Hasegawa's Little Friend

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"Kei wait!" Hiro shouted running after his son. Kei stopped before the door and turned around, showing he heard his dad and was interested in what he had to say. "I just called your school to say you're sick. I have a sudden meeting at work and- ugh! This stupid fucking tie!" Hiro tried to tie his tie without a mirror and he was struggling.
Kei acted shocked to hear his dad swear, "Dad?! Did you just say fuck?! How could you?!" Hiro noticed the smile creeping onto his son's face and calmed down.

Hiro took a deep breath and fixed his tie, "It's times like this where I wish you knew how to tie a tie." Kei nodded in agreement, "But tying ties is hard!"
     "Don't nod and then contradict yourself! Anyway, I called your school because you need to look after Biscuit." Hiro hugged Kei before heading to work.

Biscuit is a sugar glider Kei had gotten a few months ago. Sugar gliders are pretty easy to take care of, they only need to be fed a tablespoon of fresh fruit, vegetables or insects every night. Of course you have to switch it up once in a while to give them proper nutrients. Sugar gliders are nocturnal, very sociable and live up to fifteen years. (If you wanna know more about sugar gliders google them :P)


"Hey Saiki! Is Hasegawa not with you?" Kaido greeted, noting Kei's absence.
    "Huh? Who's not here?" Hairo asked.
"Hasegawa." Kaido replied.

Saiki overheard the teachers talking about Hasegawa being sick, and shared that information when Kaido decided the best option was to ditch school and break into Hasegawas house.
      "Would you like to visit his house with me after school?" Teruhashi asked, persuading Nendou, Kaido and Hairo.
"Oh wow, I guess if Teruhashi's worried we should all go!" Someone said.

'W-Wait, what?! No no no no! They can't come!' Teruhashi panicked because she actually didn't know where Hasegawa's house was.
     "Wait, if he's sick, he wouldn't want everyone around him, would he?" Hairo mentioned.
"A-Ah, right. Good point Hairo!" Teruhashi nervously agreed.
After some convincing, Teruhashi's fans stood down.


Teruhashi tagged along with Hasegawa's friends. Saiki purposefully stayed at the back while Teruhashi led the group in every wrong direction. Kaido's growing concern only put more pressure on her.
"I guess Kaido is good for something." Saiki was mentally grateful. After some more wrong turns, Saiki teleported them outside Kei's house.
      "Ah! There it is!!" Kaido screamed, slapping Hairo's arm in excitement.

Kei was startled when the doorbell started furiously ringing, and he was very confused, 'Is it dad? Did he forget his keys or something?' Kei opened the door and was immediately trapped in a group hug between Nendou, Hairo and Kaido. Biscuit jumped from Kei's shoulder onto the open door frame.

They bombarded him with questions, only stopping when they realised he couldn't speak.
      "Guys please, give Kei some room." Teruhashi spoke, and the guys followed her orders. He glared at her, getting Biscuit down in the process.
      "No way! Is that a sugar glider?! I've always wanted one!!" Teruhashi said, hoping to get on his good side.

"What's a sugar glider?" Nendou asked, very confused. Teruhashi happily explained what a sugar glider was.
    "Since when have you had that?"
'Few months, and her names Biscuit.' Kei used Biscuits paw to wave at Saiki.
Saiki could hear the sugar gliders thoughts, and surprisingly she was pretty calm.
    'Oh, so this is the guy Kei keeps talking about.' Biscuit was quite the mischievous little one, Saiki could already tell.

"Wait! Hasegawa, you seem perfectly fine, so why weren't you at school?!" Kaido noticed.
         "my dad had a last minute meeting and my throats a little sore so he used Biscuit not being able to be home alone as an excuse to call me in sick." Kei explained as Biscuit sat comfortably on his shoulder, "wait shouldn't you guys be at school?!"
"Ah, about that..." Hairo explained how Kaido was worried and they all tagged along. "Sorry for showing up like this Kei, we were just worried about you." Teruhashi smiled, emphasising his name.

        "Please stop using my legal name. It's Hasegawa to you. Next time you use my legal name, there will be consequences." Hasegawa was fed up with with Teruhashi trying to act friendly. It's not like it's a big deal, but Teruhashi is very popular and Kei knew he would get the wrong kind of attention if she called him so friendly.

"Can I hold your sugar glider?" Hairo seemed fascinated by her, oblivious to the situation around him.
   Kei nodded and handed her over, "her name's Biscuit btw."

Hairo didn't seem to care, but Hasegawa was glad his friends, and Teruhashi (to some degree), were happy. Hours had passed and Biscuit was sleeping comfortably on top of Saiki's school bag, Hairo and the others were playing with Biscuit all day and the sun had started to set.

"Is she going to be alright?" Hairo asked.
      "yeah, she's just tired."
"Oh, that's a relief!" Hairo let out a breath he did know he was holding.
"See you later, pal!! Thanks for the ramen!" Nendou waved.
    "Glad you're not sick! See you tomorrow!" Kaido said.
"See you tomorrow, Hasegawa." Teruhashi said nervously.
     "See you guys tomorrow!!"

"You doing okay?" Saiki furrowed his brows a little. 'Yeah, fine. Just... tired I guess,' Hasegawa flopped down on to the couch with a heavy sigh, 'Oh! Sorry, you probably wanna go home huh? I'll take Biscuit and-' He shot up as fast as he sat down.
Saiki forced him back down, "It's okay. You're tired and I don't think you've eaten today, I'll... get you something." Saiki rummaged through the cupboards, trying to find something for him to eat. The sound of Saiki going through his kitchen, and probably making him something, was relaxing and he was actually kinda hungry.

Earlier, Nendou was the only one who had ramen and the smell made Hasegawa's stomach jealous. The clattering of a plate in front of him made him open his eyes and lean forward, 'Onigiri?'
          "Yeah. Sorry it's nothing fancy but you had leftover rice in the fridge, I hope you don't mind."
'Not at all! Come eat with me!' He dragged Saiki down on the couch and they ate together.


Akemi came home to find Hiro giggling behind his phone, taking pictures of something in the couch. A few steps closer and she saw her son passed out on the couch, gripping the hem of Saiki's uniform, who seemed to have fallen asleep sitting up with Kei's head in his lap. Hiro also pointed out that Biscuit, who has never slept on strangers, has curled up on Kusuo's shoulder.
"I'm glad he seems to be doing well now."
"Yeah, me too." Akemi and Hiro said in hushed whispers, not wanting to break the trance the three kids were under.

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