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Saiki has just kissed Hasegawa on his cheek, both boys went an embarrassingly bright shade of red. Saiki slapped the back of his hand over his mouth, immediately teleporteing away, leaving Hasegawa in a dazed state.
     "...Woah. Wait, no no no no no! I-I can't believe I did that... I k-kissed him! Like, my face touch his face!" Saiki had gone a few blocks away from school and caught a glimpse of himself in a window. "...I look like a moron." He cleared his throat and cooled his cheeks down, he was strangely happy with his expression.

He would never admit this, but when he was younger, and sometimes even now, people call him emotionless or just tell him to smile more; so he's secretly happy he can make a face like that. He got pulled out of his daze by a kid crying and pointing to a balloon floating away. Since he's in a good mood, he jumped up and rescued the kid's balloon.

Big mistake. The kid stared in awe before shouting, "You just did the Cider Jump! Are you Cyborg  Cider-man; Number Two?!"

Saiki scans this kid up and down, he couldn't be any older than five or six, "I'm not Cyborg Cider-man, and I'm certainly not a number two." He replies.
       "But you did the cider jump!" The kid pouts, "I want you to sign my bag, Cyborg Cider-man!" He takes a moment and thinks back to Hasegawa, how he's always so charming. Okay now the guilt is setting in.

"Alright, fine." He snatched the bag and scribbled 'Cyborg Cider-man' just to make the kid happy.
         The little boy then ties his balloon onto his bag so he won't lose it.

"Do the cider jump again, please?! It's so cool how soda comes out from your feet!" As the kid is explaining, his excitement over comes him and he stumbles backwards onto the road, with an on coming car.

Luckily Saiki used his psychokinesis to avoid a crash, but that made the kid all the more convinced he was his idol. The little boy dangled from his bicep and his mind started to drift to a certain black haired freckled boy.
       He got interrupted by a police offer asking them some questions. "Hey buddy, do you know this guy?" The officer asked the little kid.
"I do! He's Cyborg Cider-man, and he pushed a car away using the cider air canon!" As the kid animatedly explained what happened, the police officer gave Saiki a suspicious look.

Upon realising that Saiki vandalised a car, the police officer lunged for him. Saiki dashed away, soon returning without the officer.

"What happened to Mr. Police officer?" The kid asked innocently.
      "He went to go take a nap, nothing special." Saiki just wanted to go home now, "Anyway, let's get you home, kid." It was a simple instruction, but the little boy didn't care, dragging him to all his favourite places.


It quickly turned to a beautiful sunset when the kid decided to stop for ice-cream.
   "Ugh. Why do I have to get stuck with this kid? I wanna go home." Saiki complained to himself.

"Alright, that's enough for today, let's go home mommy!" The kid finished his ice-cream and turned to grab his mothers hand, only to start crying, "Where's my mom?!" He started sobbing loudly.

All this time he thought the balloon attached to his bag was his mom. Saiki started to panic when an animatronic voice called out to them, "Saiki?" It was Hasegawa! They both pushed their interaction earlier to the side when Hasegawa realised he recognised the kid.

The white hat with the red brim, paired with his long green hair was something he could never forget, "Yuuta? Where's your mom?" Hasegawa kneeled down to be eye level with him, phone in hand.

Yuuta, the little kid that was following Saiki the whole afternoon, looked into his eyes and started clinging to him, crying harder. He chuckled and gently swaddled Yuuta in his arms, effectively calming him down. The poor thing was so exhausted he fell asleep.
     'I take it you don't know where this kid's mom is?' He asked as he started walking away.

Saiki followed, carrying their bags. "I do, but I don't at the same time." He replied, slightly embarrassed. Hasegawa giggled, oh how Saiki missed that sound.
        'I actually ran into his mom a little while ago and she was quite distraught about losing her son.' Saiki remained calm but Hasegawa could tell he felt a little guilty.

Hasegawa led Saiki to Yuuta's distraught mother, "Oh, Yuuta! How could you run off like that?! I was worried sick!" Hearing the sound of his moms voice, Yuuta stirred awake and leaped into her arms,
       "Mom!" He cried. Yuuta's mom went to thank the people who returned her son to her, but no one was there.


An awkward silence fell on the two boys as they walked home together.
'...Are we not gonna talk about it? Because—'
        "I'm sorry! Good grief it was stupid, immature, and I don't even know why I did it!" Saiki refused to look at Hasegawa.
'..Then, do you regret it?' He asked, words travelling with such raw emotion, he sounded so fragile.
          "...I don't." Saiki felt a knot in his stomach, the thought of him making Hasegawa cry was more than he could bear.

Saiki heard his footsteps come closer, and was prepared to be hit, but instead he spun Saiki around by his shoulders. No words were exchanged, they just looked deeply into each other's eyes.

As they admired each other's eyes, Kei's electric blue, Kusuo's slightly purple ones that looked almost green from his glasses. Hasegawa's heart rate kept increasing until their lips finally connected. Time had come to a stop, but maybe that was Saiki's doing.
        Kei's hands moved down to intertwine their fingers, but Kusuo already beat him to it. Kei never realised how easy it was to kiss someone with glasses. Their little moment was short lived as they soon discovered that Yuuta and his mom were the Iridatsu's, the family that recently bought the house right next to Saiki's.

"See mom! I told you Cyborg Cider-man and his boyfriend helped me find you!" Yuuta said cheerily. The two teens went a deep shade of red, excusing themselves from the awkward moment. Yuuta's mom chuckled at them, wishing them a happy relationship.

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