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"BITCHHHHHH" Yelped Katya as she burst through the apartment door and plopped down next to her best friend.
"Wha-" Adore didn't have time to respond before she was interrupted again
Adore stared at the blonde with a look of confusion
"What? What do you mean?"
"Bitch are you deaf?! I said we are moving to New York"

"Well no shit Sherlock but I meant WHY" adore chuckled
"Well I may have gotten us an internship at Amaze magazine" the Russian responded with a wide grin
"But I don't even wanna work in fash-"
"Yeah but you want your mom to stop telling you to get off your ass and find a job right? Well, you can still play gigs in New York, AND you can do the internship during the day so your mom will get off your ass about being productive!" Katya explained.

"Fuck, when did you get so smart?"
- - -  - -
Less than two weeks later, the pair were on an airplane to New York from California, ready to start a new chapter in their lives.

"I actually can't believe you convinced  me to do this. So what magazine are we working for again?" Adore asked as she turned to her best friend. "It's called Amaze, it's run by Bianca Del Rio, she's like a multi-millionaire entrepreneur"
"Oh fuck, party. Is there someone picking us up or do we have to go somewhere?"
"Yes, there's a driver who is waiting for us, and two other interns from Texas or some shit and we start tomorrow. Why so many questions?" Katya asked as she mindlessly looked out the airplane window
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you literally just said we are moving to New York for an internship at a fashion magazine and didn't tell me anything else" Adore said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Ok let me catch you up then, I filled out internship applications, sent in both of our resumes and photos. And a few days later someone from Amaze called me and emailed me all of the information" Katya explained.
"Thanks for asking beforehand" Adore joked. The girls chuckled and continued watching their movie until they reached New York.
- - - - -
The girls arrived in New York and soon met up with a driver, and the two other interns from Texas, Pearl and Violet. They soon got along after talking the whole car ride to the apartment building in front of them.

They exited the car and were greeted by a tall, blonde woman who was wearing a white jumpsuit with heels, holding a clip board. 

"Hi! I'm Brooke Lynn! I work for Human Resources at Amaze and I'm here to help y'all get all settled in your apartments" she greeted.  Brooke Lynn looked at her clip board once again before continuing "alright so as I can see here, violet and pearl have one apartment since it says that you are in a relationship, correct?" The two girls blushed and nodded shyly. "And Adore and yekat-" "katya, just call me Katya" the Russian corrected.  Brooke Lynn smiled and continued "adore and Katya, you are in different apartments! So I'm gonna go get the keys from the lobby and I will be right back". As the blonde walked inside the big, luxurious building adore turned to her best friend. "Separate apartments?! I don't know if I'll make it. Can't we just share?" She whined "hey. remember we are gonna be in the same building and they are letting us live here for free so stop complaining" Katya warned.

Brooke Lynn shortly returned speaking on the phone. "No court, the fucking dumbass at the desk said they wouldn't be ready until tomorrow" she spoke into the iPhone " Trixie and I can take them and get the settled into a hotel for tonight, but I need you here to take one because trixie and I can only take three in one car" she mumbled a few more things before hanging up and facing the girls once again.

"Sorry guys, looks like your apartments won't be ready until tomorrow. I just called Courtney who is the head of HR and she is on her way to get you guys settled in a hotel for the night" she explained. Violet, pearl, Katya, and adore nodded understandingly.

The group made small talk until a black car pulled up and another blonde woman got out. "Hey girls" she greeted with a strong Australian accent "I'm courtney, I'm the head of HR at amaze! I'm deeply sorry for this whole apartment mishap, but not to worry! Brooke Lynn and Trixie will be more than happy to get you guys settled in a hotel for the night" Brooklyn nodded as a curvy blonde girl came running down the street "I'm here, always late I'm so sorry! I'm Trixie, Courtney's assistant!" She spoke.

"so Trixie and I will drive three of you to the hotel, one of you will go with court" Brooke began.  "You take violet, pearl, and Katya. I will take Adore" Courtney stated. "Alright lets get going then!".
The group separated, most walking down the street to Trixie's car, while Adore followed Courtney into the black bmw in front of them. 
"So Adore, tell me a little bit about yourself" Courtney inquired
"Well, I'm a Libra, I grew up in California all of my life, and I love to play music and sing!" The pink haired girl smiled
"Really? I sing too! Maybe we can sing together sometime!" The blonde said "sure that'd be great!".

The pair pulled up to a massive apartment building.
"I know you were expecting to stay at a hotel, but the CEO has a much nicer place that you can stay at instead!"  Courtney grinned. "Are you sure? I don't want to disturb her!"  "Oh, none sense! She'd be more than happy to take you in for the night! Just go to the receptionist and tell her you're here to see Ms. Bianca Del Rio

- - - - - -
Hey guys,

Remember me? The girl who said she'd post this chapter ages ago? So sorry about that!!! But to make up for it I'm posting chapter 3 later (IM SERIOUS THIS TIME) and I have a one shot ready to go for my other fic! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! In the next one Bianca and adore will finally meet so get excited!!!

-Izzy 🤠

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