Next morning, sun's bright light touched the face of the agnijaa, and she slowly opened her lotus shaped eyes and saw nakul behind her and his angvastra wrapped around her. Nakul too woke up.
"Don't you feel cold?" She asked. He left a smile and left. "Such a weird man!"
They both are ready after taking dip in river. This evening they reached the temple and took blessings from jagat-daaatri Mata.
Next day, They reached indraprastha.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I? I am champakmala, people calls me champa and champaka out of love. You can call me from any name you want, my mother name is surekha and father..." mischief sparkled in her voice, but she looked soft and pure hearted girl.
"I didn't asked your whole family introduction, just tell why you are here instead of chandana?" She asked firmly.
"Oh... I am at the place of her for some days." She said.
"Let me remove your ornaments Kumari..."
Days went like these, but there was no change in the situation of drakul. Champa and draupadi can talk frankly now with each other.
At one night,
When champa was removing jewelry from her hairs, a question popped up in her mind.
"Rajkumari, if you allow so, I want to ask you something." She pressed her lips out of nervousness. She nods.
"Should we believe what we hear?" She said. The curtains were wavering due to cold air of marghashirsha month.
"Absolutely not champa." She responded.
"So why do you believe what Chandana tells?" She said while braiding her hair.
"Because I belive her." She said.
"It's called blind faith Kumari, You will know his desires only when you try to know him. Not everyone is the same." Champa said. Draupadi escaped a sigh.
"Then why did he agreed for the wedding?" Draupadi said.
"Just as you agreed to the marriage, so did Kumar. Just as it is mandatory for you to obey your parents, similarly Kumar too could not ignore his mother's words. Just as your father did not seek your permission, similarly his mother also did not consider it necessary to seek his permission." Champa said.
"But why are you taking his side?" Draupadi asks and stand up facing champa with a firm glare. Champa lowered her eyes and clutched her fingers.
"K..ku...Kumari I.. I'm not taking anyone's s...side. I just want you to see the truth. I've seen him crying in solitude. It's not his fault yet he still suffers your hatred. He respects your feelings and respects you too. He always understands your situation. These are the qualities of a great man. Recall what shree krishna advised you.." champa said. Draupadi recalled that moment of her talk with govind.
"Govind!! I don't want this marriage to happen! This will snatch my freedom!!" She sobbed. Shree krishna wiped draupadi's tears.
"Believe me, everything happens for a reason." Shree krishna holds draupadi's hands.
This echoed in draupadi's ears and the scene came infront of her eyes.
Champa heard the footsteps, nakul is coming.
"I will take your leave."
Nakul and Draupadi were lying. The curtains were blowing in air. The wind was touching the face of yagyaseni, she was drowned in thoughts. It's been six months to their wedding, still they didn't had even one conversation properly. Was champa right? Draupadi thought. She fell in deep slumber while thinking. "Oh govind!" She muttered in sleep.
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