Saiki Fixes It!! [2/2]

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A/N: I want to start off by apologising to those people who were confused on the last chapter, I just didn't want to make it too long so it was a bit complicated, sorry 😅

...'You're right. We are in the title.. aren't we?' Kei smiled bitterly at the sky above him.

'Good thing I'm such an amazing actor!' Kei smiled widely at Saiki, who fell to his knees in shock.
       "Holy shit balls! You are a monster, Hasegawa! I was actually scared for a second there!" Saiki slowly stood up, clutching his chest, "You are terrible."
'Actually, you're the monster. You left a kid by himself at your house.'

        Saiki scoffed, pointing to one of the trees behind him.
"Yuuta!? What are you doing here?!" Hasegawa pulled out his phoney.
       "I-I didn't want you guys to know f-fight!" Yuuta replied, holding back tears.
Kei smiled softly, "Sorry little guy, we're not fighting anymore." He hugged the kid tightly.

Reluctantly, Yuuta wiped his tears and dragged them back to watch Cyborg Cider-man. Children can be so weird. Saiki decided now was the time to make a move.
       "You didn't let me finish before. I... like you.. as well. I just don't have any experience in this department. So, I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me—" Saiki was silenced with a kiss on his lips, one burning with passion.

"Ewww, get a room!" Yuuta giggled.
      "How about ice-cream? And you make that our little secret?"
"Ice-cream!! Yayy!!!" Yuuta stood between the two boys and dragged them to his favourite ice-cream parlour.

"Wait, are we like, together now?" Saiki asked rather awkwardly.
      'No, you haven't asked me out yet. Consider this a date and then ask me out after.' Hasegawa winked at him.

"Hang on. I have a question." Yuuta looked really puzzled.
        "What's up?" Hasegawa let his phone speak, kneeling down to be eye level with the confused kid.
"Are you guys like my mom? Like, you.... love a person who looks like you." Yuuta struggled to get the words out, but they understood what he meant.
            "Do you mean your mother likes other girls?" Saiki questioned.
"Mhm, yeah! That's why I have three moms!!" Yuuta exclaimed proudly.
      "Good for you, Yuuta. Always remember to tell all your moms that you love them, okay? And yes, we are like your moms." Kei smiled at Saiki.
"Okay! I'll tell them everyday!"

'I love that he doesn't care that he has three moms and no dad. He's one strong kid, that's for sure.'

          "Can we go see Cyborg Cider-man now?" Yuuta asked, munching* on his ice-cream.
     "How about we go to the aquarium instead?" Saiki suggested.

Saiki was taking the "take me on a date first" thing rather seriously. Honestly, he found it really attractive. Yuuta was happy to go to the aquarium, even if he did want to watch TV. All of Saiki's pocket money went into buying those wristbands,* but seeing Hasegawa so happy was worth him being broke.

The two kids looked like two peas in a pod, the way their eyes sparkled was the exact same. All the amazing sea life sucked them into a world of their own, Saiki pushed past all the voices crashing in his mind, he needed to show Hasegawa that he had feelings for him.

Of course, with Saiki's luck, Nendou was there. Actually, Saiki saw Mendou a while ago, but he tried to escape him, unfortunately that didn't last long.
       "Hey guys! Man, you're fast!" Nendou smiled down at them.

From Yuuta's perspective, Nendou was 8ft tall and looked like the villain 'Baron Cola,' Cyborg Cider-man's enemy. He screamed and hid behind Hasegawa, shaking like a leaf. He Instinctively wrapped a protective hand around Yuuta's shoulders.
      'Is there anything you can do?'
"About Nendou? Sorry, no. And the kid.. he's just scared, he'll be fine."

Kei rolled his eyes with a smile, "hey nendou! what brings you here?"
       "Huh? Oh, I was just walkin' around when these guys said I should promote this drink." He explained, holding up a bottle of lemon soda, from Cyborg Cider-man's TV show.

Yuuta gasped, "Can I have one, please! Pretty please!!" He beamed, not so scared of Nendou now.
       "Sure can kid!" Nendou replied, handing a bottle to him, "Ah, I gotta get back now, later guys! Oh, and have fun with your kid!" Nendou waved goodbye.

His friends felt a little flustered, but didn't mind the comment.
       "Oh my god, look at that seahorse!!" Yuuta violently tugged Hasegawa's sleeve, almost ripping it off.
    "See, the kid's fine. It's just how they are." Saiki reassured Hasegawa as he followed behind them.


After a few hours of waking around the aquarium, they decided to finally go home.
       "Uwah! That was so much fun!" Yuuta giggled, "I felt like I was with my moms when they go on dates!" He exclaimed, climbing onto Saiki's shoulders.

They talked some more (Saiki used linked telepathy) and Yuuta actually fell asleep on the walk home.
       'Y'know, it's strange. I always thought that if I met someone supernatural, it would be because they were famous or something. But you.. you just want to live a quiet, "normal" life, and I like that about you.' He smiled at Saiki. 'I guess you could say the date was a success.' Hasegawa linked their hands together with a soft kiss to Saiki's check.

"Again, I apologise for not conveying my feelings properly, however from now on, I will try my best to use words and not expect you to read my mind." They giggled and smiled warmly at each other, "Thank you for letting me prove myself, K-Kei." Saiki couldn't believe himself. He fiddled with his glasses trying to cope.

'Of course, I knew you just needed one final push to realise what you were missing out on!' He gestured to himself, 'And besides, we can't disappoint our fans now, right Kusuo~?' Kei winked at him. Kusuo went even redder, you could see the steam radiating off of him.
         Kei laughed at his expression, any lingering doubts he had about Kusuo were all washed away by the almost-to-tight grip he had on his hand.

Dating a physic wasn't going to be easy, but hey, if Kusuo and Kei can entertain a small child all day, and return him safely to his parents, then they can handle their romantic feelings without a doubt.

*sadly i have never been to an aquarium so i do not know if you have to pay for wristbands (as an entry fee) so please be kind 🙏

*munching: i mean physically biting the ice-cream, yuuta just seems like the "biting ice-cream" kind of kid

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