Running Endlessly

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I yelled out.

Last week my cousin was captured and arrested by the Israeli government, for stabbing an Israeli soldier near Al_aqsa mosque.

When I found out I was proud of him, yet I was terrified!
Terrified of what would happen to him when they capture him.

You see the numbers of those who succeed in doing such a thing and get away with it are limited.
So it wasn't a surprise that they found him and arrested him.

After 2 days I bribed a guard to let me see him.
I hardly recognized him, he was in such a mess, his whole face was covered in blood, and his cell was a small room with nothing but a toilet in the corner, and a metal bed with no cover.

I felt angry, he wasn't just a cousin to me! he was my brother, my best friend, they can't do this to him!
I felt torn inside, I felt angry and I got furious, it was like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

I ran out of the jail.
I swore that I would make them pay, I had to do something, I just couldn't let them get away with it.

That's why I did what I did.
I made a bomb and threw it at a group of soldiers and ran away.

It blew up and they were all murdered, the smoke filled the air to cover up my track as I ran away.

I kept running till I reached an old friend's house, I knocked on his door seconds later he showed up, I pushed him in and closed the door.

"What is it, man? what happened to you??"
I took a moment to breathe then I looked up at him and said.

" You are NOT gonna believe what I just did"
I told him all about what had happened to my cousin and what I just did! he was shocked, to say the least.

" Oh man, you must be out of your mind, what about your family? your wife and kids, aren't you worried about what they would do to them if they couldn't find you?"

My wife and kids?
Oh my God, I forgot all about that!

Those Israeli dogs won't show them any mercy if they found out it was me, oh my Allah please protect them.

" I have to go now, I need to make sure they are safe "
I said as I ran out of my friend's house to go save my family.

When I got there our house was destroyed, it was just a bunch of rocks, and my wife and kids were nowhere to be found...

I fell to my knees as my tear did. I could not believe it!!
No, I refused to.
they must have made out... they can't be!

I screamed out at the top of my lungs.

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