It's been a few days since I saw Kaito, Kimura (the bodyguard) just hovers around me. He stands against the wall while watching me do my class work, he stands outside the stall I'm in when peeing, he sits a few feet away from me at lunch. It's weird.
"Dude, he's creepy." Kaido jerked his thumb towards Kirmura.
"Yeah, like I see him around but he just stares, at you, I think." Nendou added.
"He is weird. I think it's weirder Hasegawa has a bodyguard though." Saiki said before eating his lunch.
The four of us ignored Kimura, enjoying our lunch. Suddenly he stood alert and rushed towards me, being a human wall between me and someone running towards me.
"Hey! What the heck?! Kei, tell your overgrown dog to move." Mera demanded adjusting her glasses.
"Kimura." He didn't budge, "Move." Still not a muscle. I stood up and kicked the back of his knees, causing him to become off balance, "I said move." My voice was harsh and commanding.
Mera took a spot in between myself and Kaido. I liked Mera, she has this way of brightening your day. I knew someone who like liked her, though she'd rather keel over than admit it.
"Kaido! Nendou! Yumehara and I have been looking for you!!" Hairo came running over.
"What do ya need?" Nendou asked, food in his mouth.
"Our projects. But I think Yume needed you for something else, Kaido." Hairo explained.
"M'kay. Sorry gang." Kaido sighed. The two packed up their food and followed Hairo away. "Just tell him how you feel." I say not bothering to look Mera in her eyes.
"What! No! Kei, are you mental? How did you even find out I like him!!"
"Had a hunch, but just now. You really through yourself under the bus, Chiso." I giggled.
"You're terrible. I should out you too, BUT since I'm not an asshole; I won't." She scoffed.
"Wow, what a gentleman." I said sarcastically.
Saiki looked at us quizzically, but we just brushed it off. We chatted the rest of lunch, mainly about our projects that were due in two days. Kimura seemed more alert when Saiki and I talked about our project, I felt like he was trying to make me confess.
"Right everyone. Are we ready to present? I know you have all been working hard, so I will draw names out of a hat to make the order fair." Our teacher said writing down our names on paper. The class groaned and protested. "Now, any volunteers...? None? Alright." She digs into the container holding our names, "Hairo and Nendou, you two are our first." She happily smiled at them.
The two looked confident, their presentation was on the garbage collectors. Some laughed but Hairo and Nendou's presentation was really good, even Kimura was impressed.
This system went on for the whole lesson. There were two groups (not including mine) that did their hero on Spider-Man. However, their points were vague and didn't even cover some of the basic stuff the media did. When the teacher asked them some things about it, they couldn't answer. I did not build a reputation just for it to be tarnished like this. Saiki slid me a note that read "we'll do better :)" I softly smiled. As if on que, it was our turn to present.
Kimura was definitely paying attention. We almsot started when I saw the principal loitering in the hall. I nudge Saiki, he understood.
"Miss, would it be alright if the principal joined us? He seems to be interested." I point to the half opened door revealing the principal.
Saiki and I began our presentation, the principal and Kimura whispering away. We covered things from the first sightings of Spider-Man, how the media presented him, what people thought about him. We cross referenced media questions and descriptions, which made us look really convincing. Toward the end, we added something about why Spider-Man was our hero.
"Spider-Man is my hero because when he was first getting used to his powers, he went straight to helping other people. He could have made himself popular and gained friends and respect that way, but he let his actions speak for him. His selflessness and willingness to put others first is what I admire about him. And I'm sure that whoever is under that mask is just as kind and generous." Saiki concluded.
That was the most anyone had seen him speak, and so passionately. I think I fell in love.
"Well, I don't think I can say anything more. That's a pretty good summary." I chuckled.
The teacher understood, asking us some follow up questions. We even took some from our classmates because they were so interested.
Saiki and I were walking home, for the first time in what felt like forever.
"I really liked what you said at the end. Thank you." We usually walk in quiet, but I felt I had to express my gratitude.
Saiki's ears burned, "It's nothing." He turned his head away from me, covering his mouth with his hand. I captured his free hand in mine, my eyes stained forward.
"Ku!!!! There you are! I missed you!" Saiki's mom came running towards us. It looked like she returned from shopping and spotted us. "You must be the friend Ku is always talking about!! You're so handsome in person! Thank you for putting up with my baby." She smiled at me.
"Thank you, Mrs. Saiki. Your son has been a pleasure." I smile, giggling at how embarrassed Saiki is.
"Awwww!!! Come have dinner with us, I just got extra ingredients so you're more than welcome!" She pulled me into her house, giving me some water and a few light snacks.
"I'm so sorry my mom's always overbearing when it comes to friends." Saiki sits at the small table with me.
I look around the living room, admiring the decor.
"Oh, that's cute. The little glass thing." I point, walking over to get a better look.
"For my birthday last year, my dad gave me this dolphin. There's no real story behind it, but coming home late and seeing the rainbow light it creates reminds me there's always something else out there. Some friendly neighbour looking out for you."
We share a laugh, the bubble we've created surrounds us. Just us. Saiki holds the dolphin toward the last rays of light from outside and I watch the room light up. My eyes trail the room, taking in all the new lights. I look at the boy in front of me, despite his glasses I can still see the light reflecting in his eyes. I've definitely fallen, one way or another.
"Give up Spider-Man!" Dark Reunion's voice echoed around me. Our fight is being live streamed.
"Never!" I make evasive manoeuvres.
We were fighting in a crowded shopping centre, Dark Reunion had robots do his bidding. I was just helping out some people when robots crashed the stall I was at.
"Does anybody need help?!" I scream, hoping all the cameras around me carried my voice further.
"Over there!" Some people shout and point. I manage to scoop the people out from under a partially broken building, seconds before Dark Reunion's robots crush the building.
I feel the wind being knocked out of me. As I get pushed back due to the wind force. The people aren't seriously hurt, just a few cuts and bruises.
"You can't run forever Spider-Man!" Dark Reunion screamed, robots following behind me.
"What do you want from me?!" I scream genuinely wanting to know.
"What? You mean the great Spider-Man doesn't know why he has mortal enemy?" Dark Reunion laughed maniacally.
"Tell me! Please, D.R!" I secure myself to the side of a building.
The cameras around us focus in on Dark Reunion, awaiting an answer.
"Well, since you asked so nicely." He lunged towards me. He managed to grab my foot as I was escaping.
I felt the bones in my ankle crunch and rub together.
"I wanted to work with you. I wanted to help you, yet you refused me! You shut me down! You told me K wasn't worthy of being associated with someone like you!" His voice is sharp, his grip getting increasingly tighter.
"I never said that!" I shouted.
"Don't lie to me, Kei!" He chucked he up and caught me by my torso, "Why didn't you want me?" His voice quivered.
"You were my best friend, Kai! I only said that I didn't want you getting hurt, I never said we couldn't work together!"
"No no no no! You're doing it again! I don't want to hear your excuses! It's too late anyway, I have a family now, people that care about me!" He had a hand on chest, claiming those people in his heart.
"Wake up, Kai! You think that but it's not true! They may care about you, but it's not your safety they're after, it's your fame! They're manipulating you!" I scream at him.
Kaito wasn't having it, he threw me across town. I bounced around like a ball. My ankle wasn't fully healed but enough that I could walk with a limp. I heard his scream across town, "Find him!"
"Are you okay?!" Saiki and Mera rushed towards me. Of course I was sprawled in front of the café.
"How much have you seen?"
"All of it." Saiki lets me lean against him.
"You're not safe, none of you are," I stagger when I stand, "I have to go."
They look reluctant and scared.
"Wait!" Saiki pulled my mask up just over my mouth and kissed me. "Do your best." Tears cupped his eyes. He lowered my mask and off I went.
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