows about as much as I do concerning these dragons."
Luckily, this seems to satisfy everyone; they didn't originally call us Stealthwings because we were easy to track, after all. "We can go look for it, if you want," Hiccup suggests. "But it's going to be even harder in the dark."
"That might be a good idea," I decide, knowing that it's best to be sure that Plasma isn't here to find us. We wouldn't want to worry him. "I'll take Adriana and we'll search from the ground."
"Are you sure you'll both be safe out in the wilderness?" Heather checks. "It's still dark out and neither of you have dragons with you."
"We'll be fine," I assure. "Trust us. We'll-"
The sounds of screaming and a distant roar cut me off.
"Nevermind, I think they found us."
We all hurry outside, looking to the sky as an ominous Morphwing circles above the village, occasionally blasting out jets of sylvite fire. I think he's using it to light the place up enough for him to see the streets, judging by how he's ducking close, yet blasting his fire at an angle that won't cause any destruction. He's definitely looking for us.
"We've seen this one before," Astrid remembers. "Back on those hunter ships, Nightling showed up and stopped them from attacking."
"So they're able to be reasoned with," I comment. "Perfect. And they don't seem to be attacking. It isn't hostile."
"Do you think we can train them?" Hiccup asks me. "I doubt it," I shrug. "But we can certainly calm them down and send them on their way before anybody tries to attack them and gets hurt."
Just as I'm saying this, I hear cheers. It seems Snotlout and the twins are flying after Plasma, like the rash idiots they are. Plasma's going to roast them.
"Oh for the love of the gods," I sigh, deciding to just watch for now. There's not much I can do from here, anyway. Not with so many witnesses. I simply set a hand on Adriana's shoulder and enjoy the show.
"Gah! Hookfang!"
"Woah, there he goes!"
"Ha! He's falling like our intelligence!"
"That's not a good thing, you idiot."
"Oh... well then he's falling like your intelligence."
"Uh, we're twins, we have the same intelligence, dummy."
"Then you're calling yourself a dummy, dummy."
Did I mention how much I'd missed all their witty and thought-provoking banter?
Plasma flies after the falling Snotlout, but Hookfang catches his rider and sets him down not far from our group. Plasma lands opposite, growling at Hookfang, who grows back. Looks like a fight's gonna break out.
"Do something!" Adriana whispers to me, just as Hiccup turns to me. "Can you stop the Morphwing?"
"I'll do what I can," I agree, hurrying over. Just as Plasma is about to throw himself at Hookfang, jaws wide open to bite at the Monstrous Nightmare, I step between them, holding out a hand towards Plasma.
"Okay, thats enough."
Plasma pauses when he sees me, though he starts growling again, looking behind me rather than at me. I glance over my shoulder, realising that he's growling at Snotlout. The moron tried to either get to me or hide with Hookfang, despite the aggressive dragon right there.
I roll my eyes and turn back to Plasma, slowly approaching him, just as I would a regular wild dragon. "It's okay. Eyes on me. Everyone's safe here."
Plasma allows me to set my palm on his snout, coaxing him into calming down.
"Are you okay?" He grunts. I nod, not wanting Snotlout or anybody else to overhear. Luckily they can't understand Plasma, so I'm the one who needs to watch what they say.
"Have you seen Asher and Adriana? Your mother told me you were all missing. I was sent by my father to search here for you."
"That's it, it's all okay," I coax, trying to answer his question in a way that won't be suspicious to the others. "Everything is under control."
"Under control?" Plasma repeats, sounding uncertain. I sigh and pet him as an excuse to still be so close to him. He doesn't seem to mind the diversion at all.
"Say 'that's it' if something's wrong."
"That's it, we can handle things, can't we?"
"Is that your way of saying that you're handling it?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Is someone hurt?"
"Adriana? Asher?"
"That's it. That's it."
"Asher was hurt... is he with a human healer?"
"That's it, clever boy."
"That was unnecessary and patronising. Is everything okay here otherwise?"
"All good. All good."
"And you know where both of the others are?"
"That's it."
"Any idea when you'll be back?"
"I bet you'll want to get home soon, huh?"
"Soon? Got it. I'll let your family know. Just be careful, all of you. Make sure Asher doesn't shift."
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