Teleportation Around Okinawa

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Saiki teleported to where Teruhashi was almost getting eaten by a bear. Since he couldn't control his powers, a light tap from his pinky finger sent the bear flying.

Teruhashi stared at him in awe, "I didn't know Saiki could be so cool. But how did he do that, and how is here?" It wasn't his favourite option, but Saiki had to come clean. "Oh, I get it now! This must be a dream. I've never had a lucid dream before!" Teruhashi had reasoned with herself.
  She grabbed his arm, pulling them down by a tree, and cuddled up against it. This girl was full of surprises.

—The Beach 🦶

Toritsuka and Hasegawa were searching far and wide with no luck.
"Saiki!! C'mon dude! If you don't show up right now I'm just gonna leave!" Toristuka shouted, his legs aching.
"You can go back Toristuka. I think I'll search a bit more." Hasegawa was grateful he learned about text-to-speech, because he was certain his voice would break and he would probably cry.
"If that's what you want, then I'll—" "Kokomi!! We were so worried!" Chiyo shouted, running up to who she thought was Teruhashi, "Why did you just leave like that?"

Their dorm buddies gathered around the 'two girls,' "Oh, hey Hasegawa!!" Audible gasps could be heard.
"No way! Were you guys out here together?!" Mera gasped.

Toristuka had a nose bleed from the contact of Yumehara's chest on his arm. He heard none of what the people around him were talking about, he was too focused on the warmth from Chiyo. He figured Saiki used some form of ability on him to turn him into a ladies man.

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and happened to run into Teruhashi." Kei's phone was getting low on battery so he tried to speed things up, "Anyways, I'll walk you girls back to the hotel."
"Aww, that's sweet of you Hasegawa!!" One of the girls giggled.
He smiled in response, guiding "Teruhashi" back to the hotel with the girls following behind them. He hoped that Toristuka wouldn't do anything stupid, and that the girls wouldn't jump to any conclusions. However knowing Toritsuka, it wouldn't end well.

—Saiki and Teruhashi 🙈

"Hehe, I'm cuddling with Saiki!!" She giggled like she was drunk on Saiki's presence.
The thing is, Saiki would obviously rather be anywhere else but here, however he can't move or he might blow Teruhashi's head off, quite literally.

'I would say do it, but that might be suspicious, and a little gruesome.' He jumped hearing Hasegawa's voice, 'Now who's the psychic one? I'm kidding, maybe it's that joint telepathy thingy you mentioned.' Kusuo didn't want to dwell on it too much, but he'd figure it out later. For now he had to focus on Teruhashi.

Saiki played a calming lullaby in her mind, making her feel creeped out and not sleepy, "This is so scary!" She said, moving further into Saiki, "Wait a minute, if this is my dream then I can do what I want; and I want a castle!" She squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

Saiki sighed once again, granting her wish. The interior wasn't exactly what she wanted, but it would do. An evil smirk crossed her face as she slowly turned to Saiki, "I want you, Saiki, to look at me and say 'oh wow!'"

"...Oh wow." Saiki said, looking deep into Teruhashi's bright blue luxurious orbs.
"Oh my god, oh my god!! Saiki just said 'oh wow' to me! Me!" Teruhashi was over the moon. She was bouncing around and squealing uncontrollably.

However, she didn't realise exactly how tired she was (it was 2am), she yawned, dropping Saiki's control device in the process. He quickly put the device back where it belongs, and finally made Teruhashi sleep. 

Ah, and you must be wondering, "Woah, did Saiki finally gave in to Teruhashi and said 'oh wow?'" Well you're wrong.

"Seriously dude, a little warning next time would be nice. I can't believe you'd go to such lengths just to avoid saying two words." Toristuka propped Teruhashi on his shoulder, his Saiki façade disappearing. So yeah, that happened. Now they only had to go back to the hotel unnoticed.


"How can you lose her? I swear girls are a mystery." Hasegawa didn't even take a few steps away from the girls room when they came back out in a distressed state, and his battery died too.
"Kokomi disappeared again! But this time it was like, poof!" Yumehara grabbed his jacket sleeve. She was on the verge of crying.

"Okay, alright. Let's calm down first. Are you sure she's gone?" He stalled for time, knowing if Kusuo and the others were near they would let him know.
"No she is! We all saw it!" Mera backed up Chiyo's statement.

He didn't look impressed, "Look, girls it's 2 in the morning are you sure he didn't just fall asleep?" He got permission to look for Teruhashi in their room.
He opened the door and spotted her figure sleeping under the covers of a bed in the middle of the room.

The girls looked shocked, rubbing their eyes making sure it wasn't an illusion.
"Seems like my work here is done." He yawned and waddled back to his room. Saiki's bed was untouched, but that was expected. He sighed once again, but tucked himself in the spot Saiki was supposed to sleep in.


Hasegawa couldn't sleep much, nothing in particular kept him up, he just couldn't fall asleep. He hadn't realised it was morning until someone opened the room's curtains to let the early morning sunrise seep into their room.
He was disappointed to see the sun and Hairo at the curtains. Hasegawa slipped out of the room and went down for breakfast before anyone else, he couldn't deal with anyone right now.

While wandering the halls he happened to bump into his boyfriend.
"Oh, good morning." Kusuo smiled at his boyfriend.

'Good morning? That's all you have to say?! I get relationships aren't your strong suit, but don't you think if you're going to disappear all night you should let me know?!' Kei had his back turned, he felt a mix of emotions.
Kusuo realised what he'd done, it was selfish. But sleeping for three hours in his own bed was better than sleeping in that room.

'Asshole, idiot, moron, twat, cock sucker.'
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. But I thought you'd be sleeping."
'No you didn't. You knew I was awake helping the girls look for Teruhashi after 'she mysteriously disappeared.'' Kusuo was caught at a crossroad; of what he didn't know, but he was in deep shit now.

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