(10) Get Ready For The Sports Festival

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Izuku's POV:

"You guys! Did you watch the news last night?!" Hagakure asked.

"Yeah." Ojiro answered.

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bed no one noticed me hanging out in the background." Hagakure sulked.

"Probably not." Shoji said.

"It was difficult to stand out when you were just gloves." Ojiro said.

"We're totally big deals. Those news channels love us. We're basically celebrities." Kaminari said.

"Yeah that's 'kinda crazy right?!" Kirishima said.

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps up pros was attacked. And that's what they care about." Jiro said.

The doors suddenly opened, and Kuu-Chan walked in looking sleep-deprived.

"Hey Kusu! You were amazing at the USJ! You beat that villain all by yourself!" Kirishima yelled.

"Yeah! If it wasn't for you, we would've died!" Sato said.

"Don't say that! I'm 'gonna pee myself just thinking about it!" Mineta said.

"Would you shut up." Kuu-Chan said and banged his head on his desk and buried his face in his arms.

"Hey are you okay? You look tired." I asked worried.

"Dad hasn't come back home yet." He mumbled.

"Oh no! Don't worry though. I bet he's just resting in the hospital." Uraraka said.

"He's probably mad at me for almost getting him killed." He said.

"I see, so your blaming yourself. You shouldn't! B-because he would've died without you!" I said.

"If I wasn't just standing there, he didn't have to save me." He stated.

"He saved you because he cared for you. Why would he be mad at you if he chose to do it?" Kirishima stated.

"And you saved us!" Hagakure said.

He sighed and looked up a bit.

"Attention! Home room class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!" Iida said running while chopping the air.

"Uhh. We're all sitting." Kirishima said.

"Yeah. You're the only standing." Kaminari said.

"Dang it." Iida said.

"Don't sweat it." Uraraka said.

"Hey Tsu? Who do you think is 'gonna teach class today?" Ashido asked.

"No idea. Like Kusuo said, Mr. Aizawa hasn't come back from the hospital." Asu-TSU, said.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Mr.Aizawa.

"Morning class." He said.

Before anyone could say anything, Kuu-Chan flew faster than ever and hugged Mr.Aizawa, surprising everyone.

Kusuo's POV:

I hugged Dadzawa tightly, ignoring his injuries. (And the stares)

"Why didn't you come back home?! Did you escape from the hospital?! Are you moving out?! Are you disowning me like my old parents?! Do you hate me?! Answer me!" I yelled while crying a bit.

"Ouch ouch. You're breaking my bones. To answer your questions. I just got out of the hospital. No I didn't. I'm not, you can't take care of yourself. Not in a million years. And I don't hate you. And if you want to hug, not now." He stated.

I blinked and felt warmth rush to my face. I wiped my eyes from tears and speedwalked to my seat while looking down.

"Aww. You're blushing. Don't need to be embarassed." Ashido said.

"It is a completely normal thing to do, especially if you were worried about someone you care about." Yaoyorozu said.

"You look cute when you blush." Hagakure said.

"Like a petite virgin highschool boy." Mineta said drooling.


"Shut up." I said.

"Tsundere." Everyone said, causing me to glare at them.

"Enough. You're wasting time. What's important is that your fight isn't over yet." He said.

""What fight?!"" Everyone asked.

"The UA sports festival's about to start." He deadpanned.

"Yes!" Eiji celebrated.

""Ugh! Why would you scare us like that!"" Everyone said.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Eiji yelled.

"Wait a second." Kaminari interrupted.

"Is it really a good idea to hold a sports festival so soon after the villain snuck inside?" Jiro asked.

"They could attack once we're all in the same place." Ojiro said.

"Apparantly the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, their beefing up security, compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students in UA. It's not something we can cancel just because of a few villains." Dadzawa stated.

"I-I'm sorry but why not? It's just a sports festival." Mineta stated.

"That's not exactly true." I said while resting my chin on my hand.

"Mineta? Don't you know how important this competition is?" Izuku asked.

"Of course I do. I just don't 'wanna get murdered." He said.

"Getting murdered is my least concern. What I'm worried about is accidentally murdering someone." I stated bluntly, causing most of the class to sweat.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the olympic games. But then quirks started appearing. Now the olympics have drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competion, there's only one tournament that matters. The UA sports festival." Dadzawa said.

"That's right. And top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted!" Yaoyorozu said.

"Sure, unless you're dead." Mineta said.

"She's right. After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick!" Kaminari said.

"Yeah but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go and they stay eternal sidekicks. Actually, that's probably where you're headed. You're 'kinda dumb." She deadpanned.

"It's true that joining a family's hero agency could garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you 'wanna go pro one day, then this event could open a path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a life time. No aspiring hero could afford to miss this festival. That's why you better not slack off on your training." He said.

""Yes sir."" Everyone said.

"Class is dismissed."

Time Skip

The bell rang, and our literature class was over.

"That villains stuff suck, sure. But I'm pumped for these games!" Eiji yelled with enthusiasm.

"We put on a good show, and we're basically on our road to being pros!" Sero said.

"This why I'm even here in the first place!" Sato said.

"We get so few chances. We have to make the most of this." Tokoyami said.

I was taking a nap on my desk when someone suddenly called my name.

"Deku! Iida! Kusuo! Kirishima! Do your best in the sports festival." Uraraka said as she emitted a purple aura.

"Uraraka. What happened to your face?!" Izuku asked.

"Yeah! I sure will!" Eiji yelled.

"I'm trying to sleep..." I mumbled.

"Seriously, like what's up? You're usually the most layed back girl ever." Ashido said.

"Everyone! I'm 'gonna do my best!" Uraraka yelled.

""Yeah!"" Everyone yelled.

She turned to her left and said again.

"I said! I'm 'gonna do my best!" She yelled.

""Got it..."" Everyone said less passionate.

I sighed heavily and slept.

Time Skip

We stared at the door where a crowd of students were gathered.

"Why the heck are you all here?!" Uraraka asked.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asked.

"Why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!" Mineta said.

"Their scouting out the competetion, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see us with their own eyes." Bakugou arrogantly said while walking towards the doorway.

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it extras." Bakugou said.

""You can't just say stuff like that!"" Everyone said.

"Why do you think are they here?" Eiji asked me.

"Honestly. I don't know. I just want to get out of here to sleep. I haven't slept in a day and a half." I grumbled.

"Seriously?! You must be really tired then." Eiji said.

"So this is class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive. But you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional? Or just you?" A boy with purple hair said.

He kind of reminded me of Dadzawa since they acted sleep-deprived.

"I'm sad to come here and find a bunch of ego-maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course. But like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around. But I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competetion? Maybe some of my peers are. But I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this as a declaration of war." He said.

"Could you please move? I just want to go home and sleep forever." I said.

"Hm? And who are you?" He asked.

""He's the most powerful in our class!"" My classmates said. I gave them my demonic glare making them pale.

"So you're the strongest." He said.

"So what if I am? Just move please." I asked.

"I heard in the news. You're your teacher's son, right? Kusuo Aizawa. It was said that you defeated a villain that was supposed to be stronger than All Might. I'm kind of skeptical about that. Surely no first year would be able to overpower All Might. We'll see how strong you really are in the festival." He said.

"Whatever." I said and walked away.

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