The Two Doctors Or What really happened between Jamie and The doctor

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After following the doctor into the unknown location and watching him as he talked to a guy and sarcastically mentioned stuff here and there and then a war happening and the doctor telling him to run

Jamie watched as the doctor stood by the guy and told him to run and without thinking he did without a second thought but after running to a safe distance and looking into the room to see the doctor in a tube like thing in pain and screaming silently with his hands over his side of his face covering his ears with his eyes shut tight

Doctor Jamie said as he herd someone behind him and turned around to see that man who wanted to buy him from the doctor and defend himself until the guy walked over and Jamie ran off into some dark room out of sight and put on a old out fit and hid on the ground trying to not get spotted

Jamie sighed siting back against the bar and looked down

The doctors gone and it's all my fault Jamie said as tears fell from his eyes

I just left him I should of helped him Jamie said wipeing his tears

The doctors gone Jamie said and layed down on the cold ground he's gone Jamie cried as he fell asleep hoping he was wrong and he'd wake up in the TARDIS

Jamie woke up as soon as he herd someone talking and tried to defend himself and put a bag over him and tried to scare them off until he fell over and got knocked out

Get away Jamie muttered waking up as the sixth doctor gave him something to relax

Doctor Jamie muttered tiredly

I killed the doctor Jamie kept muttering until the sixth doctor put him into hypothesis to get answers

They killed the doctor I saw them Jamie yelled ina sleep like form

As Jamie woke up he met the sixth doctor and his companion

So you don't think the doctors dead well my doctor Jamie said with hope as he added on to the doctors conversation

As for the doctor he woke up in a strange location tied to a medical table without his black suit jacket

Jamie the doctor muttered slowly waking up until gastari knocked him out again

Jamie followed the sixth doctor into his tardis and got  a shower knowing his doctor would be on him for that and changed back into his usual outfit

My doctor wouldent do that the sixth doctor Jamie said as the sixth doctor slapped his hand away

The second doctor woke back up again knowing that he was drugged

But I had someone with me Jamie what did you do to Jamie the doctor said remembering

No Jamie the doctor said in pain as they tied his arms to the table as he struggled to try to get out

Your companion will be long before dead gastaris freind said

No the doctor yelled as they walked off

Poor old Jamie the doctor said upset as he was left alone

As the sixth doctor parked the TARDIS and got out Jamie sighed hopping that the doctor was ok but didn't whant to show that weakness and joined the doctors companion as they walked

As gastari came back down the doctor had a plan to try to escape but failed but he wouldent back down everytime he thought about Jamie being in trouble gave him more strength to fight back

Don't ask just hope you don't meet one Jamie added to the doctors conversation

Jamie followed the doctor into the house when he turned and saw the doctor

Doctor Jamie said smiling and running over to him

Jamie the doctor said smiling back

As the sixth doctor walked over they heard people and whent to go hide as they took the doctor again and Jamie tried to get up to go get him when the sixth doctor pulled him back as the other people left with the doctor

Doctor look at the doctor his face Jamie said running back to the sixth doctor after going to his doctor to see it was really him

Jamie was happy that he found him and walked next to him as they got caught

Jamie are you alright the doctor said whispering to him

Aye but I should be asking you the same question Jamie said looking at him

I'm quite alright Jamie I'm just glad your aright the doctor said smiling as Jamie smiled back

Keep walking gastermie said

Ya stop being sentimental fools and do what they say the sixth doctor said as the doctor walked in

As the people tied them up they grabbed Jamie

Jamie the doctor said as they dragged him off 

Don't be smuged we have to get Jamie from thenbuchers hands the doctor said joing in on the conversation

After they got the key the doctor espaped and tried to help the other one out as Jamie yelled in pain

Never mind me get Jamie the doctor said hearing Jamie yelling in pain

The doctor sighed Jamie

We will get him back parei said as the doctor helped her up as a sorentin stoped them

Jamie woke up and quickly got up and looked around and whent to go find his doctor so they can leave the planet and escape from any more butchers grasps and getting locked in basements

Jamie like always in there situations wishes they were in the TARDIS safe and together but they also have to make sure the other doctor and his companion was safe as well

Jamie ran back in the basement looking around for the doctor until he herd Someone walking down and hid until the doctor ran out and joined him as the other doctor ran in and the doctor called the TARDIS to him

Jamie the doctor said walking to the TARDIS

After you doctor Jamie said smiling

No after you Jamie the doctor said smiling back as he walked in

Goodbye peri Jamie said kissing her cheek goodbye doctor he said waving and walking into the TARDIS smirking at the doctor

As soon as the doctor set the TARDIS back into the galaxy Jamie spoke up

Aye that was some adventure doctor

Yes it was the doctor said walking over to Jamie

Jamie was still smirking

Oh don't be so smug the doctor said

How could I be when I haven't even gotten to have a moment with you yet

Oh you sentimental human the doctor said with a laugh

I really thought I lost you doctor and it would of been all my fault Jamie said looking away

No it would not be Jamie the doctor said firmly I told you to run and you did and you were safe that's all that matters and to be honest I thought I lost you as well and I couldn't even do anything about it the doctor said grabbing Jamie's hand in his

Well we're together again aye Jamie said

Right you are Jamie the doctor said smiling

And I have been waiting to do this sense i saw you again Jamie said and leaned in to kiss the doctor who kissed back

The doctor pulled Jamie to him as they both wrapped there arms around each other as the doctor depended it and Jamie leaned back

Jealous weren't you Jamie laughed

Oh bugger off you just met her and your mine anyway the doctor said and kissed Jamie again

Aye that doctor and you are mine Jamie smiled and kissed the doctor back as they both smiled as they lent back

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