At least Keep Calling Me

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I just realized that I am going to graduate in June and then I'll be going to high school. So scary!!!!

Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Oh? Me two"I said.

"Must be a coincidence"Alicia said shrugging as we got in line.

We walked over to the guns as I grabbed the gun that Alicia showed me.

"Okay this is somewhat freaky you have the same weapon"Alicia said out of nowhere.

"Maybe it is just chance"?I said more like a question.

"Maybe"Alicia said as she began to shoot the target.

I shot the target as I hit the target the exact same way I did before.

I guess this is going to repeat............


Alicia's POV

I woke up to feel my back on grass. I opened my eyes to see a worried Eric looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Are you okay"?!Eric asked worried and panicking.

"I'm fine"I said as I sat up.

"What happened"?I asked confused.

"You passed out from blood lose and Rose had to get you out"Eric explained.

"I'm sorry"I said to Rose as I looked away from her.

"It's okay at least I know more about where you came from"Rose said shrugging the whole experience off.

"Weren't you scared of me"?I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, yeah you scared the hell out of me I thought I was going to die when I first saw you"Rose said with a snort.

"Then how did you get me to trust you. Afterall I was my old version I didn't remember everything that has happened"I asked.

"When it kept repeating we were the only ones who remembered so that was enough proof to get you to trust me"Rose explained.

"That kinda made sense"I said as someone coughed.

I looked behind me to see father there with his arms folded.

"H-hi father"I said as he gave me a look.

Uh oh he is pissed.......

"What have I told you about making pacts on earth"?Father asked.

"To not make them because I'm not supposed to be connected to earth"I answer as he walked up to me.

"I can't change anything now so your lucky and I also know that I can't kill him. So at least promise me something"Father said as I nodded.

"Can you at least kept calling me father. And can you find it in your heart to forgive me"?Father said as I stood up.

I walked up to him as I looked up at him. I then hugged him.

"Even after everything you've done to me I'll still call you father. You'll always be a better father than my real one"I said as he hugged me back.

"Thank you"Father said as we pulled apart from our hug.

"I should be going now I have hell to fix"Father said as I was about to wave.

"Oh, Xerus before I go I have something to tell you"Father said as he looked at me.

"I know where your mother and father lives"Father said as I tensed slightly.

"When did you find this out"?I asked as Eric noticed my tension.

"I found out a long time ago but I knew you would kill them so I never told you. Since you have a mate now I know you won't be that reckless. I just think it would help if you went to them and showed them what you did and what you are" Father said as Eric held my hand.

Suddenly the tension in my faded and I was completely calm.

"Thank you"I said to father as he nodded.

Next thing I knew he was gone. I thought I would have felt anger at my parents but since Eric was holding my hand it didn't come.

I saw a object fall out of the sky as I picked it up. It had my family's address.

I softly chuckled,"They're still living in the same house."

"That's where they live"?Eric asked as I nodded.

"Even though I was young when they took me, my family made sure we knew the address we lived in so they made it into a song"I said subconsciously smiling.

"How about we go meet them, after all it might make you feel better"Eric said as I looked up at the sky.

"Sure let's do that"I said as I faced home smiling slightly.

"Let's go then"Eric said as he put me in a bridal position.

"Eh?"I said as he smirked.

"We're going right now"Eric said smiling brightly.

He quickly ran off as I saw Rose wave us off.

"Hey don't you think it is a good idea for me to heal up first"?I asked as he shrugged.

The next thing I knew, we were already at the house. I felt my body tense up immediately at the sight of my house. Knowing that I'll meet the people I was supposed to 'family' made me nervous.

I noticed my hand getting warming as I looked at it. I saw Eric holding my hand. The sparks went up my arm as he continued to hold my hand. All my nervousness vanished as I looked at Eric. He was smiling softly at me as I felt my face heat up slightly.

I knocked on the door and waited for a answer. Suddenly the door opened and I noticed a middle aged woman open the door. I noticed some bruises on her arm. She also looked like she was crying.

"We are busy at the moment so can you please leave"She said as I faintly remembered her voice.

It was barely recognizable but it was there. Under all the shed tears and the weakened state she was in.

I cleared my throat as I straightened my posture.

"Are you Ellie Clemons perhaps"?I asked trying to stay calm.

"Yes, why do you ask"?She asked as I tensed up slightly.

"Well we found one of your daughters, Alicia Clemons"I said with a straight face.

She looked at me with shock but it was quickly replaced with fear.

"Whatever you do don't bring her to us, her father....forced me to let them take her! Ever since, he has been drinking with the money we got and has been abusing me! Don't let her come here"!She begged as I looked at her in pure shock.

"Hey bitch are you done with the person at the door"!A familiar voice that I remember as he walked out into our sight.

"They were just about to leave dear"she said sweetly but I knew it was a lie.

"Well hurry it up!"He said as he walked away.

"Well it was nice to hear about my daughter but do you know where her sister is?"My mother asked as my heart began to ache.

I couldn't dare bring up my sister without tears threatening to come down. Luckily Eric noticed and took the lead.

"Her whereabouts are still not find but our group is still trying to find her whereabouts"Eric said as I saw my mom look frown.

"Thank you for telling me but you need to leave now otherwise he will be mad"She said as Eric nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want us to call the cops"?I asked as she shook her head.

"No I'm fine-"She was cut off as he came back.

I noticed that he had a beer bottle in his right hand.

"Hey! Why aren't you done"!He ordered.

"They were just about to leave"She said as she looked at us again.

"Bye"She said as she closed the door.

"Should we help her"?Eric asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know I'm at this thing where I am confused on how I feel. I'm still mad at her but I feel bad knowing that she gave me up otherwise she'd be hurt. I just don't know"I said as I turned away from the house.

Next thing I heard was a scream and I quickly turned around. I bursted through the door and I was shocked at what I saw.

There were broken bottles on the floor, vases smashed into little pieces. Blood on the walls that seemed dry, as well as on the floor.

I heard another scream as I raced to the scream. I saw my mother holding her eye as I saw my dad holding a broken bottle. I felt anger rise inside my chest, I thought about killing him but Eric held my hand tightly. I looked at him as he shook his head, telling me that it wasn't a good idea.

I sighed knowing he was right, so I walked towards my mother. My dad noticed me, he dropped the bottle as fear replaced his eyes.

"It isn't what it looks like"!He said quickly as he picked my mom up.

"See she is fine! We were just pretending, we were acting that's all"He said as he covered my moms eyes.

"I don't think so because I saw you hit her with the bottle"I said as I noticed that he went two shades whiter from me figuring it out.

" Let go of my mom-uh your wife"I said as he looked at me as his eyes widened in shock and my mom looked shocked as well.

"Your mother? No you can't be our daughter I sold her and her sister away"!He said as I heard Eric growl.

"So it was you after all! I had my suspicions, because I thought her mom sold her away as well but now I know it was all you"!Eric said as his eyes started to glow.

"A w-w-werewolf"!My dad said in fear as I licked my lips.

" Your forgetting me too"!I said pretending to pout.

I let my wings out as I smiled with no feelings in it. His eyes widened even further because he realized who I am.

"That place you sold me to was a experimental facility that wanted to see if humans can be turned into demons"I said with a wicked smirk.

He turned as pale as he can be as he figured out that he made a terrible mistake all those years before. I always wanted to see their reactions to seeing the new me but this was even better than I expected.

I was a little sad to know I can't kill him but I can still have revenge. I ran up to him as I held him by his neck. He let go of my mom as he winced in pain.

"Gahhh"!He said in pain as I smiled.

I noticed Eric coming up to me with his eyes glowing.

"I got this"Prime said as I let go.

I nodded as I walked away from them. I got my mom up from her sitting on the floor. She was still in shock at what just happened.

"Wait, you can't be my daughter. It's been 19 years since I last saw her"She said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Well for like 9 years I was being trained to kill people, then 5 years I was killing people and the other 4 was when I was a demon so I have had a busy life"I said laughing awkwardly.

Eric came up to me as he smiled about something.

"What are you smiling about"?I asked as he smirked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out"!He said as I glared at him.

"Oh, is he what you call mate"?She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, he's the main reason why I'm here talking to you"I said as I noticed him smile.

"Nice to meet you I'm Eric Navarro, Alicia's boyfriend"He said as he placed his hand out in front of him.

"Nice to meet, I hope you take good care of her and if I ever hear you punched her. You'll never see the sunlight or have kids"She said as Eric paled slightly.

"Y-yes m-m-ma'am"Eric stuttered as I laughed.

"What's so funny"?He asked as I smiled slightly.

"You're not scared of rogues that can kill you, but your scared of my mom"?I said as he blushed slightly.

"Well, yeah because I can protect myself but with your mother I can't do anything"Eric said as my mom laughed softly.

"That is true, and also Alicia, I am so sorry! I couldn't do anything at the time! Your father would abuse me if I didn't obey with what he wanted"My mom said as tears threatened to fall.

"I'll give you one chance because of my asshole of father's actions"I said as she hugged me.

"Thank you so much"!My mom said as I felt the joy radiate off of her.

"No problem but we should leave"I said as she got off.

"But where can I go? I have no where but here to call'home'"My mom said.

"You could live in our pack house"Eric said as she looked at him.

"But, won't I be a burden"?My mom asked as he shook his head.

"No, you won't be a burden, I want to help you at, that's all"Eric said smiling as my mom's eyes glistened.

"Okay I'll come"My mom said as I smiled slightly.

"That reminds me"!My mom said suddenly as she looked at me.

"I need to thank the person who took care of you while I was in the house. Who is it that I should thank"?My mom asked.

"Well, the person who raised me was satan, so you won't be able to talk to him. He's very busy trying to fix hell because of treason"I explained as she gasped.

"You were taken in by satan''!She said surprised.

"Yeah, because he was watching over me to see if I could become his daughter"I said as I put my wings back.

"We should get going, we don't want to get caught"Eric said as I nodded.

"let's go"I said as we began to walk.

We walked outside to see reporters coming around and surrounding us.

"What happened"

"Why did I hear screams"?

"Who is this man besides you"?

Questions were asked left to right about what has just occurred.

"We would love to answer your questions, but we need to hurry because she is very traumatized at what happened"I said as I stood in front of my mom and Eric.

We pushed our way passed the reporters as Eric growled softly. I grabbed his hand as he calmed down.

When we were passed the the reporters we quickened our speed to lose them. We went into the forest as the reporters lost us. We stopped for a minute so my mom could catch her breath.

"How did the reporters know what happened? We didn't call the police"I said to myself as I heard a branch snap.

"Who's there"!I shouted as I got my trident out and got into a fighting stance.



Finally it's finished! I had some problems trying to finish this chapter cause I had no inspiration what's so ever. 

But it's done!

Also I want to thank everyone because we almost have 8k reads!! I never thought I could get some many people to read this!  I just thought I would get like 5 people to read this cause I didn't think I wrote the beginning good but it seems like you guys enjoyed it!

So thank you for reading this story even though my writing schedule is terrible!

I hope everyone enjoyed and I see you in the next chapter!

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