'That's better. Now, shall we find the girls?' Kei asked, shaking the last of the water off his hands. Kusuo shook his head, "They're fine. But wanna hear a secret?"
"Yumehara has a crush on Kaido." Kei was a sucker for some gossip, especially the kind that was true.
'Really?! I thought she had a thing for you? But good for her.. I think.'
"She used to, but after the whole beach thing* it's not me anymore."
'Don't tell anyone but I'm kinda glad that that happened.'
"Your secret's safe with me." Kusuo chuckled, kissing Kei on the cheek.
The two walked around for a bit trying to find this café, however once again, Kei's phone started ringing. "Hello?" Kei's unique scratchy deep voice never failed to surprise anyone. This time his boyfriend went very red. "..Ah! Y-Yessir! We will be over in just a moment! Nendou let's go! Sorry mister!" Kaido screamed from the other side of the line. He sounded super panicked. "Kaido? Are you alright?" Saiki had to excuse himself for a moment. "Ahahaha, yes, yeah, we're great! Ahahah, so where are you guys right now?" Kaido's nervous laughter was kind of adorable. "Okay, sweet, then I'll send our location—" "Hold on a sec! Yumehara!! We found the girls, I'll drop our location— Hey pal! How was your shit?" Nendou snatched Kaido's phone from him.
Kei could hear Kaido's face palm from the other end of the phone, "Sorry about him girls, he just watched this weird documentary, and now thinks that the other guys ditched us for uh, that reason." Kaido explained while trying to jump for his phone. "Nendou give Kaido his phone back, and stop saying weird things like that!" Hasegawa said, sounding like Mr. Matsuzaki with Saiki's assistance. Kaido eventually got his phone back, sending their location to the couple. "What's going on?" Yumehara asked, more to the girls than anything. "Ah, n-nothing. J-Just Saiki and Hasegawa letting us know that they're on their way!" The five of them stood in awkward silence before some sales woman tried to sell a shirt to Nendou, "Excuse me, sir, I think this top would look gorgeous on you." She said, allowing her breasts to spill out the cut of her shirt a little.
"Oh, well thanks lady!" He replied, taking the shirt in her hands. "W-Wait, you have to pay for that!" She called out to him, still using her body in all the right ways. Nendou is the wrong person to try and sell things too. "And no one can forget about you pretty ladies. How about you try on some of these dresses?" A young attractive sales man pulled out a rack of dresses for the girls to try on, to which they politely refused. Something about him gave them the creeps. Mera snatched the shirt out from Nendou's hand, quickly dragging him and Kaido away from the sales people. "Sorry! We're on a school trip so please excuse us!" Teruhashi bowed and ran away, Yumehara hot on her tail. They ran for a while before getting surprised by Takahashi and his friends. They were huddled around him, Takahashi screaming out in pain, clutching his stomach. "Woah, hey buddy, you doing okay?" Nendou asked, catching his breath.
"W-We don't know! He suddenly just collapsed saying he had really bad stomach pain! Could you guys watch him for a bit so I can get a teacher?" One of Takahashi's friends explained, he was almost shaking with panic. Yumehara and Kaido nodded, they couldn't just leave a classmate in pain. "Great! Thank you! I'll be right back, bro just hang on— Oh Saiki! Hasegawa! Have either of you seen Matsuzaki?" He asked, jogging up to them. The couple froze like deer in headlights. Their hands had never been separated so fast. "I think I saw him over there. No, maybe it was over there. No, no, it was definitely that way!" Kei was pointing in different directions to distract Takahashi's friend while Kusuo took the opportunity to rewind his classmates stomach, again.
"Oh, it hurts! It hurts so— oh, hey it stopped!" Takahashi shouted with excitement. "Sorry for wasting your time!" The friend apologised to Hasegawa and waddled back to Takahashi. "Well... that was certainly unexpected..." Mera said before she started laughing, the others joined her.
Hasegawa and Saiki chuckled but were startled by a hand on their shoulders, shutting them up real quick. Kei turned around in horror, but at this point Kusuo already knew who it was. "I found you. Why were you looking at my Kokomi like that?" The chilling voice of her brother Makoto was enough to make Kei's legs tremble, "I might be ditching work and an important announcement of a show I'm starring in, but I'm glad I am." At this point, Kusuo knew what was going on, and he was quite frankly; annoyed. "Your sister is over there, you better catch her before she disappears." He pointed to a random girl who looked like Kokomi, thanks to his hypnosis. Makoto glared at Saiki, then ran towards 'his sister,' tearing off his disguise, which was a mask and sunglasses.
However, this had backfired. Since he is a public figure, the girl who he thought was his sister recognised him, people began to flock around him. During that chaos Kusuo teleported the two away, some back street; luckily it was near the café. When they stepped foot in the café, a waitress greeted them and took their order, "Oh, I'm sorry but we have just sold our five coffee jelly shaved ice to this table." She pointed to their friends who somehow made it to the café before them. "Oh, Saiki! Come join us!" Teruhashi waved him over. Hasegawa pointed to some smoothie on the menu, taking a seat at the other end of the table.
The table is supposed to only fit six people, but he sat on the edge of the table with Kusuo to is left and the girls on his right. "Here is your smoothie, sir. And I would like to apologise again about not being able to mange your order." The waitress hung her head in shame. "No, this won't do! Please get my friend here a bowl and a spoon." Nendou said, getting the waitresses attention. When she came back with the things he asked for, Nendou was the first to scoop a massive spoonful of his shaved ice into the bowl. Mera was next, claiming she ate too many free samples. She was followed by Kaido, Yumehara, and then Teruhashi. By the end of things, Saiki's bowl was a mountain of coffee jelly flavoured shaved ice. "Lets eat!" Mera announced, being the first to dig into her, now smaller, bowl. The others followed her lead, chatting about the days activities, and how they didn't want to go back to school.
Kusuo looked down at the bowl sitting in font of him, he felt a warm sensation swell in his chest. Something he only usually felt when Kei called him pet names. 'Okay furry.' "Shut up, I'm having my 'he's not a total emotionless asshole' moment okay?!" Ahem, Kusuo smiled to himself. This was the kind of smile that made Kei's knees go weak. Ku could feel his boyfriends eyes on him, but since he only showed this side of him to his boyfriend, he didn't mind.
Another thing Kusuo found out was, having a boyfriend is also good for eating the leftover food that you can't finish and don't want to throw away.
*when kaido defended her against the guys who called her a pig - [Relationship Building in Okinawa]
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